2013 Sessions for Roberta Herzberg

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 05J
Economics of Education


Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia

Session Chairs:

Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia


"The Effects of For-Profit College Training on Earnings"
Anna Chung, The University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"Separate and Unequal in the Labor Market: School Quality and the Black-White Wage Gap"
Celeste K. Carruthers, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)
Marianne H. Wanamaker, The University of Tennessee

"Public Education and Parent Choice in Market Space That Is Dominated by Public Rent-Seeking"
Chris Fawson, Utah State University (Contact Author)
Roberta Herzberg, Utah State University


Ruben Jacobo-Rubio, The University of Georgia
Robert Toutkoushian, The University of Georgia
Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia


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