2013 Sessions for Douglas A. Fox

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 18L
Wages, Race, and Job Satisfaction

Session Chairs:

Ceren Ertan Yoruk, Sage College of Albany


"The Relationship Between Wages and Time of Entry in Labor Market - Evidence from US"
T.M. Tonmoy Islam, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (Contact Author)

"Public Sector Employment and Earnings of Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan"
Douglas A. Fox, ERS Group (Contact Author)
Anna Nesterenko, ERS Group

"Estimating the Effect of Personality Traits on Black-White Gap"
Rifat Ozan Senturk, The University of Texas at Austin (Contact Author)

"Job Satisfaction of Young Employees: Do Supervisors' Race, Gender, and Age Matter?"
Ceren Ertan Yoruk, Sage College of Albany (Contact Author)

"The Impact of the ‘Great Recession’ on Time Use: A Comparative Analysis among Demographic Groups"
Daniel Kidane, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)


Daniel Kidane, Texas Tech University
T.M. Tonmoy Islam, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Douglas A. Fox, ERS Group
Rifat Ozan Senturk, The University of Texas at Austin
Hina Sahni, Northern Illinois University


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