2011 Sessions for the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession

Session 18G Gender, Assets and Welfare Outcomes
Session 18H Health Outcomes and Occupational Advancement
Session 18I Women Economists in the Federal Government: Influencing Policy

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 18G
Gender, Assets and Welfare Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Mieke Meurs, American University


"Macroeconomics, Distribution and Human Development"
Stephanie Seguino, University of Vermont (Contact Author)

"Gender, Empowerment and Mobility of the Poor in Uganda"
Emcet Tas, American University (Contact Author)

"Women's Employment and Asset Ownership in Afghanistan, 2007-08"
Hazel Malapit, The World Bank (Contact Author)
Elena Bardasi, The World Bank

"Modeling Household Asset Allocation as Determined by Ownership, Risk Preferences, and Bargaining Power of Members Within the Household"
Marya Hillesland, American University (Contact Author)


Cheryl Doss, Yale University
Caren Grown, USAID


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 18H
Health Outcomes and Occupational Advancement

Session Chairs:

Shelley White-Means, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center


"To Switch or Not to Switch?"
Jill Kearns, East Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Son Preference, Female Autonomy, and Maternal Health in Rural India"
Sharmistha Self, Missouri State University (Contact Author)
Richard Grabowski, Southern Illinois University

"Teen Birth and STD Outcomes After Abstinence-Only Sex Education"
Sondra Collins, University of Southern Mississippi (Contact Author)

"Breastfeeding and Child Obesity"
Donna Rothstein, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Contact Author)

"Identifying the ‘Good Jobs’ Among the ‘Lousy’ Ones: Job Quality and Economic Independence of Welfare Users"
Hau Chyi, Xiamen University (Contact Author)
Orgul D. Ozturk, University of South Carolina


Steven Garasky, IMPAQ International, LLC
Wilhelmina Leigh, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies


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4:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 18I
Women Economists in the Federal Government: Influencing Policy


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas


Katharine Abraham, Council of Economic Advisers

Rachel Croson, Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation

Joyce Manchester, Health and Human Resources Division

Anne Polivka, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


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