2011 Sessions for Tanya Molodtsova

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 23A
Exchange Rates and Currency Markets

Session Chairs:

Sanglim Lee, University of Connecticut


"The Forward Discount Puzzle and Currency Trading Volume"
John Boschen, College of William & Mary (Contact Author)

"Exchange Rates and Survey-Based Expectations"
Onur Ince, Appalachian State University (Contact Author)
Tanya Molodtsova, Emory University

"Currency Excess Return and the International Business Cycle"
Sanglim Lee, University of Connecticut (Contact Author)


Onur Ince, Appalachian State University
John Boschen, College of William & Mary
Michael Jetter, Universidad EAFIT


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 24G
Foreign Direct Investment

Session Chairs:

Daniel Riera-Crichton, Bates College


"The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: A Sensitivity Analysis Using Panel Data"
Arun Sarkar, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Contact Author)

"Portfolio Diversification and the Cross-Sectional Distribution of Foreign Investment"
Alexandra Tabova, Federal Reserve Board (Contact Author)

"The Output Effects of Gross Foreign Investment Reversals"
Daniel Riera-Crichton, Bates College (Contact Author)
Thorsten Janus, University of Wyoming

"Total Factor Productivity, Foreign Direct Investment, and Entry Barriers in Chinese Automobile Industry"
Li Su, The University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)
Firat Demir, The University of Oklahoma

"What Really Determines China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investments?"
Ilan Alon, Rollins College
Tanya Molodtsova, Emory University (Contact Author)
Jian Zhang, The World Bank


Alexandra Tabova, Federal Reserve Board
Arun Sarkar, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Li Su, The University of Oklahoma
Tanya Molodtsova, Emory University
Dennis Pearson, Austin Peay State University


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