2013 Sessions for the Southern Economic Association

Session 04A* Law and Economics I
Session 09A* Assignment Auctions
Session 14A Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development
Session 12A Tax Policy
Session 25A Health
Session 15A Income Inequality
Session 21A Immigration, Trade, and Development
Session 10A Information, Monetary Policy, and Business Cycles
Session 05A* New Developments in the Measurement of Poverty in the U.S.
Session 13A Education Finance
Session 19A Crime
Session 20A Government, Institutions and Industry
Session 17A Household Economics
Session 06A Public Goods and Redistribution
Session AL* Association Lecture
Session 12B Gender, Immigrants, and Development
Session 20B Innovation and Prices
Session 10B Spillover Issues in Public Economics
Session 11B* Human Capital and Work in Development
Session 15B Democracy and the Arab Spring
Session 21B Agricultural Choices and the Impact of Food Markets
Session 05B* New Developments in the Survey of Income and Program Participation
Session 13B Consumer Demand and the Environment
Session 19B Economic and Political Determinants of Well-Being
Session 09B* Quality of Care in Healthcare Markets in Developing Countries: Incentives, Motivation and Behavior
Session 17B Contraception and Pregnancy Intendedness, Fertility, and Sexual Behavior
Session 04B* Law and Economics II
Session 14B Income, Investment, and Growth
Session 25B Deterrence and Traffic Laws
Session 11C Institutions, Government, Conflict
Session 10C Health and Education
Session 19C State and Local Governments; Intergovernmental Relations
Session 13C Online Markets
Session 17C Governmental Programs and Health and Labor Market Outcomes
Session 08C Topics in International Development
Session 09C* Airline Pricing
Session 12C Health Risk Factors Among Older Adults
Session 14C Undergraduate Economics Education I
Session 20C Location Choices and Mobility
Session 04C* Research in Economic Education
Session 05C* Market Issues in Health Care
Session 21C Tasks, Trade, and Firm Organization
Session 18C Topics in Applied Microeconomics
Session 02C* Capital, Investment, Growth and Development
Session 07C* Causes and Consequences of Financial Crises
Session 15C Smoking Behavior and Tobacco Policies
Session 04D* Teaching Innovations in Economics
Session 02D* Health Economics and Antitrust Policy
Session 15D R&D, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Session 13D Firms, Workers, and Consumers
Session 10D Encouraging Undergraduate Research in Economics
Session 09D* The Economics of Environmental Health
Session 14D Undergraduate Economics Education II
Session 16D Economics of Divorce
Session 20D Transportation and Coal Industries
Session 05D* A Presidential Tribute to James M. Buchanan
Session 08D* Migration, Forced and Voluntary-Case Studies from Three Countries
Session 07D* Experiments on Asymmetry Effects in Group Dilemmas
Session 12D Health Care Choices
Session 21D Borrowing in Open Economies
Session 19D Domestic Migration Decisions
Session 11D African Development
Session 18D The Effect of Public Policy on Health Behaviors and Health
Session 05DG* Distinguished Guest Lecture
Session 31DR* Distinguished Guest Lecture Reception
Session 08F* Structural Models of Smoking Decisions: Opening up the Black Box
Session 07F* Social Preferences
Session 25F Fiscal Policy
Session 21F* Health and Subjective Well-Being
Session 17F Health, Income, and Outcomes
Session 16F Gender Wage Gap
Session 20F Telecommunications, Broadband and Corporate Liability
Session 19F Trade, Agriculture, and the Environment
Session 09F* Education, Opportunity, and Public Policy
Session 05F Maternal Health and Children's Outcomes
Session 04F Economics History
Session 02F* Health and Human Capital-Related Behaviors of Adolescents and Young Adults
Session 06F* The Long Reach of African American History
Session 18F Measuring Subnational Economic Freedom: A Panel Discussion
Session 25G Measuring Multidimensional Deprivation
Session 19G Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Demand
Session 09G* Dynamic Approaches to Health Care Markets
Session 20G* How to Give a Good Research Presentation
Session 17G Retirement and Disability
Session 22G Consumption and Investment Fluctuations
Session 02G* Sleep and Educational Outcomes
Session 06G* Care Work
Session 21G Estimation of Models with Monetary Policy Targets
Session 18G Empirical Public Finance
Session 05G* Issues in Public Sector Economics
Session 08G* Structural Models of Tradeoffs: Uncertainty, Time Allocation, and Family Planning Dynamics
Session 07G* Health and Healthcare
Session 19H Valuing Environmental Goods and Environmental Policy-Making
Session 07H* Recent Developments in Empirical Industrial Organization
Session 16H Mothers' Impact on Child Outcomes
Session 17H Entrepreneurship
Session 20H Oligopoly
Session 05H* University Funding and University Governance
Session 22H Central Bank Behavior
Session 25H Macroeconomic Policy in Asian Economies
Session 01H Applied Microeconomics II
Session 04H* Measurement in Economic Data: Consequences and Solutions
Session 06H* Education Policy
Session 24H Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables
Session 18H Training the Next Generation: Undergraduate Student Research I
Session 09H* Advances in Managerial Economics
Session 21H Economics of K-12 Education
Session 08H* Structural Dynamic Models of Health Inputs, Health Insurance, and Wages
Session 02H* 21st Century Challenges to Youth Health and Well-Being
Session 19I Real Estate Pricing and Fundamentals
Session 07I* Recent Developments in Microeconometrics
Session 09I Economic Thought and Institutions
Session 17I Executive Compensation and Small Claims Court
Session 20I Brand Loyalty
Session 08I* Retirement and Long-Term Care Decisions
Session 22I Credit Market Transmission Channels
Session 24I Issues in Globalization and International Economics
Session 01I* Topics in Economics of Fertility
Session 04I* Buchanan, Knight and Constitutional Political Economy
Session 18I Training the Next Generation: Undergraduate Student Research II
Session 21I* Issues Associated with the Choice of College Major
Session 05I* Perspectives on Economic Career Path Alternatives: What to Expect and How to Get There
Session 25I* Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Session 15I Contracts and Oligopoly
Session 16I Health and Law
Session 02I* Microeconomics of Development
Session 06I* Fiscal Decentralization and Fiscal Competition
Session 10J Economics of the Equine Industry
Session 24J Growth and Investment in Emerging Markets
Session 05J Economics of Education
Session 13J Indian Economic Development
Session 14J Panel Data Econometrics
Session 09J Inequality and Mobility
Session 04J Public Economic Theory 1
Session 08J* Economics of Science
Session 16J Elections and Corruption
Session 21J* Retirement and Old Age Labor Supply
Session 02J* Economic Impact of Unauthorized Immigration
Session 18J Competition and Quality
Session 06J* Industrial Organization Issues in Environmental Economics
Session 26J Macroeconomics: Theory and Evidence
Session 12J Post Secondary Schooling
Session 11J Development in Africa
Session 19J The Impact of Foreclosure and Housing Policy
Session 22J Law and Economics III
Session 25J Panel on Deirdre McCloskey and Art Carden, The Bourgeois Era
Session 07J* Macroeconomic Effects of Financial Innovations and Shocks
Session 15J* The Impact of Household Factors on Labor Market Decisions
Session 01J Development in India and Bangladesh
Session 20J Wage Distribution and Income Inequality
Session 24K Exports and Firm Boundaries
Session 14K Applied Macroeconometrics
Session 25K Sports Economics Topics
Session 19K Food Policies/Programs and Health
Session 09K Economic Analysis of the State
Session 04K Public Economic Theory 2
Session 01K Government Policy, Health Care Coverage, and Labor Supply
Session 02K* Teens and Risky Behavior
Session 06K Monopsony
Session 08K Labor Market Outcomes
Session 18K Occupation and Job Search
Session 21K* Government Policy and the Macroeconomy
Session 11K Housing and Monetary Policy
Session 13K* Immigration in the United States
Session 05K* Stratification Economics
Session 10K Institutional Entrepreneurship
Session 26K* Natural Hazards I
Session 07K* Economic Growth
Session 16K Educational Outcomes
Session 20K Labor Market Issues
Session 12K Schooling and Student Outcomes
Session 15K Macroeconomic Development
Session 17K Firm Size and Organization
Session 22K Financial Market Fluctuations
Session 33KR University of Kentucky Reception
Session 25L Conflict and Gender
Session 02L* Gender and Policy in Labor Market
Session 12L Private and Charter Schools
Session 11L Hospitals and Physicians
Session 01L* Obesity and Public Policy
Session 04L Elections
Session 06L* Social Choice Theory and Applications
Session 18L Wages, Race, and Job Satisfaction
Session 26L* Natural Hazards II
Session 21L Political Economy and Public Finance
Session 07L* Inflation and Monetary Policy
Session 13L Growth and Development
Session 16L Marriage
Session 20L The Relationship Among and Between Firms and Workers
Session 15L Experiments in the Classroom and Laboratory
Session 17L Mergers and Exclusivity Arrangements
Session 22L Money and Monetary Policy
Session 24L Multilateral Trade Policy
Session 09L International Trade and Economic Integration
Session 08L* Topics in Special Welfare and Policy Evaluation
Session 14L Econometric Theory
Session 19L Development
Session 04M Labor Economics
Session 26M* Research on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Session 07M* Gender and Discrimination
Session 18M Obesity
Session 22M Applied Macroeconomics
Session 25M Issues in Economic Development: Evidence from India and Philippines
Session 03M* Using Experimental Methods in Evaluation
Session 06M* Comparison of Voting Procedures
Session 02M* The Domestic Effects of High Skill Immigration
Session 12M Pre and Elementary Schooling
Session 11M Substance Abuse and Other Risky Behaviors
Session 20M Environmental Economics
Session 13M Applied Microeconometrics
Session 16M Immigrant Outcomes
Session 14M Game Theory
Session 15M Experimental Economics
Session 21M Industrial Organization
Session 09M Economics of the Law
Session 01M* Baseball and Football: Competition and Accountability
Session 08M* Understanding Informal Financing
Session 19M Schooling and Labor Markets
Session 10M Growth and International Capital Flows
Session 05M* Migration and Human Capital
Session 30PL Presidential Address and Luncheon
Session 32R1 Registration
Session R2 Registration
Session R3 Registration
Session R4 Registration
Session S1 Continental Breakfast
Session S2 Complimentary Beverages
Session S3 Continental Breakfast
Session S4 Complimentary Beverages
Session S5 Continental Breakfast
Session S6 Complimentary Beverages

5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Session 32R1

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7:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Session No session number set-R2

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7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
Session No session number set-S1
Continental Breakfast

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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 04A*
Law and Economics I


Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama

Session Chairs:

Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas


"The Fat-Tailed Distribution of Blockbuster Punitive Damages Awards"
W. Kip Viscusi, Vanderbilt University Law School
Benjamin J. McMichael, Vanderbilt University Law School

"The Slippery Slope of Geographic Market Definition: Moving Beyond Aspen"
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University (Contact Author)

"Costly Voluntary Disclosure in a Signaling Game"
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Mark V. Van Boening, The University of Mississippi

"Inter-State Migration of Same-Sex Couples with Differential State Marriage Legality: Theory and Evidence"
Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
Andrew Horowitz, University of Arkansas


Bruce L. Benson, Florida State University
Raja Kali, University of Arkansas
Carl T. Kitchens, The University of Mississippi
Mushfiq Swaleheen, Florida Gulf Coast University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 05A*
New Developments in the Measurement of Poverty in the U.S.


David S. Johnson, U.S. Census Bureau

Session Chairs:

David S. Johnson, U.S. Census Bureau


"Evaluating Dimensional and Distributional Contributions to Multidimensional Poverty"
James E. Foster, George Washington University (Contact Author)

"The Supplemental Poverty Measure: Examining the Incidence and Depth of Poverty in the U.S. Taking Account of Taxes and Transfers in 2012"
Kathleen Short, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)

"Supplemental Poverty Measure: A Comparison of Geographic Adjustments with Regional Price Parities vs. Median Rents from the American Community Survey"
Trudi Jane Renwick, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)
Bettina H. Aten, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Troy Martin, Bureau of Economic Analysis

"The Virginia Poverty Measure: An Alternative Poverty Measure for the Commonwealth"
Dustin A. Cable, University of Virginia (Contact Author)




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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 06A
Public Goods and Redistribution

Session Chairs:

Christopher Mann, The University of Alabama


"Unbalanced Growth and Public Good Provision"
Christopher Mann, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"Can Trustworthiness Improve Efficiency in Public Good Provision?"
Evana Afreen, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Misperceptions and Attitudes Towards Income Redistribution: A 'Real Donation' Experiment"
R. Andrew Luccasen, III, Mississippi University for Women (Contact Author)
M. Kathleen Thomas, Mississippi State University
Philip Grossman, Monash University
Mana Komai, St. Cloud State University

"Perception of Deception: The Fall in Redistribution Preferences and Rise in Government Mistrust after the Great Recession"
Christa Marr, Clark University
Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota (Contact Author)

"Factors Influencing Capacity Development of Public Water System in Mississippi"
Jesse Tack, Mississippi State University
Alan Barefield, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)


R. Andrew Luccasen, III, Mississippi University for Women
Sean Higgins, Tulane University
Evana Afreen, Georgia State University
Cheng Cheng, Texas A&M University
Alexander B. Ufier, University of Oklahoma


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 09A*
Assignment Auctions


David Porter, Chapman University

Session Chairs:

David Porter, Chapman University


"How to Master your Fantasy (Football)"
Ryan French, Chapman University (Contact Author)

"Auctions with Tokens"
Michael Caldara, Chapman University (Contact Author)

"Auctions with Negotiations"
David Porter, Chapman University (Contact Author)

"Experimental Evidence on the Properties of the California's Cap and Trade Price Containment Reserve"
Rachel Bodsky, MobLab (Contact Author)




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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 10A
Information, Monetary Policy, and Business Cycles


Joonyoung Hur, California State University, Northridge

Session Chairs:

Gabriela Best, California State University, Fullerton


"Monetary Policy Perceptions"
Gabriela Best, California State University, Fullerton (Contact Author)
Fabio Milani, University of California, Irvine

"Technology Adoption, Job Polarization, and Jobless Recoveries"
Paul Gaggl, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Contact Author)

"No News Is Good News"
Joonyoung Hur, California State University, Northridge (Contact Author)
Eric Leeper, Indiana University
Todd Walker, Indiana University

"Mismatch in the Great Depression and the 40s: Hysteresis or Structural Unemployment?"
Gabriel Mathy, American University (Contact Author)




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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 12A
Tax Policy

Session Chairs:

Joshua J. Miller, National Association of Home Builders


"The Growth-Equity Tradeoff in Tax Policy Design: Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries"
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Georgia State University
Yongzheng Liu, Renmin University of China (Contact Author)

