2011 Sessions for Luis Gonzalez

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 20C
Postsecondary Education I

Session Chairs:

Jay Walker, The University of Memphis


"Do In-State Tuition Benefits Affect the Enrollment of Non-Citizens? Evidence from Universities in Texas"
Lisa Dickson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Contact Author)
Matea Pender, Optimal Solutions Group, LLC

"Does Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities Affect College Completion?"
Xueyu Cheng, Alabama State University (Contact Author)

"An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship Between Student Earnings and Postsecondary Retention"
Darshak Patel, Roanoke College (Contact Author)
Christopher Jepsen, University of Kentucky
Kenneth R. Troske, University of Kentucky

"The Effects of HOPE on Post-Schooling Retention in the Georgia Workforce"
David L. Sjoquist, Georgia State University
John Winters, University of Cincinnati (Contact Author)

"Greeks Just Want to Have Fun, or Do They? Fraternal Membership and College Outcomes"
Jay Walker, The University of Memphis (Contact Author)


John Winters, University of Cincinnati
Xueyu Cheng, Alabama State University
Lisa Dickson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Youngok Lim, Drew University
Luis Gonzalez, Valdosta State University


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4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 07I
Early Education

Session Chairs:

Luis Gonzalez, Valdosta State University


"Child Support Payment and Early Educational Outcomes"
Lynn MacDonald, St. Cloud State University (Contact Author)
Li Feng, Texas State University-San Marcos

"The Influence of Pre-Kindergarten Experiences on Kindergarten Skills Among Children of Immigrants"
Alison Jacknowitz, American University (Contact Author)
Jill Cannon, Public Policy Institute of California
Lynn Karoly, RAND Corporation

"The Impacts of Parental Involvement and School Spending on Elementary Education"
Luis Gonzalez, Valdosta State University (Contact Author)


Lynn MacDonald, St. Cloud State University
Echu Liu, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Douglas Campbell, The University of Memphis


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