2013 Sessions for Elizabeth Munnich

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 17A
Household Economics


Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University

Session Chairs:

Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


"Can School Entry Age Affect Marriage and Fertility"
Hani Mansour, University of Colorado-Denver (Contact Author)
Elizabeth Dhuey, University of Toronto
Kelly Bedard, University of California-Santa Barbara

"Spare the Rod? What the Changing Nature of Selection Can Tell Us about the Causal Effect of Spanking"
Andrew Zuppann, The University of Houston (Contact Author)

"Birth Spacing and Adolescent Risky Behaviors"
Kasey Buckles, University of Notre Dame (Contact Author)
Elizabeth Munnich, University of Louisville

"Graduated Driver Licensing and Teen Fertility"
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida (Contact Author)


Lucie Schmidt, Williams College
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver
Angela K. Dills, Providence College


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 18B
Empirical Industrial Organization in Healthcare Markets


Gary M. Fournier, Florida State University

Session Chairs:

Gary M. Fournier, Florida State University


"Costs and Benefits of Competing Health Care Providers: Trade-Offs in the Outpatient Surgery Market"
Elizabeth Munnich, University of Louisville (Contact Author)
Stephen Parente, University of Minnesota

"Do Hospitals Cross-Subsidize?"
Guy David, University of Pennsylvania (Contact Author)
Richard C. Lindrooth, University of Colorado
Lorens Helmchen, George Mason University
Lawton Burns, University of Pennsylvania

"Impact of Medicare’s Hospital Compare Quality Reporting"
Avi Dor, George Washington University
William Encinosa, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Contact Author)
Kathleen Carey, Boston University

"Cost-Shifting without Apology"
William B. Vogt, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)


Katie Showman, Florida State University
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida
Gary M. Fournier, Florida State University
Daniel Miller, Clemson University


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