"Tax Incidence and Tax Evasion"
Denvil Duncan, Indiana University (Contact Author)
Philipp Doerrenberg, University of Cologne

"Transitional Welfare Effects of Environmental Tax Reforms and Overlapping Generations"
Nathalie Mathieu-Bolh, University of Vermont (Contact Author)

"The Behavioral Response of Delinquent Taxpayers to Tax Lien Sales: Evidence from Ohio"
Joshua J. Miller, National Association of Home Builders (Contact Author)


Haishan Yuan, University of Maryland
Nathalie Mathieu-Bolh, University of Vermont
Sutirtha Bagchi, University of Michigan
Yongzheng Liu, Renmin University of China


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 13A
Education Finance

Session Chairs:

Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida


"The Political Economy of Education Finance: The Case of Texas"
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida (Contact Author)
Thomas A. Husted, American University

"Financial Aid and Business Cycles"
Elizabeth S. Bradley, CNA
Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"For Profit and Traditional Colleges: Different Prices for Different Goals"
Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Managing Student Transport Costs in Minnesota School Districts"
Conrad Puozaa, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)


Robert Mason, Georgia Gwinnett College
Susan Reilly, American University
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 14A
Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development


Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University

Session Chairs:

Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University


"Does the Power to Use Eminent Domain for Economic Development Actually Enhance Economic Development?"
Geoffrey K. Turnbull, University of Central Florida
Robert Salvino, Coastal Carolina University (Contact Author)
Michael Tasto, Southern New Hampshire University

"Regulatory Interpretation – The Regulator, the Firm, and the Court"
Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University (Contact Author)
Jim Fetzner, Brookside Homes of America

"Entrepreneurship and Recruitment Policies in the American States"
Michael Tasto, Southern New Hampshire University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Informal Institutions on Entrepreneurial Outcomes"
Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University (Contact Author)
Marek Rivero, Southern New Hampshire University

"Substitution and Income Effects of Lump-Sum Income at the Aggregate Level: The Effective Budget Constraint of the Government and the Flypaper Effect"
Cristian F. Sepulveda, Tulane University (Contact Author)

"Does Housing Stock Age Matter? The Impact of Housing Stock Age on People’s Decision on Location Choice"
Bo Liu, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University
Michael Tasto, Southern New Hampshire University
Jim Fetzner, Brookside Homes of America
Robert Salvino, Coastal Carolina University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 15A
Income Inequality

Session Chairs:

Becky Roselius Haney, Calvin College


"Decomposing Inequality in the United States: Fair vs. Unfair Determinants"
Andrew Hussey, The University of Memphis
Michael Jetter, Universidad EAFIT (Contact Author)

"Income Inequality, Media Fragmentation and Political Polarization"
Jason L. Saving, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Contact Author)
John Duca, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

"Information Technology, Human Capital and Income Inequality"
Li Sun, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Income, Inequality and Technology: What Can Agent-Based Models Tell Us?"
Becky Roselius Haney, Calvin College (Contact Author)


Li Sun, West Virginia University
Olga Belskaya, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Byung-Cheol Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology
Chad W. Seagren, Naval Postgraduate School


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 17A
Household Economics


Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University

Session Chairs:

Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


"Can School Entry Age Affect Marriage and Fertility"
Hani Mansour, University of Colorado-Denver (Contact Author)
Elizabeth Dhuey, University of Toronto
Kelly Bedard, University of California-Santa Barbara

"Spare the Rod? What the Changing Nature of Selection Can Tell Us about the Causal Effect of Spanking"
Andrew Zuppann, The University of Houston (Contact Author)

"Birth Spacing and Adolescent Risky Behaviors"
Kasey Buckles, University of Notre Dame (Contact Author)
Elizabeth Munnich, University of Louisville

"Graduated Driver Licensing and Teen Fertility"
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida (Contact Author)


Lucie Schmidt, Williams College
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver
Angela K. Dills, Providence College


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 19A

Session Chairs:

Daniel Litwok, Michigan State University


"Alcohol Consumption, Availability, and Violent Crime: Evidence from Texas Counties"
Michael Sinkey, University of West Georgia (Contact Author)
William J. Smith, University of West Georgia

"The Deterrence of HOPE: The Impact of the HOPE Scholarship on Crime"
Adam R. Cook, SUNY Buffalo (Contact Author)

"The Game Between Police and Crime: When Neighbors Come into Play"
Longjin Chen, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) (Contact Author)

"Police, Politics, and Public Safety: Do Police Officers Write Tickets in Response to Political Pressure?"
Christopher J. Boudreaux, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"Graduated Driver Licensing and Adolescent Outcomes"
Daniel Litwok, Michigan State University (Contact Author)


Christopher J. Boudreaux, Florida State University
Michael Sinkey, University of West Georgia
Adam R. Cook, SUNY Buffalo
William B. Hankins, The University of Alabama
Melanie Cozad, Furman University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20A
Government, Institutions and Industry

Session Chairs:

Tannista Banerjee, Auburn University


"Bigger Fees and Bigger Firms: An Empirical Examination of Development Impact Fees and Firm Size"
Adam T. Jones, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington (Contact Author)

"Effects of Merger and Acquisitions in the Pharmaceutical Industry"
Tannista Banerjee, Auburn University (Contact Author)
Arnab Nayak, Deloitte and Touche

"Endogenous Institution Selection Influence on Nested PD Games"
Malcolm Kass, The University of Texas at Dallas (Contact Author)

"The Cost of Occupational Fatalities in Small Businesses"
Anasua Bhattacharya, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Contact Author)

"The Agents' Preferences in Economic Committee of Congress on the General Budget of Colombia, During the Eight Years of President Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2009)"
Adriana Francisca Salinas, National University of Colombia (Contact Author)
Jaime Abel Huertas, National University of Colombia


Adriana Francisca Salinas, National University of Colombia
Adam T. Jones, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Anasua Bhattacharya, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Malcolm Kass, The University of Texas at Dallas
Joshua Wilde, University of South Florida


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 21A
Immigration, Trade, and Development

Session Chairs:

Michael Good, Florida International University


"Remittances, Institutions, and Inequality in Developing Nations"
Joshua Dennis Hall, The University of Tampa (Contact Author)
Karla Borja, University of Tampa

"The Linkage Between Foreign Direct Investment and International Migration"
Xu Xu, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (Contact Author)
Kevin Sylwester, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

"Immigration and International Trade: Evidence from Recent South Korean Experiences"
Chong-Uk Kim, Sonoma State University (Contact Author)
Gie Young Lim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

"FDI and Temporary or Permanent Immigration"
Dhimitri Qirjo, SUNY Plattsburgh (Contact Author)

"Reconsidering the Localized Pro-Trade Effect of Immigration with Generalized Propensity Scores: What Really Is the Marginal Contribution?"
Michael Good, Florida International University (Contact Author)


Dhimitri Qirjo, SUNY Plattsburgh
Joshua Dennis Hall, The University of Tampa
Xu Xu, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Azhar Iqbal, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC
Christina Houseworth, Hobart and William Smith Colleges


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 25A

Session Chairs:

John Robst, University of South Florida


"Family Involvement in Youth Residential Mental Health Treatment: Post-Discharge Placement and Continuity of Care"
John Robst, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"Missing Babies, Missing Heritability--Does Black Birthweight Reach Genetic Potential?"
Muriel Zheng Fang, University of Akron (Contact Author)

"Subcontracting Health Care Services: Lessons from Therapist Staffing in Skilled Nursing Facilities"
John Bowblis, Miami University (Contact Author)
Christopher Brunt, Georgia Southern University

"Effect of Health on Retirement of Older Americans"
Subhasree Basu Roy, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"People Do Respond to Incentives: The Case of Obese ESRD Patients"
Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


John Bowblis, Miami University
Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University
Muriel Zheng Fang, University of Akron
Yi Lu, Barry University
Inna Cintina, University of Hawaii, Manoa


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 04B*
Law and Economics II


Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama

Session Chairs:

Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama


"Have Multilateral Conventions Lowered Corruption Around the World"
Mushfiq Swaleheen, Florida Gulf Coast University (Contact Author)

"Political Connections, Social Network Investment, and Entrepreneurship"
Raja Kali, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)
Nisvan Erkal, University of Melbourne

"The Impact of Variance and Skewness of Court Awards on Settlement Negotiations"
Eric Cardella, Texas Tech University
Carl T. Kitchens, The University of Mississippi

"Does Private Security Affect the Level of Crime? A Test Using State Regulations as Instruments"
Bruce L. Benson, Florida State University (Contact Author)
Brian Meehan, Florida State University


Amy Farmer, University of Arkansas
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University
W. Kip Viscusi, Vanderbilt University Law School
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 05B*
New Developments in the Survey of Income and Program Participation


David S. Johnson, U.S. Census Bureau

Session Chairs:

Graton Gathright, U.S. Census Bureau


"Using Synthetic SIPP Data to Gain Access to Linked Survey-Administrative Records"
Martha Stinson, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)
Gary Benedetto, U.S. Census Bureau

"Employment Transitions and Earnings Stability: An Analysis Using SIPP Linked to Administrative Data at the Job-Level"
Holly Monti, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)

"Flexible Bayesian Modeling for Multiple Imputation in the SIPP"
Jared Murray, Duke University
Jared Reiter, Duke University

"Reporting Accuracy in the Re-Designed SIPP"
Christopher Wignall, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)




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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 09B*
Quality of Care in Healthcare Markets in Developing Countries: Incentives, Motivation and Behavior


Manoj M. Mohanan, Duke University

Session Chairs:

Manoj M. Mohanan, Duke University


"Intrinsic Incentives and Motivation: Are Nicer or Happier Health Workers Actually Better"
Kenneth Leonard, University of Maryland (Contact Author)

"Responding to Incentives: Evidence on the Impact of Rwanda's Pay for Performance Program from Facility Data and Patient Exit Interviews"
Sebastian Bauhoff, RAND
Manoj M. Mohanan, Duke University

"The Market for Provider Performance: Evidence from Data on Provider Competence, Effort and Market Demand"
Manoj M. Mohanan, Duke University
Marcos Vera Hernandez, University College London




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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 10B
Spillover Issues in Public Economics


Amanda Ross, West Virginia University

Session Chairs:

Amanda Ross, West Virginia University


"Is Pork-Barrel Spending a Common Resource? A Search for the Tragedy of the Commons in Pork-Barrel Legislation"
J. Zachary Klingensmith, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Economic Institutions and Global Poverty"
Joseph Connors, Wake Forest University (Contact Author)

"Is Sequestration the (Wicked) Step-Mother of Invention? Expanding Budgets via Strategic Use of Leasing"
William McAndrew, West Virginia University (Contact Author)
Paul Speaker, West Virginia University

"A Spatial Analysis of Growth and Institutional Quality Across the United States: Evidence from Metropolitan Areas"
Jamie Bologna, West Virginia University (Contact Author)
Andrew T. Young, West Virginia University
Donald J. Lacombe, West Virginia University


Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University
Amanda Ross, West Virginia University
Joseph Connors, Wake Forest University
Gregory M. Randolph, Southern New Hampshire University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 11B*
Human Capital and Work in Development


Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University

Session Chairs:

Charles M. Becker, Duke University


"Father’s Alcohol Consumption and Children’s Education Outcomes: Lessons from India"
Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Sen Yan, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Political Violence, Land Reform, and Child Health: Results from Zimbabwe"
Olga Shemyakina, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Gender Differences in Education, Work, and Wages in Central Asia: Impact of Conflict and Economic Instability"
Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)


Charles M. Becker, Duke University
Nurgul Ukueva, American University of Central Asia


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 12B
Gender, Immigrants, and Development

Session Chairs:

Zachary Gochenour, George Mason University


"Female Participation in Economic Activities and Corruption"
Chandan Kumar Jha, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)
Sudipta Sarangi, Louisiana State University

"Gender Effects on Technology Adoption in Zambia"
Mariana Saenz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Contact Author)

"Explaining the Confusion over the Impact of Mother’s Autonomy on her Daughters in Patriarchal Societies"
Sharmistha Self, Missouri State University (Contact Author)

"The Political Externalities of Immigration"
Zachary Gochenour, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Alex Nowrasteh, Cato Institute


Sharmistha Self, Missouri State University
Chandan Kumar Jha, Louisiana State University
Mariana Saenz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Brian Hill, Salisbury University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 13B
Consumer Demand and the Environment

Session Chairs:

Guoliang Feng, The George Washington University


"Auto Title Lending and Financial Hardships"
Kathryn Fritzdixon, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Strategic Effects of Environmental Policy Commitments: Climate Change, Solar Radiation Management and Correlated Air Pollutants"
Jingwen Qu, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Emilson Silva, University of Alberta

"Powering Demand: Solar Photovoltaic Subsidies in California"
Kenneth D. Reddix, II, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"Consequences of Public and Private Transfers on Household’s Investment in Storm Protection"
Sakib Mahmud, University of Wisconsin-Superior (Contact Author)
Gazi Hassan, University of Waikato

"Local Housing Returns and the Optimal Portfolio of Consumption Constrained Households"
Guoliang Feng, The George Washington University (Contact Author)


Sakib Mahmud, University of Wisconsin-Superior
Kenneth D. Reddix, II, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kathryn Fritzdixon, Vanderbilt University
Guoliang Feng, The George Washington University
Damian Damianov, The University of Texas-Pan American


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 14B
Income, Investment, and Growth

Session Chairs:

Tamoya Christie, College at Brockport SUNY


"Economic Growth Along Mexico's Southern Border"
Gregory J. Brock, Georgia Southern University (Contact Author)

"Stages of Diversification in Latin America"
Don P. Clark, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)
W. Charles Sawyer, Texas Christian University

"Government Expenditures, Financing, and Economic Growth in Cape Verde"
Tamoya Christie, College at Brockport SUNY (Contact Author)
Felix Rioja, Georgia State University

"Time-To-Build Completion Patterns for Residential Structures and for All Structures, 1971-2009"
Michael Montgomery, University of Maine (Contact Author)

"Is an Aversion to Loss Driving Countercyclical Aggregate Volatility?"
M. Saif Mehkari, University of Richmond (Contact Author)


Don P. Clark, The University of Tennessee
Gregory J. Brock, Georgia Southern University
Vipul Bhatt, James Madison University
M. Saif Mehkari, University of Richmond
Joseph Guse, Washington and Lee University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15B
Democracy and the Arab Spring

Session Chairs:

Jerry Hionis, Jr, Temple University


"Non-Parasitic Warlords and Geographical Distance"
Jerry Hionis, Jr, Temple University (Contact Author)

"Concessions and Repression: Can Democratizing Lead to Civil War?"
Prakarsh Singh, Amherst College (Contact Author)
Akifumi Ishihara, Kyoto University

