2013 Sessions for Toni Sipic

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 26D
Forests and Parks

Session Chairs:

Martina Vidovic, Rollins College


"Working with Ecology: Using the Allee Effect for Invasive Species (Control) Policy"
Shana M. McDermott, University of New Mexico (Contact Author)
David Finnoff, University of Wyoming

"Valuing Global Public Goods: A Delphi Contingent Valuation (CV) Survey of the Amazon Rainforest"
Ståle Navrud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Contact Author)
Jon Strand, Development Research Group, The World Bank

"'Friending' the National Parks: Determinants of Overcoming Collective Action Problems in Supporting National Parks"
Douglas S. Noonan, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (Contact Author)
Tracy Yandle, Emory University

"Forest Harvest Practices and Housing Values"
Toni Sipic, Central Washington University (Contact Author)
Matthew Novak, Central Washington University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 26F

Session Chairs:

J. Scott Holladay, The University of Tennessee


"Value of Life, Economics of"
Glenn C. Blomquist, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"Risk Preferences and Perceptions: The Case of Branded Gulf Oysters"
Daniel Petrolia, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)
Bill Walton, Auburn University

"Time Use Responses to Natural Disasters"
Brian Vander Naald, University of Alaska Southeast (Contact Author)
Toni Sipic, Central Washington University

"Economic Values of Coastal Erosion Management"
Craig E. Landry, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University


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