2011 Sessions for Cynthia A. Bansak

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 15D
Gender Differences in Earnings and Employment: Are the Times A-Changin'?


Martha A. Starr, American University

Session Chairs:

Aparna Mitra, The University of Oklahoma


"Are We There Yet? Women's to Men's Earnings Gap in the 21st Century"
Jennifer Cheeseman Day, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)

"The Intersection of Labor Economics and EEO Law"
Robert M. LaJeunesse, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Contact Author)
Elvira Sisolak, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

"Gender and the 2007-09 Recession: Looking Within the Household"
Martha A. Starr, American University (Contact Author)

"Business Cycles and Gender Diversification: An Analysis of Staffing Patterns by Industry and Firm Size"
Cynthia A. Bansak, St. Lawrence University (Contact Author)
Mary Graham, Clarkson University
Allan Zebedee, Clarkson University


Heidi Hartmann, Institute for Women's Policy Research
Emcet Tas, American University
Edward N. Gamber, Lafayette College
Phanindra V. Wunnava, Middlebury College


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4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 21I*
Unauthorized Immigrant Workers


Julie L. Hotchkiss, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Session Chairs:

M. Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


"The Wage Impact of Undocumented Workers"
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Contact Author)
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

"The Impact of Mandated Employment Verification Systems on Labor Market Outcomes: Does E-Verify Affect Hiring Practices?"
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University (Contact Author)
Cynthia A. Bansak, St. Lawrence University

"What Are the Effects of State Level Legislation Against the Hiring of Unauthorized Immigrants?"
Sarah Bohn, Public Policy Institute of California (Contact Author)
Magnus Lofstrom, Public Policy Institute of California
Steven Raphael, University of California, Berkeley

"Differential Monopsony Power, CES Production Functions, and the Substitutability of Low-Skilled Workers"
Todd Sorensen, University of California, Riverside (Contact Author)


Sue K. Stockly, Eastern New Mexico University
Mark Hugo Lopez, Pew Hispanic Center
J. David Brown, U.S. Census Bureau


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20J*
Interactive Enhancements in the Economics Classroom


Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky


Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky


Mary Kassis, University of West Georgia "Brainstorming - Discussion Activity in the ……. Class"

William J. Smith, University of West Georgia "Excel and the Central Limit Theorem: An Interactive Demonstration"

Suchandra Basu, Rhode Island College "Co-operate and Learn? Using Interactive Teaching to Motivate Data Analysis in Macro Principles Courses"

Shawn Humphrey, University of Mary Washington "La Ceiba: Bridging the Gap Between the Theory and Practice of Microfinance"

Hilde Patron-Boenheim, University of West Georgia "The Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Policies on Economics Outcomes: A Classroom Activity Using Mankiw's "Presidential Game""

Cynthia A. Bansak, St. Lawrence University "The Fed Challenge: An Innovation in Cooperative Learning"

Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College "The Fed Challenge: An Innovation in Cooperative Learning"


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