2013 Sessions for Matthew Novak

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 26D
Forests and Parks

Session Chairs:

Martina Vidovic, Rollins College


"Working with Ecology: Using the Allee Effect for Invasive Species (Control) Policy"
Shana M. McDermott, University of New Mexico (Contact Author)
David Finnoff, University of Wyoming

"Valuing Global Public Goods: A Delphi Contingent Valuation (CV) Survey of the Amazon Rainforest"
Ståle Navrud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Contact Author)
Jon Strand, Development Research Group, The World Bank

"'Friending' the National Parks: Determinants of Overcoming Collective Action Problems in Supporting National Parks"
Douglas S. Noonan, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (Contact Author)
Tracy Yandle, Emory University

"Forest Harvest Practices and Housing Values"
Toni Sipic, Central Washington University (Contact Author)
Matthew Novak, Central Washington University


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