2011 Sessions for Subal Kumbhakar

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 17D
FDI, Exports, and Economic Growth


Brandon J. Sheridan, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

Brandon J. Sheridan, University of Kentucky


"Manufacturing Exports and Growth: When Is a Developing Country Ready to Transition from Primary Exports to Manufacturing Exports?"
Brandon J. Sheridan, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"A Generalized Empirical Model of Corruption, Foreign Direct Investment, and Growth"
Michael S. Delgado, State University of New York
Subal Kumbhakar, Binghamton University (Contact Author)
Nadine McCloud, University of the West Indies

"FDI and Economic Growth: The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime"
Mila Kashcheeva, Clemson University (Contact Author)


Mila Kashcheeva, Clemson University
Michael S. Delgado, State University of New York
Brandon J. Sheridan, University of Kentucky


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