"Protest and Repression: A Model of the Arab Spring"
Lance Kent, The College of William & Mary (Contact Author)
Toan Phan, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Alan Barefield, Mississippi State University
Kusum Singh, LeMoyne-Owen College
Lance Kent, The College of William & Mary
Chak Hung Jack Cheng, Murray State University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 17B
Contraception and Pregnancy Intendedness, Fertility, and Sexual Behavior


Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University

Session Chairs:

Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida


"Contraception Insurance Mandates, Fertility and Health"
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University (Contact Author)
Angela K. Dills, Providence College

"The Impact of Subsidized Birth Control for College Women: Evidence from the Deficit Reduction Act"
Brad J. Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (Contact Author)
Emily Gray Collins, University of Michigan

"The Incidental Fertility Effects of School Condom Distribution Programs"
Kasey Buckles, University of Notre Dame (Contact Author)
Dan Hungerman, University of Notre Dame

"The Effect of Changes in Emergency Contraception Availability on Pregnancy Intendedness: Evidence from the PRAMS"
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)
W. David Bradford, The University of Georgia
Danielle Atkins, The University of Tennessee


Hope Corman, Rider University
Hani Mansour, University of Colorado-Denver
W. David Bradford, The University of Georgia
Andrew Zuppann, The University of Houston


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 19B
Economic and Political Determinants of Well-Being

Session Chairs:

Feler Bose, Alma College


"Socioeconomic Determinants of Life Expectancy: A Spatial Econometrics Approach"
Minh Tam Schlosky, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Sexual Freedom Indexes from 1960-2010: A New Source for Sexual Freedom in the 50 States"
Feler Bose, Alma College (Contact Author)

"Economic Freedom and State Bond Ratings"
Ariel Belasen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (Contact Author)
Rik Hafer, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Shrikant Jategaonkar, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


Ariel Belasen, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Minh Tam Schlosky, West Virginia University
Daniel Litwok, Michigan State University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 20B
Innovation and Prices

Session Chairs:

Ruben Jacobo-Rubio, The University of Georgia


"Price-Fixing and the Escape Competition Void"
Andrew Smyth, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"Pharmaceutical Patent Litigation: Paragraph-IV Cases Decisions (1984-2012)"
Ruben Jacobo-Rubio, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)
John L. Turner, The University of Georgia
Jonathan W. Williams, The University of Georgia

"How Complex Is the Competition in Regulated Pharmaceutical Markets?"
Berna Colak, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Aysegul Timur, Hodges University
Yi Deng, University of South Florida

"Negative Information Sharing in Cooperative R&D"
Ceyhun Coban, Washington University in St. Louis (Contact Author)


Berna Colak, University of South Florida
Tsvetelin M. Tsonevski, Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)
Ceyhun Coban, Washington University in St. Louis
Andrew Smyth, Florida State University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 21B
Agricultural Choices and the Impact of Food Markets

Session Chairs:

Na Zuo, University of Kentucky


"Seasonal Diversification of Cropping Pattern as a Behavior towards Risk in Flood Affected Agriculture: Evidence from Assam Plains in Northeast India"
Raju Mandal, Assam University
Madhurjya Prasad Bezbaruah, Gauhati University (Contact Author)

"The Effects of Multiple and Redundant Labels in the Case of Eggs"
Yan Heng, Kansas State University (Contact Author)
Hikaru Peterson, Kansas State University
Xianghong Li, Kansas State University

"Did Urban Pasteurization Ordinances Affect Public Health: A Synthetic Control Approach"
Huiqiang Wang, University of Rhode Island (Contact Author)
Thomas Sproul, University of Rhode Island

"An Event Study of the Four Day Soybean Export Embargo in the United States in 1973"
Stephanie Morgan Riche, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)

"Crowding-out Effect or Institutions? Resource Curse Revisit with Investigation of Chinese Provinces"
Na Zuo, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)


Stephanie Morgan Riche, North Carolina State University
Madhurjya Prasad Bezbaruah, Gauhati University
Yan Heng, Kansas State University
Kalyn T. Coatney, Mississippi State University
Binoy Goswami, Dibrugarh University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 25B
Deterrence and Traffic Laws

Session Chairs:

Jonathan Lee, East Carolina University


"An Empirical Test of Offsetting Behavior in Motorcycle Safety Regulation"
Jonathan Lee, East Carolina University (Contact Author)

"Assessing Complementarity of Police Officers and Traffic Cameras"
Sarah Marx Quintanar, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Contact Author)


Sarah Marx Quintanar, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Caroline Cecot, Vanderbilt University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 02C*
Capital, Investment, Growth and Development


Michael Sposi, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Session Chairs:

Michael Sposi, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


"Quality of Capital and International Trade: Lessons for Development Accounting"
Piyusha Mutreja, Syracuse University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Banking Deregulations on Inbound Foreign Direct Investment: Transaction-Level Evidence from the United States"
Asli Leblebicioglu, University of Texas at Dallas (Contact Author)
Ivan Kandilov, North Carolina State University
Neviana Petkova, University of Oregon

"Capital-Goods Imports, Investment-Specific Productivity, and U.S. Growth"
Anthony Landry, Wharton School
Michele Cavallo, Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System (Contact Author)

"Capital Goods Trade and Economic Development"
Piyusha Mutreja, Syracuse University
B. Ravikumar, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Michael Sposi, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas




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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 04C*
Research in Economic Education


Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky


"Lecture Capture Learning: Do Students Perform Better Compared to Face-to-Face Classes?"
William Bosshardt, Florida Atlantic University
Eric P. Chiang, Florida Atlantic University

"Ten Thousand Words in Economics (A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words)"
Charles A. Holt, University of Virginia (Contact Author)
Anna K. Rorem, University of Virginia
Sijia Yang, University of Virginia

"Making Irrational Students Work for You! Motivating Student Performance through Loss Aversion"
Maria Apostolova, University of Kentucky
William Cooper, University of Kentucky
Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky
Emily Marshall, University of Kentucky

"Cooperative Learning: Can It Off-Set Some of the Costs of Large Enrollment Classes?"
Tisha Lin Nakao Emerson, Baylor University
Linda K. Carter, Baylor University
KimMarie McGoldrick, University of Richmond


Abdullah Al-bahrani, Northern Kentucky University
Bruce K. Johnson, Centre College
Lynne Lewis, Bates College
Joab Corey, Florida State University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 05C*
Market Issues in Health Care


Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland

Session Chairs:

Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland


"Digitizing Doctor Demand: The Impact of Online Reviews on Doctor Choice"
Sonal Vats, Boston University (Contact Author)

"Encouraging Pharmaceutical Innovation"
David Ridley, Duke University (Contact Author)
Margaret Kyle, Toulouse School of Economics

"Protecting Consumers or Reducing Competition? The Impact of Banning Foreign Pharmacies from Sponsored Search"
Matthew Chesnes, Federal Trade Commission
Weijia Dai, University of Maryland
Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland (Contact Author)


Joshua Wilde, University of South Florida
Guy David, University of Pennsylvania
William B. Vogt, The University of Georgia


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 07C*
Causes and Consequences of Financial Crises


Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University

Session Chairs:

Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University


"The Dow Is Killing Me: Risky Health Behaviors and the Stock Market"
Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut (Contact Author)
Richard Dunn, Texas A&M University
Nathan Tefft, University of Washington

"The Par Clearing Controversy and Progress toward U.S. Monetary Union"
John A. James, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"The Failures that Ignited America's Financial Panics: A Clinical Survey"
Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University (Contact Author)


Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University
John A. James, University of Virginia


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 08C
Topics in International Development


Deepraj Mukherjee, Kent State University

Session Chairs:

Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse


"Analyzing Women’s Empowerment"
Sanjukta Roy, The World Bank (Contact Author)

"Is Defending the Exchange Rate Worth It?"
Sheida Teimouri, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Contact Author)

"Does Corruption Always Hurt Entrepreneurship?"
Nabamita Dutta, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Contact Author)
Russell S. Sobel, The Citadel


Russell S. Sobel, The Citadel
Sanjukta Roy, The World Bank
Nasr Elbahnasawy, Kent State University
Sheida Teimouri, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 09C*
Airline Pricing


Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University

Session Chairs:

Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University


"The Effect of De-Hubbing on Airfares"
Kerry M. Tan, Loyola University Maryland

"The Price and Quality Effects of the Delta-Northwest Merger"
Daniel Greenfield, Federal Trade Commission (Contact Author)

"Price Matching in Airline Markets"
Diego Escobari, The University of Texas-Pan American
Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University
Joe Meskey, East Carolina University

"Value of a Platform to a Seller: The Case of American Airlines Conflict with Online Travel Agencies"
Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University
Volodymyr Bilotkach, University of California, Irvine
Vivek Pai, University of California, Irvine


Nicholas G. Rupp, East Carolina University
Diego Escobari, The University of Texas-Pan American
Kerry M. Tan, Loyola University Maryland
Daniel Greenfield, Federal Trade Commission


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 10C
Health and Education


Nazneen Ahmad, Weber State University

Session Chairs:

Khawaja A. Mamun, Sacred Heart University


"Parental Health Shocks, Child Labor and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Tanzania"
Shamma Adeeb Alam, University of Washington (Contact Author)

"The Impact of School Cigarette Control Policies on Adolescent Smoking: The Implication of Peers"
Khawaja A. Mamun, Sacred Heart University (Contact Author)

"Impact of a Higher Rice Price on Rice Consumption in Bangladesh"
Syed Abul Hasan, Australian National University (Contact Author)

"Green Trade, Air Pollution and Environmental Goods Trade in Bangladesh"
Syed Al-Helal Uddin, Florida International University (Contact Author)
Sunera Saba Khan, University of Dhaka

"Are Private Defensive Expenditures against Storm Damages Affected by Public Programs and Natural Barriers? Evidence from Bangladesh Coastal Areas"
Sakib Mahmud, University of Wisconsin-Superior (Contact Author)
Edward Barbier, University of Wyoming


Khawaja A. Mamun, Sacred Heart University
Sakib Mahmud, University of Wisconsin-Superior
Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 11C
Institutions, Government, Conflict


Hossein Radmard, American University of Beirut

Session Chairs:

Adam Pellillo, International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University


"Entrepreneurship, Corruption, and the Size of U.S. Underground Economies"
Travis Wiseman, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)

"The Complexity of Property Rights: The Case of Georgia"
Adam Pellillo, International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (Contact Author)

"The Shadow of Conflict: An Experimental Investigation"
Adam Hoffer, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Contact Author)


Travis Wiseman, Mississippi State University
Adam Hoffer, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Adam Pellillo, International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 12C
Health Risk Factors Among Older Adults

Session Chairs:

Christy Spivey, The University of Texas at Arlington


"Marriage and Health: Does Risk Aversion Matter?"
Christy Spivey, The University of Texas at Arlington (Contact Author)

"Occupational Stress and Cognitive Outcomes among Older Adults"
Padmaja Ayyagari, University of Iowa
Asia Sikora, University of Nebraska Medical Center (Contact Author)

"Personality Predictors for Health Risk Factors among Older Adults"
J. Catherine Maclean, University of Pennsylvania
Asia Sikora, University of Nebraska Medical Center (Contact Author)
Raees Shaikh, University of Nebraska Medical Center

"Do Higher Income and Health Care Spending Lead to Better Health? A Cross Country Study"
Shafiun Shimul, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Contact Author)


Shafiun Shimul, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Bates College
John Robst, University of South Florida
Asia Sikora, University of Nebraska Medical Center


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 13C
Online Markets

Session Chairs:

Byung-Cheol Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Does Consumer Inexperience Generate Welfare Losses? Evidence from the Textbook Market"
Forrest Spence, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"Competition in the Food Truck Industry"
Brian McNamara, U.S. Department of Transportation (Contact Author)

"Dynamic Platform Competition in a Two-Sided Market: Evidence from the Online Daily Deals Promotion Industry"
Byung-Cheol Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)
Jeongsik Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology
Hyunwoo Park, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Word-of-Mouth Communication, Online Reviews and Product Quality"
Bharat Bhole, Rochester Institute of Technology
Bríd G. Hanna, Rochester Institute of Technology (Contact Author)


Bríd G. Hanna, Rochester Institute of Technology
Brian McNamara, U.S. Department of Transportation
Forrest Spence, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Will Holmes, Georgia Gwinnett College


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 14C
Undergraduate Economics Education I

Session Chairs:

Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University Northwest


"Do Missing Classes Decelerate Student Progress in Gaining Knowledge? Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications"
Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University Northwest (Contact Author)

"Low Hanging Fruit: Explaining Variations in Student Participation Rates in Extra Credit Opportunities"
David L. Lehr, Longwood University (Contact Author)
Melanie Marks, Longwood University

"Non-Cognitive Skills and Performance of Macro Principles Students"
William L. Goffe, Pennsylvania State University (Contact Author)

"The Effects of Student Distraction on Student Performance"
Ibrahim Demir, Benedict College (Contact Author)
Jessica Adach White, Benedict College


Ibrahim Demir, Benedict College
David L. Lehr, Longwood University
William L. Goffe, Pennsylvania State University
Amanda L. Wilsker, Georgia Gwinnett College


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 15C
Smoking Behavior and Tobacco Policies

Session Chairs:

Lateef Subair, The University of Mississippi


"The Inter-Generational and Social Transmission of Cultural Traits: Theory and Evidence from Smoking Behavior"
Ahmed Jaber, Cornell University (Contact Author)
Rebekka Christopoulou, Ohio State University
Dean Lillard, Ohio State University

"Teacher Smoking, School Level Policies and Adolescent Smoking in Low and Middle Income Countries"
Silda Nikaj, Texas Christian University (Contact Author)

"Application of Zero Inflated Ordered Probit Model to Marriage, Smoking and Drinking"
Lateef Subair, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)

"Distribution and Politics of State Tobacco Policies"
Hui-chen Wang, National Tsing Hua University (Contact Author)
Ming-Feng Hsieh, National Taiwan University


Hui-chen Wang, National Tsing Hua University
Ahmed Jaber, Cornell University
Silda Nikaj, Texas Christian University
John M. Nunley, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 17C
Governmental Programs and Health and Labor Market Outcomes


Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University

Session Chairs:

Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida


"Growth in the Supplemental Security Income Program for Children: The Role of Local Jurisdictions and Fiscal Incentives"
Lucie Schmidt, Williams College (Contact Author)
Julie Berry Cullen, University of California, San Diego

"The Effect of Medicaid Expansions on the Labor Supply of Pregnant Women"
Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University (Contact Author)
Sandra Decker, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kosali Simon, Cornell University

"Wearing Out Your Welcome: Examining Differential Medicaid Eligibility of New Entrants and Continuing Recipients"
Sarah Hamersma, Syracuse University (Contact Author)
Burcin Unel, University of Florida

"The Long-Term Impact of Public Investment in Child Care: Evidence from the Lantham Act of 1940"
Chris Herbst, Arizona State University (Contact Author)


