2013 Sessions for Stacey Gelsheimer

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 13D
Firms, Workers, and Consumers

Session Chairs:

Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University


"After the Tournament: Outcomes and Effort Provision"
Andrew McGee, Simon Fraser University (Contact Author)
Peter McGee, National University of Singapore

"'I'll Trade You Some Accuracy for that Confidence': The Story of Pundit Accuracy and Viewer Preferences"
Ben O. Smith, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"Rational Addiction and Video Games"
Micah Pollak, Indiana University Northwest (Contact Author)

"No Time to Eat: An Analysis of Eating and Food Preparation Time among Single-Headed Households"
Mark Senia, Iowa State University
Helen H. Jensen, Iowa State University
Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University (Contact Author)

"Peeking Inside the 'Black Box'- Examining the Effects of Leadership Humility and Employee Input on Continual Improvement and Firm Performance"
Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida (Contact Author)


Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida
Micah Pollak, Indiana University Northwest
Ben O. Smith, Washington State University
Andrew McGee, Simon Fraser University
Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 11J
Development in Africa

Session Chairs:

Kpoti Kitissou, Binghamton University


"HIV Epidemic’s Impact on Intergenerational Human Capital Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa"
Kpoti Kitissou, Binghamton University (Contact Author)
Yanan Chen, Rollins College

"Social Interactions and Malaria Preventive Behaviors in Sub-Saharan Africa"
Bénédicte Apouey, Paris School of Economics (Contact Author)
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida

"The Effect of the Distribution of Bednets on Child Health: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa"
Bénédicte Apouey, Paris School of Economics
Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Joshua Wilde, University of South Florida

"Individuals’ Preventive Behavioral Response to Changes in Malaria Risks and Government Interventions: Evidence from Six African Countries"
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Robyn Kibler, University of South Florida
Bénédicte Apouey, Paris School of Economics


Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida
Yi Lu, Barry University
Mary Schroeder, University of Iowa
Kpoti Kitissou, Binghamton University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 19L

Session Chairs:

Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton


"The Impact of Remittances on Education in Developing Countries"
Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Demand for Health in China"
Riha Vaidya, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"Are Hurricanes Failure Warnings? Evidence from Caribbean Secondary School Examinations"
Nekeisha Spencer, Binghamton University, State University of New York (Contact Author)
Solomon Polachek, State University of New York at Binghamton
Eric Strobl, Ecole Polytechnique

"Examining the Impacts of Different Anti-Malaria Campaigns: Are Some Organizations More Effective than Others?"
Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"Measuring Impoverishment: An Overlooked Dimension of Fiscal Incidence"
Sean Higgins, Tulane University
Nora Lustig, Tulane University (Contact Author)


Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida
John M. McAdams, Federal Trade Commission
Harry Tsang, University of North Dakota
Zachary Gochenour, George Mason University
Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University Northwest


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