2013 Sessions for Howard Baetjer, Jr.

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 23F
History of Thought


Christopher J. Coyne, George Mason University

Session Chairs:

Howard Baetjer, Jr., Towson University


"The Physiocrats: Friends or Foes of Liberty?"
Bradley Hobbs, Florida Gulf Coast University
Nikolai G. Wenzel, Florida Gulf Coast University (Contact Author)

"On Ricochets, Hidden Channels, and Negative Multipliers: Frédéric Bastiat on Calculating the Economic Costs of ‘The Unseen’"
David Hart, Liberty Fund, Inc. (Contact Author)

"F.A. Hayek a Master of the Universe? ‘Neoliberalism’ as a Term of Abuse"
Stephan Boehm, University of Graz (Contact Author)

"Hayek and Lachmann and the Complexity of Capital"
Peter Lewin, The University of Texas at Dallas (Contact Author)


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