Reagan Anne Baughman, University of New Hampshire
Li Feng, Texas State University
Brad J. Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 18C
Topics in Applied Microeconomics


Sarah M. Estelle, Hope College

Session Chairs:

Sarah M. Estelle, Hope College


"Does It Pay to Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond? Evidence from Chinese Schooling Data"
Courtney Collins, Rhodes College (Contact Author)
Yaojing Wang, Texas A&M University

"'Lock the House, Here Comes the Train’: The Short-Run Effect of the Public Transit on Crime"
David C. Phillips, Hope College (Contact Author)
Danielle Sandler, University of California, Davis

"The Effect of Institutional Expenditures on Employment Outcomes and Wages"
Amanda L. Griffith, Wake Forest University (Contact Author)
Kevin Rask, Colorado College
Cassandra Benson, Colorado College

"The Distributional Effects of the Federal Empowerment Zone Program"
Curtis L. Reynolds, Kent State University
Shawn Rohlin, Kent State University (Contact Author)


Amanda L. Griffith, Wake Forest University
David C. Phillips, Hope College
Shawn Rohlin, Kent State University
Sarah M. Estelle, Hope College


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 19C
State and Local Governments; Intergovernmental Relations

Session Chairs:

Sutirtha Bagchi, University of Michigan


"Kicking the Can Down the Road: Getting Tomorrow’s Taxpayers to Pay for Today’s Public Sector Pensions"
Sutirtha Bagchi, University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"A Positive Model of Public Pension Funding"
Gary Wagner, Old Dominion University (Contact Author)
Erick Elder, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

"Partisan Politics and Federal Spending at the State Level"
William B. Hankins, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Gary Hoover, The University of Alabama
Paul Pecorino, The University of Alabama

"National Representation and Local Public Expenditure: A Natural Experiment from Japan"
Haishan Yuan, University of Maryland (Contact Author)


Gary Wagner, Old Dominion University
Mario Villarreal, Institute for Humane Studies
Richard B. Smith, University of South Florida St. Petersburg
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 20C
Location Choices and Mobility

Session Chairs:

Sarah Riley, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


"Expected Income and Labor Market Choices of US Workers: A Locally Weighted Regression Approach"
Grace Li, Virginia Tech (Contact Author)
Thomas A. Mroz, Clemson University

"House Price Dynamics, Unemployment, and the Mobility Decisions of Low-Income Homeowners"
Sarah Riley, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)
Giang Nguyen, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kim Manturuk, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Which Comes First: Immigration or Jobs?"
Jack Strauss, Reiman School of Finance, Daniels School of Business (Contact Author)
Hailong Qian, Saint Louis University

"Non-Linear Spatial Capitalization Effects of Fire, Police, and Emergency Medical Services"
Trey Trosper, The University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)


Trey Trosper, The University of Oklahoma
Jack Strauss, Reiman School of Finance, Daniels School of Business
Grace Li, Virginia Tech
George Mawuli Akpandjar, The University of Mississippi


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 21C
Tasks, Trade, and Firm Organization

Session Chairs:

Kul Kapri, Syracuse University


"An Empirical Assessment of the Gains from Trade in Innovative Tasks among European Multinational Firms"
Saleh Tabrizy, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (Contact Author)

"Skill Upgrading, Firm Size and Trade Liberalization in Partner Country: Evidence from Korean Firm-Level Data"
Kul Kapri, Syracuse University (Contact Author)

"Cyclical Sensitivity and Organization of Multinational Firms"
Sooyoung Lee, University of Colorado Boulder (Contact Author)

"Political Environment, Democracy and Japanese Outward FDI: A Panel Data Analysis"
Ivan Deseatnicov, Waseda University (Contact Author)
Hiroya Akiba, Waseda University


Ivan Deseatnicov, Waseda University
Saleh Tabrizy, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Jason Rastovski, Centre College
Sooyoung Lee, University of Colorado Boulder


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2:45 - 3:00 p.m.
Session No session number set-S2
Complimentary Beverages

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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 02D*
Health Economics and Antitrust Policy


Roger D. Blair, University of Florida

Session Chairs:

Sarah Hamersma, Syracuse University


"Econometric Estimates of Monopsony Power in Nurse Labor Market"
Christina DePasquale, University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"Tying, Bundling, and Method-of-Use Patents"
Roger D. Blair, University of Florida (Contact Author)

"Hospitals Mergers: The Effects of Location on Quality Improvements and Price Competition"
Thomas Knight, University of Florida (Contact Author)


Celeste K. Carruthers, The University of Tennessee
Bruce A. Seaman, Georgia State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 04D*
Teaching Innovations in Economics


Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky


Gail M. Hoyt, University of Kentucky


James Saunoris, Eastern Michigan University "Using Data to Improve Learning Outcomes in Economics Courses"

Emily Marshall, University of Kentucky "The Assignment-Centered Economics Course"

Abdullah Al-bahrani, Northern Kentucky University "Lessons from Using Social Media to Engage Students"

David Barrus, Brigham Young University-Idaho "1) Using Interactive Graphs in Teaching Principles of Economics Courses and 2) Using Surveys in Teaching Econometrics Courses"

Darshak Patel, University of Tennessee, Martin "Using the 30for30 ESPN Series to Teach Economics"


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 05D*
A Presidential Tribute to James M. Buchanan


J.R. Clark, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


J.R. Clark, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


Karen Vaughn, George Mason University

Dwight R. Lee, Southern Methodist University

Eugenia F. Toma, University of Kentucky

James D. Gwartney, Florida State University

William F. Shughart, II, Utah State University

Paul H. Rubin, Emory University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 07D*
Experiments on Asymmetry Effects in Group Dilemmas


R. Mark Isaac, Florida State University

Session Chairs:

R. Mark Isaac, Florida State University


R. Mark Isaac, Florida State University (Contact Author)
Luke Boosey, Florida State University
Douglas A. Norton, Florida State University

"Centrality and Control in Group Production"
Abhijit Ramalingam, University of East Anglia (Contact Author)
David Rojo-Arjona, Chapman University
Arthur Schram, University of Amsterdam
Boris van Leeuwen, University of Amsterdam

"Network Monitoring in Public Goods Provision"
Luke Boosey, Florida State University (Contact Author)
R. Mark Isaac, Florida State University

"Paying to Punish in Public Goods Games"
Sara Godoy, University of Essex (Contact Author)
Antonio J. Morales, University of Malaga
Abhijit Ramalingam, University of East Anglia
James M. Walker, Indiana University




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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 08D*
Migration, Forced and Voluntary-Case Studies from Three Countries


Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University

Session Chairs:

Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University


"Sex Ratio and Migration: Evidence from China"
Ren Mu, Texas A&M University
Meiyan Wang, Institute of Population and Labor Economics, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

"Remittances and Investment in Assets and Education: Results from Kyrgyz Panel Data"
Charles M. Becker, Duke University (Contact Author)
Nurgul Ukueva, American University of Central Asia

"Remittances and the Human Capital of Children: New Evidence from Kyrgyzstan During Revolution and Financial Crisis, 2005-2009"
Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)
Antje Kroeger, German Institute for Development Evaluation


Olga Shemyakina, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jennifer Bennett Shinall, Vanderbilt University
Kathryn H. Anderson, Vanderbilt University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 09D*
The Economics of Environmental Health


Raymond Guiteras, University of Maryland
Subhrendu Pattanayak, Duke University
Marc Jeuland, Duke University

Session Chairs:

Subhrendu Pattanayak, Duke University


"Demand Coordination with Strong Complementarities and Externalities: Evidence from Sanitation Interventions in Bangladesh"
Raymond Guiteras, University of Maryland
James Levinsohn, Yale University
A. Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University

"Adoption and Use of Improved Stoves in the Presence of Varied Institutions"
Marc Jeuland, Duke University
Subhrendu Pattanayak, Duke University

"Destruction, Disinvestment, and Death: Economic and Human Losses Following Environmental Disaster"
Jesse K Anttila-Hughes, University of San Francisco (Contact Author)
Solomon Hsiang, Princeton University

"Could Droughts Improve Human Capital? Evidence from India"
Manisha Shah, University of California, Los Angeles
Bryce Steinberg, Harvard University




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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 10D
Encouraging Undergraduate Research in Economics


Jeffrey Wagner, Rochester Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Jeffrey Wagner, Rochester Institute of Technology


"Developing Student Research Partners"
Bryan C. McCannon, Saint Bonaventure University (Contact Author)

"Research Assistants Are Not Born–-They Are Made"
Aju J. Fenn, Colorado College (Contact Author)

"Incentivizing Quality Research in Economics Capstone Courses"
Michael C. Seeborg, Illinois Wesleyan University (Contact Author)

"Some Approaches to Undergraduate Research in Economics"
Jeffrey Wagner, Rochester Institute of Technology (Contact Author)


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 11D
African Development

Session Chairs:

Susan Chen, The University of Alabama


"Bridging the Digital Divide: Telecom Reforms and Growth--A Case Study of Sub-Sahara African Countries"
Lateef Subair, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)

"The Long-Term Cognitive Consequences of Early Childhood Malnutrition: The Case of Famine in Ghana"
Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota (Contact Author)
Kofi Ampaabeng, Clark University

"Heat Waves at Conception and Later Life Outcomes"
Joshua Wilde, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Bénédicte Apouey, Paris School of Economics

"Satisfaction with Life and Risk Preferences in Rural Ethiopia"
Solomon T. Tesfu, Mount St. Mary's University (Contact Author)


Solomon T. Tesfu, Mount St. Mary's University
Lateef Subair, The University of Mississippi
Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota
Joshua Wilde, University of South Florida
Jerry Hionis, Jr, Temple University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 12D
Health Care Choices

Session Chairs:

Jinyoung Eom, State University of New York at Stony Brook


"The Role of Spouse’s Health Conditions on the Decision of Nursing Home Entry of the Elderly Couples in the United States"
Jinyoung Eom, State University of New York at Stony Brook (Contact Author)

"Social Interactions and Adherence for Preventive Health Care Recommendations Among the Elderly"
Natallia Gray, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"Heart Attacks and Subsequent Medication Choices: The Effect of Medicare Part D Benefit Phase and Time of Year"
Mary Schroeder, University of Iowa (Contact Author)
John Brooks, University of Iowa
Elizabeth Cook, University of Iowa

"Translational Research in Public Health Education: The Economics of Implementing Community Theater in Combating Diabetes"
Philip Szmedra, Georgia Southwestern State University (Contact Author)

"Cost-Effectiveness of Clinic-Based Interventions to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening: Comparison of FOBT- Versus Colonoscopy-Based Programs"
Ramzi G. Salloum, The University of South Carolina (Contact Author)


Ramzi G. Salloum, The University of South Carolina
Natallia Gray, University of South Florida
Philip Szmedra, Georgia Southwestern State University
Mary Schroeder, University of Iowa
Tannista Banerjee, Auburn University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 13D
Firms, Workers, and Consumers

Session Chairs:

Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University


"After the Tournament: Outcomes and Effort Provision"
Andrew McGee, Simon Fraser University (Contact Author)
Peter McGee, National University of Singapore

"'I'll Trade You Some Accuracy for that Confidence': The Story of Pundit Accuracy and Viewer Preferences"
Ben O. Smith, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"Rational Addiction and Video Games"
Micah Pollak, Indiana University Northwest (Contact Author)

"No Time to Eat: An Analysis of Eating and Food Preparation Time among Single-Headed Households"
Mark Senia, Iowa State University
Helen H. Jensen, Iowa State University
Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University (Contact Author)

"Peeking Inside the 'Black Box'- Examining the Effects of Leadership Humility and Employee Input on Continual Improvement and Firm Performance"
Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida (Contact Author)


Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida
Micah Pollak, Indiana University Northwest
Ben O. Smith, Washington State University
Andrew McGee, Simon Fraser University
Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy, Iowa State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 14D
Undergraduate Economics Education II

Session Chairs:

Amanda L. Wilsker, Georgia Gwinnett College


"1,001 Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Economics"
Wayne Geerling, Pennsylvania State University
Kim Holder, University of West Georgia
G. Dirk Mateer, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"From Economists to Data Scientists: How Our Discipline Can Participate in the Growth of Analytics"
Kenneth P. Sanford, SAS Institute (Contact Author)

"Are Our Students Prepared? -- Exploring the Gaps in Undergraduate Economics Preparation"
Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Natalia V. Smirnova, American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) (Contact Author)

"Oral Exams in Principles Courses: Developing a More Holistic Approach to Economic Education"
Amanda L. Wilsker, Georgia Gwinnett College (Contact Author)
Janita Rawls, Georgia Gwinnett College
Richard Rawls, Georgia Gwinnett College

"Sidewalk Economics: Sidewalk Art as a Mechanism to Teach Economics"
Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College (Contact Author)
Sherri Wall, University of Alaska Fairbanks


Kenneth P. Sanford, SAS Institute
Wayne Geerling, Pennsylvania State University
Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College
Paul Chambers, University of Central Missouri
Amanda L. Wilsker, Georgia Gwinnett College


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 15D
R&D, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Session Chairs:

Ding Du, Northern Arizona University


"Optimal R&D Subsidies with Heterogeneous Firms in a Dynamic Setting"
Christopher A. Laincz, Drexel University (Contact Author)
Joshua Dennis Hall, The University of Tampa

"How Private Property Protection Influences the Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Economic Growth"
Jihong Zhang, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology
Ding Du, Northern Arizona University (Contact Author)
Walter G. Park, American University

"Basic vs. Inventive Research: Optimal R&D Strategies in Patent Races"
Mark Frascatore, Clarkson University (Contact Author)


Mark Frascatore, Clarkson University
Christopher A. Laincz, Drexel University
Ding Du, Northern Arizona University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 16D
Economics of Divorce

Session Chairs:

Christina Houseworth, Hobart and William Smith Colleges


"Divorce Spillover Effects: The Effects of Marriage Market Participation on Future Divorce Rates"
Sheena Murray, University of Colorado, Boulder (Contact Author)

"Disruptive Events: The Relationship Between Divorce and Immigration"
Christina Houseworth, Hobart and William Smith Colleges (Contact Author)
Barry R. Chiswick, The George Washington University

"'Don't Worry. I’ll Divorce You When I Get Sick.' Medicaid Long Term Care Eligibility Rules and Divorce Among the Elderly"
Joseph Guse, Washington and Lee University (Contact Author)
Virginia Hodges, Jessie Ball DuPont Foundation

"Is 'Best Interest of the Child' Best for Every Child? The Long-Term Implications of Gender-Neutral Custody Laws"
Yang Chen, Ohio State University (Contact Author)


Yang Chen, Ohio State University
Joseph Guse, Washington and Lee University
Sheena Murray, University of Colorado, Boulder
Xue Li, Louisiana State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 18D
The Effect of Public Policy on Health Behaviors and Health


