2013 Sessions for Christopher Cunningham

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20J
Wage Distribution and Income Inequality

Session Chairs:

Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College


"The Contribution of Offshoring to the Convexification of the U.S. Wage Distribution"
Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Contact Author)

"Private Unions, Public Unions, and Income Inequality"
Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College (Contact Author)
Paul Fazio, Stonehill College

"Human Capital Heterogeneity and the Urban Wage Premium"
Christopher Cunningham, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Michaela Patton, The University of Alabama
Robert R. Reed, III, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"A Real and Permanent Minimum Wage"
Peter Brummund, University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Michael Strain, American Enterprise Institute

"The Impact of Remittances on Poverty and Income Inequality in Kenya: A Quantile Regression Analysis"
James T. Bang, St. Ambrose University (Contact Author)
Aniruddha Mitra, Bard College


Peter Brummund, University of Alabama
Viviane M. Bastos, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Akbar Marvasti, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
James T. Bang, St. Ambrose University
Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


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