2013 Sessions for Shatakshee Dhongde

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 25G
Measuring Multidimensional Deprivation


Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Material Deprivation in Europe: Which Expenditures Are Curtailed First?"
Jacques Silber, Bar-Ilan University (Contact Author)
Joseph Deutsch, Bar-Ilan University
Anne-Catherine Guio, CEPS/INSTEAD
Marco Pomati, University of Bristol

"Analysis of Inequality across the Multi-dimensionally Poor and across Population Subgroups for Counting Approaches"
Suman Seth, University of Oxford (Contact Author)
Sabina Alkire, University of Oxford

"Measuring Multidimensional Poverty in the US"
Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Comparing Multi-Dimensional and Monetary Poverty in Uganda"
Sebastian Levine, UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa (Contact Author)

"Measuring Deprivations in a Multi-Attribute Framework with Ordinal Data"
Yongsheng Xu, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Prasanta Pattanaik, University of California, Riverside
Lily Li, Georgia State University


Urmimala Sen, Georgia State University
Riha Vaidya, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Denvil Duncan, Indiana University
Michael Jetter, Universidad EAFIT


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15K
Macroeconomic Development

Session Chairs:

Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton


"Cross-Country Convergence in Income Inequality"
Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Spillovers and Export Competitiveness of OECD Economies: Does China’s R&D Activity Play a Role?"
Wun-Ji Jiang, National Taiwan University
Yir-Hueih Luh, National Taiwan University (Contact Author)
Szu-Chi Huang, National Taiwan University

"Endogenous Economic Institutions and Persistent Income Differences"
Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Public Debt on Growth in Multiple Regimes"
Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota (Contact Author)
Andros Kourtellos, University of Cyprus
Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph


Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota
Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yir-Hueih Luh, National Taiwan University
Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton


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