Sarah M. Estelle, Hope College

Session Chairs:

Sarah M. Estelle, Hope College


"Publicly-Provided Health Insurance and Health Behavior: The Case of Medicaid Expansions for Pregnant Women"
Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University (Contact Author)
Robert Kaestner, University of Illinois at Chicago
George Wehby, University of Iowa

"Health Insurance Premiums, Medical Care Utilizations, and the Well-Being of the Elderly"
Yuping Tsai, Carter Consulting, Centers for Disease Control (Contact Author)

"Adjusting BMI for Measurement Error with Invalid Validation Data"
Joshua Pinkston, University of Louisville (Contact Author)
Charles Courtemanche, Georgia State University
Jay Stewart, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

"Breaking Bad: Are Meth Labs Justified in Dry Counties?"
Jose Fernandez, University of Louisville (Contact Author)
Stephan F. Gohmann, University of Louisville
Joshua Pinkston, University of Louisville


Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University
Yuping Tsai, Carter Consulting, Centers for Disease Control
Jose Fernandez, University of Louisville
Joshua Pinkston, University of Louisville


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 19D
Domestic Migration Decisions

Session Chairs:

Chi-ang Lin, National Chengchi University


"North Korean Internal Migration"
Max St Brown, Erckerd College (Contact Author)

"The Impact of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit on Migration"
Amanda Ross, West Virginia University (Contact Author)
Brian Cushing, West Virginia University

"Spatial Diffusion of the Hispanic Population in the United States"
Chi-ang Lin, National Chengchi University (Contact Author)
Mingming Pan, New Mexico State University


Amanda Ross, West Virginia University
Max St Brown, Erckerd College
Karla Borja, University of Tampa


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 20D
Transportation and Coal Industries

Session Chairs:

Will Holmes, Georgia Gwinnett College


"The Impact of Information Technology Investment on Firm Survival During 30 Years of Railroad Consolidation"
Will Holmes, Georgia Gwinnett College (Contact Author)
Melinda Cline, Georgia Gwinnett College
Andrew Stephenson, Georgia Gwinnett College

"The Effects of Inter-Industry Competition on Prices in Chinese Airline Markets: Two Natural Experiments from High-Speed Rails"
Jihui Chen, Illinois State University (Contact Author)
Feng Wei, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China
Lan Zhang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China

"A New Risk Approach to Analyze Shipping Financial Performance"
Grace Wang, Texas A&M University at Galveston (Contact Author)
Zaili Yang, Liverpool John Moores University

"Environmental Regulation, Electricity Restructuring, and Labor Productivity in Surface Coal Mining Industry"
Xing Liu, University of Arizona (Contact Author)

"Price Discrimination Based upon the Product Use: New Evidence in the Coal Market of the United States"
Qingxin He, Winston Salem State University (Contact Author)
Jonathan Lee, East Carolina University


Grace Wang, Texas A&M University at Galveston
Jacob Malone, The University of Georgia
Jihui Chen, Illinois State University
Qingxin He, Winston Salem State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 21D
Borrowing in Open Economies

Session Chairs:

Jason Rastovski, Centre College


"Is All Debt Created Equal?"
Jarrod Hunt, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"Shadow Banking and External Borrowing in the United States"
Jason Rastovski, Centre College (Contact Author)

"Foreign Bank Behavior During Financial Crises"
Julian Caballero, Inter-American Development Bank (Contact Author)
Jonathon Adams-Kane, World Bank
Jamus Lim, World Bank


Jarrod Hunt, University of Houston
David Y. Chen, North Carolina A&T State University
Indrit Hoxha, Penn State University Harrisburg


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5:00 - 6:15 p.m.
Session 05DG*
Distinguished Guest Lecture





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6:15 - 7:45 p.m.
Session 31DR*
Distinguished Guest Lecture Reception





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6:15 - 8:00 p.m.
Session 33KR
University of Kentucky Reception

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7:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Session No session number set-R3

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7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
Session No session number set-S3
Continental Breakfast

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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 02F*
Health and Human Capital-Related Behaviors of Adolescents and Young Adults


Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc.

Session Chairs:

Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc.


"The Effects of Sexual and Physical Assault on Suicidality in High School"
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc. (Contact Author)

"The Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Alcohol Consumption"
Angela K. Dills, Providence College (Contact Author)

"School Attendance and the Business Cycle"
Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University (Contact Author)


Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc.
Angela K. Dills, Providence College
Sara Markowitz, Emory University
Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 04F
Economics History

Session Chairs:

Chad W. Seagren, Naval Postgraduate School


"Ben Bernanke: Theory and Practice"
Alexander Gill, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)

"Sparking Fertility: The Rural Electrification Administration and Fertility in the United States 1930-1940"
Carl T. Kitchens, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Transportation Infrastructure on Rural Farm Structure and Agricultural Portfolios"
Dustin Frye, University of Colorado, Boulder (Contact Author)

"From the Field to the Classroom: The Boll Weevil's Impact on Education in Rural Georgia"
Richard B. Baker, Boston University (Contact Author)

"An Economic Examination of the Evolution of War-Making Power in the United States"
Chad W. Seagren, Naval Postgraduate School (Contact Author)


Richard B. Baker, Boston University
Alexander Gill, North Carolina State University
Carl T. Kitchens, The University of Mississippi
Dustin Frye, University of Colorado, Boulder
Julie Trivitt, University of Arkansas


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 05F
Maternal Health and Children's Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Amelia Biehl, University of Michigan-Flint


"Impact of Maternal Depression on Educational Outcomes of School Age Children"
Linyue Yu, Beijing Jiaotong University
Virginia Wilcox-Gok, Northern Illinois University (Contact Author)

"The Earlier or More, the Better: The Effects of Prenatal Care on Maternal Health and Health Behavior"
Ji Yan, Appalachian State University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Mothers’ Earnings on Health Inputs and Infant Health"
Christian Raschke, Sam Houston State University (Contact Author)
Naci Mocan, Louisiana State University
Bulent Unel, Louisiana State University

"Early Health Interventions and Early Scholastic Achievement in the United States"
Bhavneet Walia, Western Illinois University (Contact Author)
Thomas Sadler, Western Illinois University

"The Effects of Foster Care Legislation on the Length of Time Spent in Care"
Amelia Biehl, University of Michigan-Flint (Contact Author)
Brian Hill, Salisbury University


Bhavneet Walia, Western Illinois University
Christian Raschke, Sam Houston State University
Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Leslee Brooke Conaway, Georgia College & State University
Ji Yan, Appalachian State University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 06F*
The Long Reach of African American History


Seth Sanders, Duke University

Session Chairs:

Seth Sanders, Duke University


"The Consequences of the Great Migration for Blacks in the U.S."
Kenneth Chay, Brown University
Kaivan Munshi, Brown University

"The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African Americans: Evidence from the Deep South"
Dan Black, University of Chicago
Seth Sanders, Duke University (Contact Author)
Evan Taylor, University of Michigan
Lowell Taylor, Carnegie Mellon University

"Access to Schooling and the Black-White Crime Gap in the Early 20th Century: Evidence from Rosenwald Schools"
Katherine Eriksson, California Polytechnic State University (Contact Author)


George Levi-Gayle, Washington University in St. Louis
Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 07F*
Social Preferences


James C. Cox, Georgia State University

Session Chairs:

James C. Cox, Georgia State University


"Caste, Efficiency and Fairness with Public Goods and Common Pool Resources"
James C. Cox, Georgia State University
Urmimala Sen, Georgia State University

"Only Mine or All Ours: An Artefactual Field Experiment on Procedural Altrusim"
Utteeyo Dasgupta, Franklin and Marshall College
Subha Mani, Fordham University

"Intra-Household Reciprocity"
James C. Cox, Georgia State University
Urmimala Sen, Georgia State University

"Fishy Behavior: A Field Experiment on Cheating in a Real Market"
Subhasish Dugar, University of Calgary
Haimanti Bhattacharya, University of Utah




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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 08F*
Structural Models of Smoking Decisions: Opening up the Black Box


Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session Chairs:

Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


"Lighting the Fires: Explaining Youth Smoking Initiation and Experimentation in the Context of a Rational Addiction Model with Learning"
Brett Matsumoto, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"Parental Health as Foreshadowing? The Effect of Parental Health Shocks on the Smoking Behavior of Adult Offspring"
Michael Darden, Tulane University (Contact Author)
Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Genes, Smoking, and Health over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Survey"
Kevin Thom, New York University (Contact Author)
David Cesarini, New York University
Andrew Caplin, New York University
Patrick Turley, Harvard University
Daniel Benjamin, Cornell University


Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 09F*
Education, Opportunity, and Public Policy


M. Kathleen Thomas, Mississippi State University

Session Chairs:

M. Kathleen Thomas, Mississippi State University


"The Effects of Indiana's Twenty-First Century Scholars Program on College Aspirations and Completion"
Robert Toutkoushian, The University of Georgia
Donald Hossler, Indiana University
Stephen L. DesJardins, University of Michigan
Brian McCall, University of Michigan
Manuel Canche, The University of Georgia

"Intra-Family Relations, Poverty, and High School Performance"
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University
Darrick Hamilton, The New School
William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University

"Strategic Senioritis and the Impact of Texas's Top Ten Percent Law on High School Outcomes"
Daniel M. Leeds, Michigan Department of Education
Lindsay Daugherty, RAND
Isaac Martorell, Jr., RAND
Isaac McFarlin, Jr., University of Michigan

"Have the Returns to an Incomplete Education Changed Over Time?"
Rodney J. Andrews, The University of Texas at Dallas
Omari H. Swinton, Howard University

"Middle School Music Education and Its Impact on High School Persistence: An Examination of Little Kids Rock"
Priyanka Singh, The University of Texas at Dallas
M. Kathleen Thomas, Mississippi State University


John Winters, Oklahoma State University
David L. Sjoquist, Georgia State University
Courtney Collins, Rhodes College
Marigee Bacolod, Naval Postgraduate School


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 16F
Gender Wage Gap

Session Chairs:

Olga Belskaya, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


"Explaining the Declining Gender Pay Gap among College Educated Workers in Russia"
Olga Belskaya, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"An Analysis of Gender Wage Gap over Time in China's Urban Labor Market"
Zhonghui Liu, State University of New York at Binghamton (Contact Author)
Solomon Polachek, State University of New York at Binghamton

"Occupational Concentration and Wages"
Hiranya K. Nath, Sam Houston State University (Contact Author)
Dipanwita Sarkar, Queensland University of Technology


Anna Nesterenko, ERS Group
Hiranya K. Nath, Sam Houston State University
Ceren Ertan Yoruk, Sage College of Albany


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 17F
Health, Income, and Outcomes


Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida

Session Chairs:

Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University


"The Effect of Income on Child Health"
Susan L. Averett, Lafayette College (Contact Author)
Yang Wang, Lafayette College

"Cigarette Taxes and Youth Smoking: Pre- and Post-MSA Estimates"
Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University (Contact Author)
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver
Benjamin C. Hansen, University of Oregon

"Maternal Depression and Housing Outcomes"
Hope Corman, Rider University (Contact Author)
Marah A. Curtis, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kelly Noonan, Rider University
Nancy E. Reichman, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

"The Relationship between Smoking and Labor Supply"
Reagan Anne Baughman, University of New Hampshire (Contact Author)


Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University
Nicholas Sanders, College of William & Mary
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University
Lindsey Woodworth, University of Florida


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 18F
Measuring Subnational Economic Freedom: A Panel Discussion


Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University


Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University


Russell S. Sobel, The Citadel

Joshua C. Hall, West Virginia University

Patrick McLaughlin, Mercatus Center


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 19F
Trade, Agriculture, and the Environment

Session Chairs:

Augustina Odame, Utah State University


"Rubber Plantation in Non Traditional Areas in India: A Study of Economic and Environmental Sustainability under Different Land Tenure Systems"
Dharmendra Nath, S.B. Deorah College (Contact Author)

"Cost-Effective Placement of Best Management Practices: Lessons from the CEAP Studies"
Luba Kurkalova, North Carolina A&T State University (Contact Author)

"Assessing the Chilling Effect of the WTO on Multilateral Environmental Agreements"
Daniel L. Millimet, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)
Jayjit Roy, Appalachian State University

"Water-Saving Infrastructure Investment under Uncertainty"
Augustina Odame, Utah State University (Contact Author)
Charles Sims, Utah State University

"Managing Groundwater Quantity and Quality: Competitive Myopic Equilibrium Extraction, Competitive Extraction with Limited Foresight, and Optimal Extraction"
Keith Willett, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)
Sanchari Ghosh, Oklahoma State University


Keith Willett, Oklahoma State University
Dharmendra Nath, S.B. Deorah College
Luba Kurkalova, North Carolina A&T State University
Bidisha Lahiri, Oklahoma State University
Augustina Odame, Utah State University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20F
Telecommunications, Broadband and Corporate Liability

Session Chairs:

Maria Arbatskaya, Emory University


"Endogenous Market Structure and Fixed-to-Mobile Competition in the US Telecommunications Industry"
Chengyan Gu, Northeastern University (Contact Author)

"The End of an Era: Is Usage-Based Pricing Right for Residential Broadband?"
Jacob Malone, The University of Georgia
Jonathan W. Williams, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Food Allergen Liability and Regulation When Consumer Label-Reading Effort Counts"
Maria Arbatskaya, Emory University (Contact Author)
Maria Vyshnya Aslam, Emory University

"Competitive Pricing with Ordered Consumer Search"
Jian Shen, The Ohio State University (Contact Author)


Chengyan Gu, Northeastern University
Jian Shen, The Ohio State University
Maria Arbatskaya, Emory University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 21F*
Health and Subjective Well-Being


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas

Session Chairs:

Christopher R. Bollinger, University of Kentucky


"Environmental Pollution and Subjective Well-Being in China"
Julia Brandes, University of Kansas (Contact Author)

"Two Can Live as Cheaply as One, But Three's a Crowd"
Christopher R. Bollinger, University of Kentucky
Cheti Nicoletti, University of York
Stephen Pudney, University of Essex

"Influence of Level of Corruption on Individual Subjective Well-Being on the Example of Russia"
Daria Milakhina, University of Kansas (Contact Author)

"How Do Alternative Nutrition Assistance Programs Affect Health Outcomes?"
Tami Gurley-Calvez, University of Kansas (Contact Author)

"Writing Tort Reform Laws: Do Details Matter?"
Rachel Childers, University of Kansas (Contact Author)


Philippe Belley, Kansas State University
M. Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 25F
Fiscal Policy

Session Chairs:

Miesha Williams, The University of Alabama


"Deep Habits and Unemployment Fiscal Multipliers"
Chak Hung Jack Cheng, Murray State University (Contact Author)
Ching Wai (Jeremy) Chiu, Independent Scholar

"Transitional Welfare Effects of Consumption and Capital Income Tax Reform in a Small Open Economy"
Nathalie Mathieu-Bolh, University of Vermont (Contact Author)

"Public Investment, Private Investment, Employment and the Real Interest Rate"
Miesha Williams, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)


Nathalie Mathieu-Bolh, University of Vermont
Tamoya Christie, College at Brockport SUNY
John Golob, Retired (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 02G*
Sleep and Educational Outcomes


Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc.

