2013 Sessions for Ahiteme Houndonougbo

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 22M
Applied Macroeconomics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Giandomenico Sarolli, Drew University


"Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in Turkey: A Markov Switching Approach"
Semih Emre Cekin, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)

"Trends and Cycles in U.S. Output and the Labor Market"
Amy Y. Guisinger, The George Washington University (Contact Author)
Tara Sinclair, The George Washington University

"Post Crisis Recovery and De-Facto Exchange Rate Regime"
Ross J. Hallren, University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)

"Foreign Aid Volatility and Real Business Cycles in a Developing Open Economy"
Ahiteme Houndonougbo, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)


Giandomenico Sarolli, Drew University
Tsvetanka Karagyozova, Lawrence University
Caleb Stroup, Grinnell College
Thomas L. Hogan, Troy University


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