2011 Sessions for Omar Al-ubaydli

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 03J
Field Experiments


Cary A. Deck, University of Arkansas

Session Chairs:

Paul J. Ferraro, Georgia State University


"The Hidden Costs of Inducing Intrinsic Motivations"
Tanjim Hossain, University of Toronto (Contact Author)
King King Li, Max Planck Institute of Economics

"Carrots That Look Like Sticks: A Field Experiment on Multitasking Incentives"
Omar Al-ubaydli, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Steffen Andersen, Copenhagen Business School
Uri Gneezy, University of California, San Diego
John A. List, The University of Chicago

"The Impact of Credit Cards on Spending: A Field Experiment"
Elif Incekara-Hafalir, Carnegie Mellon University (Contact Author)
George Loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University

"Social Norms, Political Ideology and Extraction from Common Pool Resources: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment"
Paul J. Ferraro, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Toby Bolsen, Georgia State University
Juan Jose Miranda, Georgia State University




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