2013 Sessions for Emily Wiemers

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 06G*
Care Work


Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University

Session Chairs:

Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University


"Do State-Level Policy Choices Influence Caregiver Behavior?"
Douglas Wolf, Syracuse University
Kanika Arora, Syracuse University (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Support to Multiple Generations on Labor Supply in Late Middle Age"
Suzanne Bianchi, University of California, Los Angeles
Sung S. Park, University of California, Los Angeles
Emily Wiemers, University Massachusetts Boston (Contact Author)

"Generosity Norms and Intrinsic Motivation in Health Care Provision: Evidence from the Laboratory and Field"
J. Michelle Brock, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Andreas Lange, University of Hamburg
Kenneth Leonard, University of Maryland (Contact Author)

"Are Care Workers Different? Preferences and Occupations in Three Texas Communities"
Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)




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