2013 Sessions for Sarah Hamersma

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 17C
Governmental Programs and Health and Labor Market Outcomes


Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University

Session Chairs:

Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida


"Growth in the Supplemental Security Income Program for Children: The Role of Local Jurisdictions and Fiscal Incentives"
Lucie Schmidt, Williams College (Contact Author)
Julie Berry Cullen, University of California, San Diego

"The Effect of Medicaid Expansions on the Labor Supply of Pregnant Women"
Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University (Contact Author)
Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kosali Simon, Cornell University

"Wearing Out Your Welcome: Examining Differential Medicaid Eligibility of New Entrants and Continuing Recipients"
Sarah Hamersma, Syracuse University (Contact Author)
Burcin Unel, University of Florida

"The Long-Term Impact of Public Investment in Child Care: Evidence from the Lantham Act of 1940"
Chris Herbst, Arizona State University (Contact Author)


Reagan Anne Baughman, University of New Hampshire
Li Feng, Texas State University
Brad J. Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 02D*
Health Economics and Antitrust Policy


Roger D. Blair, University of Florida

Session Chairs:

Sarah Hamersma, Syracuse University


"Econometric Estimates of Monopsony Power in Nurse Labor Market"
Christina DePasquale, University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"Tying, Bundling, and Method-of-Use Patents"
Roger D. Blair, University of Florida (Contact Author)

"Hospitals Mergers: The Effects of Location on Quality Improvements and Price Competition"
Thomas Knight, University of Florida (Contact Author)


Celeste K. Carruthers, The University of Tennessee
Bruce A. Seaman, Georgia State University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 08K
Labor Market Outcomes


Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session Chairs:

Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University


"Career Mobility, Productivity and the Occupational Choices of Teachers"
Li Feng, Texas State University (Contact Author)
Tim Sass, Florida State University

"Diabetes Diagnosis and Subsequent Exercise Participation Among Older Americans"
Leigh Ann Leung, Brown University (Contact Author)

"Explaining the Rise in U.S. Cesarean Rates, 1968-2012: The Role of Demographic and Labor Market Factors"
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University (Contact Author)

"The Doctor Will Be with You...Shortly?: The Effect of Insurance Coverage on ED Wait Time"
Lindsey Woodworth, University of Florida (Contact Author)


Sarah Hamersma, Syracuse University
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University
Lynn MacDonald, St. Cloud State University


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