2013 Sessions for Lance Kent

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15B
Democracy and the Arab Spring

Session Chairs:

Jerry Hionis, Jr, Temple University


"Non-Parasitic Warlords and Geographical Distance"
Jerry Hionis, Jr, Temple University (Contact Author)

"Concessions and Repression: Can Democratizing Lead to Civil War?"
Prakarsh Singh, Amherst College (Contact Author)
Akifumi Ishihara, Kyoto University

"Protest and Repression: A Model of the Arab Spring"
Lance Kent, The College of William & Mary (Contact Author)
Toan Phan, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Alan Barefield, Mississippi State University
Kusum Singh, LeMoyne-Owen College
Lance Kent, The College of William & Mary
Chak Hung Jack Cheng, Murray State University


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