Session Chairs:

Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc.


"Sleep and Academic Performance in High School"
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc. (Contact Author)

"Snooze or Lose: Teenagers' Sleep and Academic Achievement"
Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Contact Author)

"Sleep Disorders, Human Capital Acquisition, and Earnings"
Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University (Contact Author)
Kurt Wang, San Diego State University
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver


Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc.
Edward J. Schumacher, Trinity University
Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 05G*
Issues in Public Sector Economics


J.R. Clark, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Session Chairs:

J.R. Clark, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


"Market Failures, Government Solutions, and Moral Perceptions"
Dwight R. Lee, Southern Methodist University
J.R. Clark, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Contact Author)

"Institutional Quality and the Wealth of Autocrats"
Randall G. Holcombe, Florida State University (Contact Author)
Christopher J. Boudreaux, Florida State University

"Does School District and Municipality Border Congruence Matter? A Spatial Hedonic Approach"
Joshua C. Hall, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"The Causality Between Government Spending and Special Interest Group Activity"
Russell S. Sobel, The Citadel
J.R. Clark, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Contact Author)


John Garen, University of Kentucky
Michael L. Davis, Southern Methodist University
Todd M. Nesbit, The Ohio State University
Joshua C. Hall, West Virginia University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 06G*
Care Work


Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University

Session Chairs:

Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University


"Do State-Level Policy Choices Influence Caregiver Behavior?"
Douglas Wolf, Syracuse University
Kanika Arora, Syracuse University (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Support to Multiple Generations on Labor Supply in Late Middle Age"
Suzanne Bianchi, University of California, Los Angeles
Sung S. Park, University of California, Los Angeles
Emily Wiemers, University Massachusetts Boston (Contact Author)

"Generosity Norms and Intrinsic Motivation in Health Care Provision: Evidence from the Laboratory and Field"
J. Michelle Brock, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Andreas Lange, University of Hamburg
Kenneth Leonard, University of Maryland (Contact Author)

"Are Care Workers Different? Preferences and Occupations in Three Texas Communities"
Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)




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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 07G*
Health and Healthcare


James C. Cox, Georgia State University

Session Chairs:

James C. Cox, Georgia State University


"Higher Quality and Lower Cost from Improving Hospital Discharge Decision Making"
James C. Cox, Georgia State University
Vjollca Sadiraj, Georgia State University
Kurt E. Schnier, Georgia State University
John F. Sweeney, Emory University

"Modeling Area-Level Health Rankings"
Samir Soneji, Dartmouth College
Rusty Tchernis, Georgia State University

"Loss Aversion and Organ Utilization"
James C. Cox, Georgia State University
Vjollca Sadiraj, Georgia State University
Kurt E. Schnier, Georgia State University
Nicole Turgeon, Emory University

"Improving the Approach to Organ Donation Registration"
Danyang Li, Hofstra University (Contact Author)




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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 08G*
Structural Models of Tradeoffs: Uncertainty, Time Allocation, and Family Planning Dynamics


Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session Chairs:

Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


"The Relationship Between Employment Decisions and Optimal Exercise and Dining Behavior"
Matthew Harris, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)

"Choice Dynamics in IVF Treatment"
Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis (Contact Author)
Bart Hamilton, Washington University in St. Louis
Emily Jungheim, Washington University in St. Louis
Brian McManus, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Deadbeat Dads"
Meghan Skira, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Geoff Sanzenbacher, Boston College
Shannon Seitz, Analysis Group


Jose Fernandez, University of Louisville
Luca Flabbi, IDB, Georgetown University
Carl Sanders, Washington University in St. Louis


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 09G*
Dynamic Approaches to Health Care Markets


Thomas A. Mroz, Clemson University

Session Chairs:

Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida


"Estimating Dynamic Discrete Choice Models of Product Differentiation: An Application to Medicare Part D with Switching Costs"
Daniel Miller, Clemson University (Contact Author)
Jungwon Yeo, Singapore Management University

"Dynamic Sequencing of Drug Treatments for ADHD Patients with Medicaid Coverage"
Anna Chorniy, Clemson University (Contact Author)

"Demand for Preventive and Reactive Medicine: An Analysis of Observed Health Trends Over Time"
Richard Gearhart, Clemson University (Contact Author)


Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland
William B. Vogt, The University of Georgia
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 17G
Retirement and Disability

Session Chairs:

Yi Zhang, Stony Brook University


"Estimating the Trade Off Between Continuing in the Labor Force and Pension Benefits Using Panel Data in Japan"
Tomoki Kitamura, NLI-Research Institute (Contact Author)
Kunio Nakashima, NLI Research Institute
Toshiyuki Uemura, Kwansei Gakuin University

"Labor Supply of Immigrants near Retirement Age and Social Welfare Program Eligibilities"
Yi Zhang, Stony Brook University (Contact Author)

"The Effects of Mortality Risk on Retirement Decisions"
Zhendong Zhao, City University of New York, Graduate Center (Contact Author)

"Rejection from the Disability Insurance Program and Dependency on Social Support"
Susan Chen, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)


Susan Chen, The University of Alabama
Zhendong Zhao, City University of New York, Graduate Center
Jinyoung Eom, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Paula M. Kazi, Bucknell University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 18G
Empirical Public Finance


Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University

Session Chairs:

Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University


"Don’t Blame the Weather: Federal Natural Disaster Aid and Public Corruption"
Adriana S. Cordis, Winthrop University (Contact Author)
Jeff Milyo, University of Missouri

"Revenue Cycles and Risk-Sharing in Local Governments: An Analysis of State Rainy Day Funds"
Gary Wagner, Old Dominion University (Contact Author)
Erick Elder, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

"The Determinants of the Severity of State Fiscal Crises"
David T. Mitchell, University of Central Arkansas
Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University


Adriana S. Cordis, Winthrop University
David T. Mitchell, University of Central Arkansas
Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University
Gary Wagner, Old Dominion University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 19G
Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Demand

Session Chairs:

Weiwei Liu, Saginaw Valley State University


"The Rise of Renewable Energy in the U.S."
Adrienne Ohler, Illinois State University (Contact Author)

"Rate-of-Return Regulation, Electricity Market Deregulation, and Renewable Energy Technology"
Adrienne Ohler, Illinois State University (Contact Author)

"Dirty and Clean Technologies"
Supratim Das Gupta, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)

"Household Demographics and the Heterogeneous Effects of U.S. Gasoline Policies"
Weiwei Liu, Saginaw Valley State University (Contact Author)

"Links Between Prices of Agricultural Commodities and Biofuels"
Jan Bentzen, Aarhus University (Contact Author)
Tanja Groth, Aarhus University


Jan Bentzen, Aarhus University
Supratim Das Gupta, University of South Carolina
Feler Bose, Alma College
Adrienne Ohler, Illinois State University
Augustina Odame, Utah State University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 20G*
How to Give a Good Research Presentation


Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University


Arthur L. Zillante, University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University

Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University

Courtney Collins, Rhodes College


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 21G
Estimation of Models with Monetary Policy Targets

Session Chairs:

Gokcen Ogruk, Texas Wesleyan University


"Carry Trade Strategies with Taylor Rule and Markov Switching Dynamic Factor"
Gokcen Ogruk, Texas Wesleyan University (Contact Author)

"Monetary Policy and the Housing Market During the Last Decades"
Jing Zhang, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)

"The Output Gap and Inflation in U.S. Data"
Anindya Biswas, Spring Hill College (Contact Author)

"Supply Shocks, Non-Traded Goods, and the Real Exchange Rate in a Small Open Economy Model"
Nestor Azcona, Babson College (Contact Author)


Jing Zhang, The University of Mississippi
Juan Medina, The University of Alabama
Gokcen Ogruk, Texas Wesleyan University
Nestor Azcona, Babson College
Julian Caballero, Inter-American Development Bank


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 22G
Consumption and Investment Fluctuations

Session Chairs:

John Golob, Retired (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)


"Does Relative Risk Aversion Vary with Wealth? Evidence from Households' Portfolio Choice Data"
Zongwu Cai, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Xuan Liu, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
Fang Yang, University at Albany

"Mortgage Defaults"
Juan M. Sanchez, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Contact Author)
Leonardo Martinez, International Monetary Fund
Juan C. Hatchondo, Indiana University

"Investment Bubbles and Jobless Slow-Growth Expansions: A Tale of Three Recoveries"
John Golob, Retired (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City) (Contact Author)

"Business Cycle, Storage, and Energy Prices"
Oleg Kucher, Frostburg State University (Contact Author)
Alexander Kurov, West Virginia University

"The Impact of Responsiveness of Monetary Policy on Housing Market-An Estimated DSGE Model"
Lin Zhang, Stony Brook University (Contact Author)


Lin Zhang, Stony Brook University
Xuan Liu, East Carolina University
Juan M. Sanchez, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Ayse Sapci, Vanderbilt University
Oleg Kucher, Frostburg State University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 25G
Measuring Multidimensional Deprivation


Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology


"Material Deprivation in Europe: Which Expenditures Are Curtailed First?"
Jacques Silber, Bar-Ilan University (Contact Author)
Joseph Deutsch, Bar-Ilan University
Anne-Catherine Guio, CEPS/INSTEAD
Marco Pomati, University of Bristol

"Analysis of Inequality across the Multi-dimensionally Poor and across Population Subgroups for Counting Approaches"
Suman Seth, University of Oxford (Contact Author)
Sabina Alkire, University of Oxford

"Measuring Multidimensional Poverty in the US"
Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Comparing Multi-Dimensional and Monetary Poverty in Uganda"
Sebastian Levine, UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa (Contact Author)

"Measuring Deprivations in a Multi-Attribute Framework with Ordinal Data"
Yongsheng Xu, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Prasanta Pattanaik, University of California, Riverside
Lily Li, Georgia State University


Urmimala Sen, Georgia State University
Riha Vaidya, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Denvil Duncan, Indiana University
Michael Jetter, Universidad EAFIT


Back to top

12:00 - 1:45 p.m.
Session 30PL
Presidential Address and Luncheon

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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 01H
Applied Microeconomics II


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University


"Measuring the Efficiency of the Japan Professional Football League"
Dan Zhao, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"Price Beliefs and Experience: Do Consumers’ Beliefs Converge to Empirical Distributions with Repeated Purchases?"
Brett Matsumoto, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Forrest Spence, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"Welfare Impact of Truncated Tournament Contracts: A Short-Run Analysis in Broiler Production Industry"
Zhen Wang, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)
Tomislav Vukina, North Carolina State University

"Broken Promises and Hidden Partnerships"
Jingnan (Cecilia) Chen, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Daniel Houser, George Mason University


Gary Hoover, The University of Alabama
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University
Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas
Joseph Price, Brigham Young University


Back to top

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 02H*
21st Century Challenges to Youth Health and Well-Being


David C. Ribar, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Session Chairs:

David C. Ribar, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro


"Medical Marijuana Laws and Teen Marijuana Use"
D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University (Contact Author)
Benjamin C. Hansen, University of Oregon
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver

"The Great Recession and Health-Related Behaviors among High School Students"
Jeffrey S. DeSimone, Litigation Analytics, Inc. (Contact Author)

"Is Leaving Home a Hardship?"
David C. Ribar, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Contact Author)


Rodney J. Andrews, The University of Texas at Dallas
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Angela K. Dills, Providence College


Back to top

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 04H*
Measurement in Economic Data: Consequences and Solutions


Christopher R. Bollinger, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

Christopher R. Bollinger, University of Kentucky


"Measurement Error in Duration Models: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey"
Christopher R. Bollinger, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Effect of Dental Insurance on the Use of Dental Services When True Coverage Is Unobserved"
John V. Pepper, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"On the Estimation of Selection Models when Participation Is Endogenous and Misclassified"
Rusty Tchernis, Georgia State University (Contact Author)




Back to top

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 05H*
University Funding and University Governance


Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia


Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia


Charles A. Holt, University of Virginia

C. Monica Capra, Claremont Graduate University

Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 06H*
Education Policy


Kata Mihaly, RAND


"When Incentives Matter Too Much: Explaining Significant Responses to Irrelevant Information"
Tom Ahn, University of Kentucky
Jacob L. Vigdor, Duke University

"Teacher-Level Responses to High-Stakes Testing: Examining the Prevalence and Predictors of Teaching to the Test"
Michael Hansen, American Institutes for Research
Umut Ozek, American Institutes for Research
Thomas Gonzalez, American Institutes for Research

"Pre-Migration School Quality, Time Spent in the U.S., and the Math Achievement of Immigrant High School Students"
Trey Miller, RAND
Robert Bozick, RAND
Alessandro Malchiodi, RAND

"Is It Teachers or Students? What Explains Grade Level Variation in Observational Measures of Teacher Effectiveness"
Kata Mihaly, RAND
Daniel Mccaffrey, ETS




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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 07H*
Recent Developments in Empirical Industrial Organization


Isabelle Perrigne, Pennsylvania State University


"Optimal Rules for Permit Rebating"
Stephen Ryan, The University of Texas at Austin (Contact Author)

"Bargaining with Asymmetric Information: An Empirical Study of Plea Negotiations"
Bernardo Santos da Silveira, Washington University of St. Louis (Contact Author)

"Bundling and Nonlinear Pricing in Telecommunications"
Yao Luo, University of Toronto (Contact Author)

"A Model of Dynamic Limit Pricing with an Application to the Airline Industry"
James Roberts, Duke University (Contact Author)




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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 08H*
Structural Dynamic Models of Health Inputs, Health Insurance, and Wages


Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session Chairs:

Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


"Annual Health Insurance Decisions, Uncertain Health Transitions, and Within Year Medical Care Consumption"
Chris Cronin, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"The Determinants of Rising Inequality in Health Insurance and Wages: An Equilibrium Model of Workers' Compensation and Health Care Policies"
Rong Hai, University of Chicago (Contact Author)


Matthew Harris, The University of Tennessee


Back to top

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 09H*
Advances in Managerial Economics


Christopher R. Thomas, University of South Florida
William F. Shughart, II, Utah State University

Session Chairs:

Christopher R. Thomas, University of South Florida
William F. Shughart, II, Utah State University


"On the Destabilizing Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility"
Antony Dnes, George Mason University

"Targeting Rivals: Moving from 'Whether' to 'Whom'"
John W. Mayo, Georgetown University
David E.M. Sappington, University of Florida (Contact Author)

