2013 Sessions for William T. Gavin

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 21K*
Government Policy and the Macroeconomy


Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Session Chairs:

Alexander Richter, Auburn University


"The Consequences of Uncertain Debt Targets"
Nathaniel Throckmorton, DePauw University (Contact Author)
Alexander Richter, Auburn University

"Global Dynamics at the Zero-Lower Bound"
William T. Gavin, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Benjamin D. Keen, The University of Oklahoma
Alexander Richter, Auburn University (Contact Author)
Nathaniel Throckmorton, DePauw University

"Identifying Regime Changes in Adaptive Expectations and Its Macroeconomic Consequences"
James Murray, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Contact Author)

"The Long-Run Macroeconomic Implications of Fuel Subsidies"
Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Contact Author)


Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
James Murray, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Alexander Richter, Auburn University
Nathaniel Throckmorton, DePauw University


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