2011 Sessions for Chris Fawson

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 12G*
The Political Economy of Health Care Reform


Roberta Herzberg, Utah State University

Session Chairs:

Roberta Herzberg, Utah State University


"Changing Incentives Structures in American Health Care Provision: The Effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2010"
Roberta Herzberg, Utah State University (Contact Author)
Chris Fawson, Utah State University

"From Strict Liability to Regulation: Interventionism in the American Medical Industry"
Diana W. Thomas, Utah State University (Contact Author)

"Has the Price of Medical Care Increased? The Case of Prescription Drugs"
Jeremy Horpedahl, Buena Vista University (Contact Author)

"Justifying Universal Healthcare in Terms of Information Asymmetries: An Historical Survey"
Michael David Thomas, Utah State University (Contact Author)


Michael David Thomas, Utah State University
Jeremy Horpedahl, Buena Vista University
Diana W. Thomas, Utah State University
Chris Fawson, Utah State University


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