"Strategic Clustering and Competition by Alcohol Retailers: An Empirical Analysis of Entry and Location Decisions"
Yi Deng, University of South Florida
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida

"Hedging and Buying Market Share: The Case of Southwest Airlines"
Brad Kamp, University of South Florida (Contact Author)


Richard Boampong, University of Florida
Chris Fawson, Utah State University


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 16H
Mothers' Impact on Child Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Bates College


"Happy Mothers, Successful Children: Effects of Maternal Life Satisfaction on Child Outcomes"
Dimitrios Nikolaou, Illinois State University (Contact Author)

"Analysis of Maternal Employment and Child Care Arrangements on Early Childhood Health and Cognitive Development"
Didem Pekkurnaz, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"Son Preference and Gender Gaps in Child Nutrition: Does the Level of Female Autonomy Matter?"
Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Bates College (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Plan B on Teen Abortions: Evidence from the 2006 FDA Ruling"
Inna Cintina, University of Hawaii, Manoa (Contact Author)
Morgen S. Johansen, University of Hawaii, Manoa


Dimitrios Nikolaou, Illinois State University
Didem Pekkurnaz, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
John J. Perry, Centre College
Jason M. Hockenberry, Emory University
Julio Garin, The University of Georgia


Back to top

2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 17H

Session Chairs:

James Bailey, Temple University


"Health Insurance and the Supply of Entrepreneurs: New Evidence from the Affordable Care Act’s Dependent Coverage Mandate"
James Bailey, Temple University (Contact Author)

"Health Insurance Coverage and Self Employment"
Ye Jia, University of Prince Edward Island (Contact Author)

"Return Migration and Self-Employment in Mexico"
Heriberto Gonzalez Lozano, University of Pittsburgh (Contact Author)


Heriberto Gonzalez Lozano, University of Pittsburgh
Ye Jia, University of Prince Edward Island
Yoo Bin Kim, State University of New York at Stony Brook


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 18H
Training the Next Generation: Undergraduate Student Research I


Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University

Session Chairs:

Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University


"From Fiat to Freedom: An Overview of Free Banking"
Mickey Riley, Florida Gulf Coast University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of PreK on Educational Success"
Clarissa Donaldson, Samford University (Contact Author)

"An Empirical Analysis of State Punitive Damage Laws and the Incentives They Create"
Kelly Hastings, Berry College
Lauren R. Heller, Berry College

"Recall of Paul Scott: A Case Study in Public Choice Economics"
Christian McNally, Hillsdale College (Contact Author)


Art Carden, Samford University
Lauren R. Heller, Berry College
Nikolai G. Wenzel, Florida Gulf Coast University
Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 19H
Valuing Environmental Goods and Environmental Policy-Making

Session Chairs:

Bidisha Lahiri, Oklahoma State University


"Valuing Environmental Projects from Choice Surveys: Comparisons and Public Expenditures"
Joni S. Charles, Texas State University-San Marcos
Edoh Y. Amiran, Western Washington University (Contact Author)

"Valuing Global Public Goods - A Delphi Contingent Valuation (CV) Survey of the Amazon Rainforest"
Ståle Navrud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Contact Author)
Jon Strand, Development Research Group, The World Bank

"Economic Evaluation of Household Waste Reduction Effort: A Case of Japan"
Yoshiaki Shimazaki, Akita Prefectural University (Contact Author)
Christian Crowley, U.S. Department of the Interior
Takahiro Hoshi, Akita Prefectural University

"Don’t Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste: Exploring Links Between Environmental Policy-Making and Environmental Mishaps"
Feler Bose, Alma College (Contact Author)
Vivek D Pandey, Michigan State University

"Effect of Environmental Tax Policy on Steady State Production"
Bidisha Lahiri, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)


Nayana Bose, Vanderbilt University
Joni S. Charles, Texas State University-San Marcos
Edoh Y. Amiran, Western Washington University
Yoshiaki Shimazaki, Akita Prefectural University
Ståle Navrud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 20H

Session Chairs:

Klaus G. Becker, Texas Tech University


"Completion or Cartel Behavior, Profit Maximization or Win Maximization?"
Eleanor Von Ende, Texas Tech University
Klaus G. Becker, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)

"How Is Price Discrimination Influenced by Market Power and Cost Efficiency?"
Levent Kutlu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ran Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Entry Thresholds and Competitive Behavior among Nonprofit Firms"
Teresa D. Harrison, Drexel University (Contact Author)
Jeremy Thornton, Samford University


Teresa D. Harrison, Drexel University
David E. Mills, University of Virginia
Brady Vaughan, Washington University in Saint Louis


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 21H
Economics of K-12 Education


Seth Gershenson, American University

Session Chairs:

Seth Gershenson, American University


"Are Student Absences Worth the Worry in U.S. Primary Schools?"
Alison Jacknowitz, American University (Contact Author)
Seth Gershenson, American University

"School Choice in Rural Locales: Do Alternative Jurisdictions Impact Student Performance?"
Eugenia F. Toma, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Joshua Cowen, University of Kentucky
Suzanne P. Troske, University of Kentucky

"Are 'Education Lotteries' Less Regressive? Evidence from Texas"
Celeste K. Carruthers, The University of Tennessee
Kara D.S. Mitchell, Belmont University (Contact Author)

"The Housing and Educational Consequences of the School Choice Provisions of NCLB: Evidence from Charlotte, NC"
Eric J. Brunner, The University of Connecticut (Contact Author)
Stephen Billings, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Stephen L. Ross, University of Connecticut


Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University
Laura Crispin, Saint Joseph's University
Seth Gershenson, American University


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 22H
Central Bank Behavior

Session Chairs:

Menelik S. Geremew, Kalamazoo College


"Can Monetary Policy Contribute Towards Financial Stability? Measuring the Optimality of Monetary Policy with Output, Inflation and Financial Stability Objectives"
Menelik S. Geremew, Kalamazoo College (Contact Author)

"The Size of the Central Bank’s Balance Sheet: Implications for Capital Formation and the Yield Curve"
Juan Medina, The University of Alabama
Robert R. Reed, III, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Quantitative Easing on the Unemployment Rate in the United States during the Great Recession and Aftermath"
Anne Walker, University of Colorado Denver (Contact Author)

"An Ordered Probit Analysis of Monetary Policy Inertia"
Omer Bayar, University of Evansville (Contact Author)

"Monetary Policy Regimes and Inflation in the New-Keynesian Model"
Bartholomew Moore, Fordham University (Contact Author)


Bartholomew Moore, Fordham University
Omer Bayar, University of Evansville
Anne Walker, University of Colorado Denver
Jingping Gu, University of Arkansas
Menelik S. Geremew, Kalamazoo College


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 24H
Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables

Session Chairs:

Azhar Iqbal, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC


"Measuring U.S. Business Cycles: A Comparison of Two Methods and Two Indicators of Economic Activities"
Francis W. Ahking, University of Connecticut (Contact Author)

"The Importance of Housing Variables in Predicting the Economic Fluctuations"
Wenxian Xu, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)

"What Helps Forecast U.S. Inflation?- Mind the Gap!"
Enrique Martinez-Garcia, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Contact Author)
Ayse Kabukcuoglu, The University of Texas at Austin

"Determining the Peak and Trough of State Economic Activity"
Azhar Iqbal, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC (Contact Author)
John Silvia, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC

"Hits and Runs: Determinants of the Cross-Country Variation in the Severity of Impact from the 2008-09 Financial Crisis"
Shane R. Dwyer, Clark University (Contact Author)
Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota


Shane R. Dwyer, Clark University
Francis W. Ahking, University of Connecticut
Wenxian Xu, The University of Mississippi
Enrique Martinez-Garcia, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
David Glasner, Federal Trade Commission


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2:00 - 3:45 p.m.
Session 25H
Macroeconomic Policy in Asian Economies

Session Chairs:

David Y. Chen, North Carolina A&T State University


"Tracking China's Inflation with Domestic and International Indicators"
Wei Sun, Grand Valley State University (Contact Author)

"Monetary Policy and Asian Current Account and Stock Index through Financial Crises: A DLM Approach"
David Y. Chen, North Carolina A&T State University (Contact Author)

"Estimating Exchange Market Pressure: The Case of Singapore"
Amlan Datta, University of Memphis (Contact Author)


Amlan Datta, University of Memphis
Justin S. Merrill, freebanking.org
Nevin Cavusoglu, James Madison University


Back to top

3:45 - 4:00 p.m.
Session No session number set-S4
Complimentary Beverages

Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 01I*
Topics in Economics of Fertility


Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis

Session Chairs:

Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis


"The Fertility-Sex Ratio Tradeoff: Unintended Consequences of Financial Incentives"
S. Anukriti, Boston College (Contact Author)

"The Demographic Consequences of Gender Selection Technology"
Qi Li, Peking University (Contact Author)
Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis




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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 02I*
Microeconomics of Development


Dan Lafave, Colby College

Session Chairs:

Dan Lafave, Colby College


"Catch-up Effects in Health Outcomes--Linear and Quantile Regression Estimates from Four Countries"
Subha Mani, Fordham University (Contact Author)

"Height and Cognition at Work: Labor Market Performance in a Low Income Setting"
Dan Lafave, Colby College (Contact Author)

"The Mexican Drug War and Early-Life Health: The Impact of Violent Crime on Birth Outcomes"
Ryan Brown, Duke University (Contact Author)

"The Mexican Drug War and Migration"
Sarah Pearlman, Vassar College (Contact Author)


Hani Mansour, University of Colorado-Denver
Prakarsh Singh, Amherst College
Olga Shemyakina, Georgia Institute of Technology


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 04I*
Buchanan, Knight and Constitutional Political Economy


Bruce J. Caldwell, Duke University

Session Chairs:

Sandra J. Peart, University of Richmond


"James Buchanan's Political Economy, Rationally Reconstructed"
Richard E. Wagner, George Mason University (Contact Author)

"Constitutional Political Economy in a World Without Rules"
Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University (Contact Author)

"How the Virginia School Got Its Name: Documents of the Controversy of the Thomas Jefferson Center"
David M. Levy, George Mason University
Sandra J. Peart, University of Richmond


Ross B. Emmett, Michigan State University
Daniel Hammond, Wake Forest University
Karen Vaughn, George Mason University


Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 05I*
Perspectives on Economic Career Path Alternatives: What to Expect and How to Get There


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas
Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas


Donna Gilleskie, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "Faculty Member: Research Oriented Schools"

Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University "Faculty Member: Liberal Arts College"

Jeremy Petranka, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "Teaching Faculty Member: Research Oriented Schools"

Mai N. Hubbard, Mathematica Policy Research "Think Tank- Mathematica"

Charles J Whalen, Congressional Budget Office "Government Agency"

Pia M. Orrenius, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas "Federal Reserve System"


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 06I*
Fiscal Decentralization and Fiscal Competition


William H. Hoyt, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

William H. Hoyt, University of Kentucky


"State Tax Differentials, Cross-Border Commuting, and Commuting Times in Multi-State Metropolitan Areas"
William H. Hoyt, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
David Agrawal, The University of Georgia

"LOST in America: Evidence on Local Sales Taxes from National Panel Data"
David Agrawal, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Fiscal Decentralization and the Shadow Economy: A Cross-Country Empirical Study"
James Saunoris, Eastern Michigan University
Rajeev K. Goel, Illinois State University

"Are Local Tax Rates Strategic Complements or Strategic Substitutes?"
Raphael Parchet, University of Lugano (USI) (Contact Author)


John D. Wilson, Michigan State University
Justin M. Ross, Indiana University
Katherine L. Cuff, McMaster University
Gary Wagner, Old Dominion University


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 07I*
Recent Developments in Microeconometrics


Isabelle Perrigne, Pennsylvania State University


"Rationalization and Identification of Discrete Games with Correlated Types"
Haiqiing Xu, The University of Texas at Austin (Contact Author)
Quang Vuong, Pennsylvania State University
Nianqing Liu, Pennsylvania State University

"Functional Sharp Bound in the Roy Model"
Ismael Y Mourifie, University of Toronto (Contact Author)
Marc Henry, University of Montreal

"Hypothesis Tests for Functions of Partially Identified Parameters in Moment Inequality Models"
Federico A Bugni, Duke University
Ivan Canay, Northwestern University
Xiaoxia Shi, University of Wisconsin-Madison




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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 08I*
Retirement and Long-Term Care Decisions


Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia

Session Chairs:

Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia


"The Impact of Public Long-Term Care Insurance Provision"
Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia
Wei Sun, Renmin University of China
Anthony Webb, Boston College Center for Retirement Research

"Dynamic Wage and Employment Effects of Elder Parent Care with Multiple Potential Caregivers"
Meghan Skira, The University of Georgia
Steven Stern, University of Virginia


Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia
Meghan Skira, The University of Georgia


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 09I
Economic Thought and Institutions

Session Chairs:

Nils Karlson, The Ratio Institute


"The End of History? Institutional Convergence and Liberal Democracy"
Niklas Elert, The Ratio Institute (Contact Author)
Daniel Halvarsson, The Ratio Institute

"Co-Production, Polycentricity and Value Heterogeneity: The Ostroms’ Public Choice Institutionalism Revisited"
Paul Dragos Aligica, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Vlad Tarko, George Mason University

"Resurrecting Elasticity Analysis: Elasticity Theory"
Robert Mason, Georgia Gwinnett College (Contact Author)

"Does Social Cohesion Really Promote Reforms?"
Nils Karlson, The Ratio Institute (Contact Author)
Niklas Elert, The Ratio Institute
Hannes Andréasson, The Ratio Institute


Nils Karlson, The Ratio Institute
Niklas Elert, The Ratio Institute
Arnab Biswas, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Christopher Mann, The University of Alabama


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 15I
Contracts and Oligopoly

Session Chairs:

Brady Vaughan, Washington University in Saint Louis


"The Neural Correlates of Contract Risk and Penalty Framing"
W. Gavin Ekins, Emory University (Contact Author)
Andrew Brooks, Emory University
Gregory S. Berns, Emory University

"Product Differentiation and Pricing Behavior on a Hotelling Hypercube"
Brady Vaughan, Washington University in Saint Louis (Contact Author)

"Impact of Employment Agglomeration on Patented Innovation in U.S. Manufacturing Industries from 1988 to 2008"
Abdullah M. Khan, Claflin University (Contact Author)


Abdullah M. Khan, Claflin University
W. Gavin Ekins, Emory University


Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 16I
Health and Law


Griffin S. Edwards, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Session Chairs:

Griffin S. Edwards, University of Alabama at Birmingham


"The Effects of Liability on Optimal Care and Activity Levels in the Case of Factor Substitution"
Brent Travis Howe, Northwestern University (Contact Author)

