2013 Sessions for Paul Pecorino

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 04A*
Law and Economics I


Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama

Session Chairs:

Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas


"The Fat-Tailed Distribution of Blockbuster Punitive Damages Awards"
W. Kip Viscusi, Vanderbilt University Law School
Benjamin J. McMichael, Vanderbilt University Law School

"The Slippery Slope of Geographic Market Definition: Moving Beyond Aspen"
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University (Contact Author)

"Costly Voluntary Disclosure in a Signaling Game"
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Mark V. Van Boening, The University of Mississippi

"Inter-State Migration of Same-Sex Couples with Differential State Marriage Legality: Theory and Evidence"
Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
Andrew Horowitz, University of Arkansas


Bruce L. Benson, Florida State University
Raja Kali, University of Arkansas
Carl T. Kitchens, The University of Mississippi
Mushfiq Swaleheen, Florida Gulf Coast University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 04B*
Law and Economics II


Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama

Session Chairs:

Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama


"Have Multilateral Conventions Lowered Corruption Around the World"
Mushfiq Swaleheen, Florida Gulf Coast University (Contact Author)

"Political Connections, Social Network Investment, and Entrepreneurship"
Raja Kali, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)
Nisvan Erkal, University of Melbourne

"The Impact of Variance and Skewness of Court Awards on Settlement Negotiations"
Eric Cardella, Texas Tech University
Carl T. Kitchens, The University of Mississippi

"Does Private Security Affect the Level of Crime? A Test Using State Regulations as Instruments"
Bruce L. Benson, Florida State University (Contact Author)
Brian Meehan, Florida State University


Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University
W. Kip Viscusi, Vanderbilt University Law School
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 19C
State and Local Governments; Intergovernmental Relations

Session Chairs:

Sutirtha Bagchi, University of Michigan


"Kicking the Can Down the Road: Getting Tomorrow’s Taxpayers to Pay for Today’s Public Sector Pensions"
Sutirtha Bagchi, University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"A Positive Model of Public Pension Funding"
Gary Wagner, Old Dominion University (Contact Author)
Erick Elder, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

"Partisan Politics and Federal Spending at the State Level"
William B. Hankins, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Gary Hoover, The University of Alabama
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama

"National Representation and Local Public Expenditure: A Natural Experiment from Japan"
Haishan Yuan, University of Maryland (Contact Author)


Gary Wagner, Old Dominion University
Mario Villarreal, Institute for Humane Studies
Richard B. Smith, University of South Florida St. Petersburg
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida


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