2011 Sessions for Robert M. Schmidt

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 14H
Disability Programs and Employment


John V. Pepper, University of Virginia

Session Chairs:

John V. Pepper, University of Virginia


"Cohort Trends in Employment and Use of Work Incentives for Participants in the Supplemental Security Income Program"
Yonatan Ben-Shalom, Mathematica Policy Research (Contact Author)
David Stapleton, Center for Studying Disability Policy

"The Effect of Vocation Rehabilitation for People with Mental Illness"
David H. Dean, University of Richmond
John V. Pepper, University of Virginia
Robert M. Schmidt, University of Richmond
Steven Stern, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"The Earnings and Program Participation of SSI Recipients Who Medically Improve"
Jeffrey Hemmeter, Social Security Administration (Contact Author)
Shelley Stegman, Social Security Administration


Andrew Houtenville, University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability
Maximilian Schmeiser, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Hugo Benitez-Silva, Stony Brook University


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