2013 Sessions for S. Elif Filiz

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 12K
Schooling and Student Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Sa An Bui, Cornell University


"Does Joining the Regular Program Generate Peer Effects?"
Sa An Bui, Cornell University (Contact Author)

"Dynamics of the Black-White Gap in Academic Achievement"
Ian McDonough, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)

"Mothers’ Involuntary Job Loss and Children’s Academic Achievement"
S. Elif Filiz, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)

"Public Education Financing Systems, Earnings Inequality, and Intergenerational Mobility"
Christopher Herrington, University of South Alabama (Contact Author)


Christopher Herrington, University of South Alabama
Nekeisha Spencer, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton
Ian McDonough, Southern Methodist University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 12L
Private and Charter Schools

Session Chairs:

Leslee Brooke Conaway, Georgia College & State University


"Georgia's Charter Amendment"
Leslee Brooke Conaway, Georgia College & State University (Contact Author)
Ben Scafidi, Georgia College & State University
Frank Stephenson, Berry College

"Teacher Attrition in Charter and Public Schools"
Lauren Calimeris, St. John Fisher College (Contact Author)

"Long-Run Effects of Catholic Schooling on Wages"
Nikhil Jha, University of Melbourne (Contact Author)
Cain Polidano, University of Melbourne

"Holding Deficient Schools Accountable: A Comparison of Charter and Traditional District Campuses"
Scott Milliman, James Madison University (Contact Author)
Robert Maranto, University of Arkansas


Scott Milliman, James Madison University
Sa An Bui, Cornell University
Lauren Calimeris, St. John Fisher College
S. Elif Filiz, Louisiana State University


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