2013 Sessions for Michael Good

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 21A
Immigration, Trade, and Development

Session Chairs:

Michael Good, Florida International University


"Remittances, Institutions, and Inequality in Developing Nations"
Joshua Dennis Hall, The University of Tampa (Contact Author)
Karla Borja, University of Tampa

"The Linkage Between Foreign Direct Investment and International Migration"
Xu Xu, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (Contact Author)
Kevin Sylwester, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

"Immigration and International Trade: Evidence from Recent South Korean Experiences"
Chong-Uk Kim, Sonoma State University (Contact Author)
Gie Young Lim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

"FDI and Temporary or Permanent Immigration"
Dhimitri Qirjo, SUNY Plattsburgh (Contact Author)

"Reconsidering the Localized Pro-Trade Effect of Immigration with Generalized Propensity Scores: What Really Is the Marginal Contribution?"
Michael Good, Florida International University (Contact Author)


Dhimitri Qirjo, SUNY Plattsburgh
Joshua Dennis Hall, The University of Tampa
Xu Xu, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Azhar Iqbal, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
Christina Houseworth, Hobart and William Smith Colleges


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 04M
Labor Economics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University


"Why is BMI Negatively Correlated with Wages? New Evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Network"
Matthew Trombley, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Contact Author)

"Wage Gaps, Migration, and Development: A View from Both Sides of the Border"
Michael Good, Florida International University (Contact Author)

"From Refuge to Riches? An Analysis of Refugees’ Earnings Assimilation in the United States"
Animesh Giri, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Industrialization and Women’s Labor Time in South Africa"
Leanne Roncolato, American University (Contact Author)


David E. Frisvold, University of Iowa
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University
James T. Bang, St. Ambrose University
Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University


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