2013 Sessions for Kristen Broady

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 19J
The Impact of Foreclosure and Housing Policy

Session Chairs:

Kristen Broady, Fort Valley State University


"African Americans, Payday Lenders, and the Foreclosure Crisis in Mississippi"
Kristen Broady, Fort Valley State University (Contact Author)

"Substituting the Mortgage Interest Deduction for a Down-Payment Subsidy: A Policy Simulation"
Justin M. Ross, Indiana University (Contact Author)
Lindsey Bullinger, Indiana University

"The Effects of the Two-Rate Property Tax: What Can We Learn from the Pennsylvania Experience?"
Zhou Yang, Robert Morris University (Contact Author)

"Uncovering Systemic Risk: Can Bank Stress Testing Be Informative?"
Pavel Kapinos, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Contact Author)
Oscar Mitnik, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Pavel Kapinos, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Zhou Yang, Robert Morris University
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, The University of Georgia
Sarah Riley, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 16M
Immigrant Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Marigee Bacolod, Naval Postgraduate School


"Immigrant Assimilation, Wages, and Skills"
Marigee Bacolod, Naval Postgraduate School (Contact Author)
Bernardo Blum, University of Toronto
Marcos Rangel, Princeton University

"Immigrant Assets in the United States"
Paula M. Kazi, Bucknell University (Contact Author)

"Private-Sector Work Training and the Earnings of High- and Low-Skill Immigrant Workers in the U.S."
Youngok Lim, University of California Merced (Contact Author)

"Self-Identification and Adult Wellbeing Outcomes of American Immigrant Children"
Deniz Gevrek, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (Contact Author)

"Pecuniary and Nonpecuniary Benefits of Education at the Intensive Margin: Academic Performance in Middle and High School and Adult Outcomes among American Immigrants"
Deniz Gevrek, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (Contact Author)
Z. Eylem Gevrek, University of Konstanz
Cahit Guven, Deakin University


Youngok Lim, University of California Merced
Deniz Gevrek, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Paula M. Kazi, Bucknell University
Kristen Broady, Fort Valley State University
Marigee Bacolod, Naval Postgraduate School


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