Sunday 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 16H Mothers' Impact on Child Outcomes |
Session Chairs: |
Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Bates College |
Papers: |
"Happy Mothers, Successful Children: Effects of Maternal Life Satisfaction on Child Outcomes" "Analysis of Maternal Employment and Child Care Arrangements on Early Childhood Health and Cognitive Development" "Son Preference and Gender Gaps in Child Nutrition: Does the Level of Female Autonomy Matter?" "The Effect of Plan B on Teen Abortions: Evidence from the 2006 FDA Ruling" |
Discussants: |
Dimitrios Nikolaou, Illinois State University |
Monday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 20K Labor Market Issues |
Session Chairs: |
Akbar Marvasti, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Papers: |
"More Battles Among Licensed Occupations: Estimating the Effects of Scope of Practice and Direct Access on the Chiropractic, Physical Therapist, and Physician Labor Market" "The Enigma of Race in Brazil: A Forensic Study of RAIS and PNAD Data" "The Effect of Changes in Maternity Leave Policy on Labor Market Outcomes for Females in Brazil" "An Analysis of Fatal Commercial Fishing Accidents" |
Discussants: |
John J. Perry, Centre College |