"The Expansion of Dependent Health Insurance Coverage and Health Insurance Premiums"
Briggs Depew, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)

"Private Enforcement of Property Rights: The Homestead Acts and Violence"
Joshua J Robinson, The University of Alabama at Birmingham (Contact Author)
Griffin S. Edwards, University of Alabama at Birmingham

"Disclose or Commit? Tarasoff and Civil Commitment"
Griffin S. Edwards, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Contact Author)




Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 17I
Executive Compensation and Small Claims Court

Session Chairs:

Hina Sahni, Northern Illinois University


"Social Capital and Gender Wage Gap in CEO Labor Market"
Hina Sahni, Northern Illinois University (Contact Author)

"The Money and Beauty of University Presidents"
John J. Perry, Centre College (Contact Author)
Marie Petkus, Centre College
Bruce K. Johnson, Centre College

"The Effect of Net Income Shocks on Firm Behavior: A Variance Decomposition Approach to Firm Level Data"
Edward Hoang, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (Contact Author)
Indrit Hoxha, Penn State University Harrisburg

"Good Little Debts Gone Bad: An Empirical Study of Decisions in the Small Claims Court of 18th-Century Augusta County, Virginia"
Tinni Sen, Virginia Military Institute (Contact Author)
Atin Basuchoudhary, Virginia Military Institute
Turk McCleskey, Virginia Military Institute


Edward Hoang, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
Tinni Sen, Virginia Military Institute
Giulia La Mattina, University of South Florida
Christopher J. Boudreaux, Florida State University


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 18I
Training the Next Generation: Undergraduate Student Research II


Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University

Session Chairs:

Nikolai G. Wenzel, Florida Gulf Coast University


"A Fool's Idol: A Trail of the Ideas Underpinning the Worst of Human Mischief"
David Scott Tuff, Florida Gulf Coast University (Contact Author)

"The Incentive Problem: Corporate Executives vs. Politicians"
Michael Wilkerson, Ohio State University
Jonathan Hayes, Ohio State University

"The Decline of Civil Society and the Emergence of Expressive Participation"
Dylan DelliSanti, Hampden-Sydney College (Contact Author)


Nicholas A. Snow, The Ohio State University
Dean B. Stansel, Florida Gulf Coast University
Nikolai G. Wenzel, Florida Gulf Coast University
Justin P. Isaacs, Hampden-Sydney College


Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 19I
Real Estate Pricing and Fundamentals

Session Chairs:

Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, The University of Georgia


"The Effect of New Residential Construction on Housing Prices"
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Karen M. Gibler, Georgia State University

"Do Price Gimmicks Work in Real Estate"
Aaron Yelowitz, University of Kentucky
Frank A. Scott, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Jason Beck, Armstrong Atlantic State University

"Estimating the Boom and Bust of Housing Bubbles"
Diego Escobari, The University of Texas-Pan American (Contact Author)
Damian Damianov, The University of Texas-Pan American

"A Test of the Implications of the Oswald Hypothesis"
George Mawuli Akpandjar, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)

"'Let’s Pay More to Be Next to Them!' -- How Neighboring Retail Stores Can Increase Each Other's Profits (and How They Pay for It in Their Rental Price)"
Ben O. Smith, Washington State University (Contact Author)
Jan Koal, Washington State University


Ben O. Smith, Washington State University
Diego Escobari, The University of Texas-Pan American
Frank A. Scott, University of Kentucky
Joshua J. Miller, National Association of Home Builders
Seung-Hyun Hong, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 20I
Brand Loyalty

Session Chairs:

Kosin Isariyawongse, Edinboro University


"Does Brand Diversity Matter to Consumers?"
Xiaoyuan Wang, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)

"Efficiency and Productivity Analysis of Advertising in the U.S. Automobile Industry"
Kosin Isariyawongse, Edinboro University (Contact Author)

"Witch Trials"
Jacob W. Russ, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Peter T. Leeson, George Mason University

"Participation and Growth in Direct Selling across Countries"
Stacie Bosley, Hamline University (Contact Author)
Kami Ehrich, Hamline University


Stacie Bosley, Hamline University
Xiaoyuan Wang, Texas A&M University
Kalyn T. Coatney, Mississippi State University
Jacob W. Russ, George Mason University


Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 21I*
Issues Associated with the Choice of College Major


David L. Sjoquist, Georgia State University

Session Chairs:

David L. Sjoquist, Georgia State University


"State Merit-Aid Programs and College Major: A Focus on STEM"
David L. Sjoquist, Georgia State University
John Winters, Oklahoma State University

"The Specificity of General Human Capital: Evidence from College Major Choice"
Josh Kinsler, University of Rochester
Ronni Pavan, University of Rochester

"Was that SMART? Institutional Financial Incentives and Field of Study"
Jeffrey T. Denning, The University of Texas at Austin (Contact Author)
Patrick Turley, Harvard University

"College Major Competitiveness and Attrition from the Sciences"
Marc Luppino, Federal Trade Commission
Richard H. Sander, University of California, Los Angeles


Christopher M. Cornwell, The University of Georgia
Celeste K. Carruthers, The University of Tennessee
M. Kathleen Thomas, Mississippi State University
Amanda L. Griffith, Wake Forest University


Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 22I
Credit Market Transmission Channels

Session Chairs:

Lunan Jiang, SUNY at Stony Brook


"Bank Size and Macroeconomic Shock Transmission"
Uluc Aysun, University of Central Florida (Contact Author)

"Household Credit and Monetary Policy Transmission"
Jingping Gu, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)
Javier A. Reyes, University of Arkansas

"Firm Liquidity, Financial Shocks and the U.S. Great Depression"
Lunan Jiang, SUNY at Stony Brook (Contact Author)

"Banking Concentration and Optimal Monetary Policy"
Edgar A. Ghossoub, The University of Texas at San Antonio (Contact Author)

"Where da Cash At?: The Macroeconomics of Firm Level Cash Holdings"
Julio Garin, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Chadwick C. Curtis, University of Richmond
M. Saif Mehkari, University of Richmond


Julio Garin, The University of Georgia
Jingping Gu, University of Arkansas
Uluc Aysun, University of Central Florida
Vipin P. Veetil, George Mason University
Edgar A. Ghossoub, The University of Texas at San Antonio


Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 24I
Issues in Globalization and International Economics


Amanda Ross, West Virginia University

Session Chairs:

Amanda Ross, West Virginia University


"Globalization and Income Convergence"
Kaitlyn Wolf, West Virginia University (Contact Author)
Andrew T. Young, West Virginia University

"Out of Pocket Expenditure and Health Infrastructure in Indian States"
Srimoyee Bose, West Virginia University (Contact Author)
Zakir Husain, University of Delhi

"A Quasi-Experimental Approach to the Effects of Improvements in Women’s Rights on Female Brain Drain"
Maryam Naghsh Nejad, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) (Contact Author)

"Globalization and Culture Evolution"
Kathleen Sheehan, West Virginia University (Contact Author)


Alexandre Olbrecht, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Nadia Greenhalgh-Stanley, Kent State University
Shawn Rohlin, Kent State University
Tami Gurley-Calvez, University of Kansas


Back to top

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 25I*
Small Business and Entrepreneurship


Anil Rupasingha, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Session Chairs:

Alan Barefield, Mississippi State University


"Business Development and Immigrant Country of Origin"
Craig Carpenter, Michigan State University
Scott Loveridge, Michigan State University

"Patience and Local Economic Development"
Scott Loveridge, Michigan State University
Timothy M. Komarek, Valdosta State University

"Social Capital and Rural Small Business"
Bjorn Markeson, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Contact Author)

"Home Equity Lending and Small Business: Relaxing Credit Constraints in Texas"
Ian M. Schmutte, The University of Georgia
Chadi Abdallah, International Monetary Fund
William D. Lastrapes, The University of Georgia


Phanindra V. Wunnava, Middlebury College
Carlianne Patrick, Georgia State University
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Benjamin W. Pugsley, Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Back to top

6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Session No session number set-AL*
Association Lecture

Back to top

7:30 - 1200 p.m.
Session No session number set-R4

Back to top

7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
Session No session number set-S5
Continental Breakfast

Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 01J
Development in India and Bangladesh

Session Chairs:

Astha Sen, Georgia State University


"Raising Consumption Expenditure through India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme"
Nayana Bose, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Long Run Impacts of Famine Exposure: A Study of the 1974-1975 Bangladesh Famine"
Gisella Kagy, University of Colorado at Boulder (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Temporary Work Guarantee Programs on Child Schooling: Evidence from the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Guarantee Act from India"
Shreyasee Das, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (Contact Author)
Abhilasha Singh, University of Houston

"Gender Discrepancies in Labor Market Outcomes by Skill Level in Colombia"
Liza B. Pena, University of South Florida (Contact Author)


Shreyasee Das, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Amelia Biehl, University of Michigan-Flint
David Kalist, Shippensburg University


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 02J*
Economic Impact of Unauthorized Immigration


Julie L. Hotchkiss, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Session Chairs:

Robert E. Moore, Georgia State University


"Threatening to Defect: The Impact of Undocumented Workers on Support for the Democrats"
Nicole R. Baerg, Emory University
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

"Interior Immigration Enforcement and Wages"
Pia M. Orrenius, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Madeline Zavodny, Agnes Scott College

"How Much Do We Know About the Mobility of Unauthorized Immigrants in Response to Increased Immigration Enforcement?"
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University
Fernando Antonio Lozano, Pomona College

"The Effects on Insurance Costs of Restricting Undocumented Immigrants' Access to Driver Licenses"
Mauricio Caceres, Columbia University
Kenneth Jameson, University of Utah


Marie T. Mora, The University of Texas-Pan American
Todd Sorensen, University of California, Riverside
Kusum Mundra, Rutgers University, Newark
Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 04J
Public Economic Theory 1


Steven Slutsky, University of Florida
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida

Session Chairs:

Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida


"Dual Tax Evasion"
Katherine L. Cuff, McMaster University (Contact Author)
Steeve Mongrain, Simon Fraser University
Joanne Roberts, University of Calgary

"Tax Competition with Heterogeneous Capital Mobility"
Steeve Mongrain, Simon Fraser University
John D. Wilson, Michigan State University (Contact Author)

"Personal Action Altruisim, Externalities, and Corrective Taxes"
Steven Slutsky, University of Florida (Contact Author)


Stefano Barbieri, Tulane University
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida
Eric Stephens, Carleton University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 05J
Economics of Education


Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia

Session Chairs:

Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia


"The Effects of For-Profit College Training on Earnings"
Anna Chung, The University of Michigan (Contact Author)

"Separate and Unequal in the Labor Market: School Quality and the Black-White Wage Gap"
Celeste K. Carruthers, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)
Marianne H. Wanamaker, The University of Tennessee

"Public Education and Parent Choice in Market Space That Is Dominated by Public Rent-Seeking"
Chris Fawson, Utah State University (Contact Author)
Roberta Herzberg, Utah State University


Ruben Jacobo-Rubio, The University of Georgia
Robert Toutkoushian, The University of Georgia
Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 06J*
Industrial Organization Issues in Environmental Economics


Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland

Session Chairs:

Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland


"Welfare Gains from Optimal Pollution Regulation"
Jose Miguel M. Abito, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Contact Author)

"Quantifying Indirect Network Effects in Electric Vehicle Adoption"
Shanjun Li, Cornell University (Contact Author)
Yiyi Zhou, SUNY Stony Brook

"Bunching with the Stars: How Firms Respond to Product Certification"
Sebastien Houde, University of Maryland (Contact Author)


Stephen Ryan, The University of Texas at Austin
Sebastien Houde, University of Maryland
Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 07J*
Macroeconomic Effects of Financial Innovations and Shocks


Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College

Session Chairs:

Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College


"High Yield Spreads, Real Economic Activity, and the Financial Accelerator"
Pierangelo De Pace, Pomona College (Contact Author)

"Tuning the Volume: Counter-Cyclical Asset Trading with Financial Transactions Taxes"
Giandomenico Sarolli, Drew University (Contact Author)

"Macroeconomic Impact of Microinsurance in Africa"
Tsvetanka Karagyozova, Lawrence University (Contact Author)
Regina Hammond, Lawrence University


Caleb Stroup, Grinnell College
Olena Mykhaylova, University of Richmond
Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 08J*
Economics of Science


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas

Session Chairs:

Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas


"Using STAR METRICS Data to Describe the Consequences of Scientific Collaborations"
Julia Lane, American Institutes for Research
Paula Stephan, Georgia State University
Jacques Mairesse, CREST-INSEE

"Economic and Scientific Outcomes of Federal Investment in Academic Chemistry"
Joshua Rosenbloom, University of Kansas
Joseph Heppert, University of Kansas
Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas
Ted Juhl, University of Kansas

"Diversity and Debt: How Financing of Graduate Training Affects Diversity in the Scientific Workforce"
Margaret Blume-Kohout, New Mexico Consortium (Contact Author)

"Social Returns to Public Expenditure on Scientific Research: Evidence from the STAR METRICS Data"
Kaye Husbands Fealing, University of Minnesota (Contact Author)


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas
Julia Lane, American Institutes for Research


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 09J
Inequality and Mobility


John A. Bishop, East Carolina University

Session Chairs:

John A. Bishop, East Carolina University


"Joint Distributions of Expenditures, Income, and Wealth"
Thesia Garner, Bureau of Labor Statistics (Contact Author)
Kathleen Short, U.S. Census Bureau

"Measuring Short-Term Mobility"
Marek Kosny, Wroclaw University of Economics
Jacques Silber, Bar-Ilan University (Contact Author)
Gaston Yalonetzky, Leeds University

"A Study of China’s Health Inequality from 1989 to 2009"
Haiyong Liu, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
Zichong Tom Qu, Georgia State University

"Cross-Country Intergenerational Status Mobility"
John A. Bishop, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
Moshen Mohaghegh, East Carolina University

"Income Sensitive Subjective Equivalence Scales"
John A. Bishop, East Carolina University
Andrew Grodner, East Carolina University
Haiyong Liu, East Carolina University


John A. Bishop, East Carolina University
Andrew Grodner, East Carolina University
Thesia Garner, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Hoseong Kim, The University of Alabama
Christopher K. Johnson, University of North Florida


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 10J
Economics of the Equine Industry


Jill Stowe, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

Jill Stowe, University of Kentucky


"Hedonic Price Analysis: Cutting, Reining, and Cow Horse Stallion Fees"
Mallory K. Vestal, West Texas A&M University (Contact Author)
Christa A Forsberg, West Texas A&M
Lance A. Baker, West Texas A&M University

"Restraints of Trade from Biotechnology Restrictions in the Equine Industry"
J. Shannon Neibergs, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"Governance Structures Around the World: Thoroughbred Horse Racing Industry"
Ann Gillette, Kennesaw State University (Contact Author)

"Home Off the Range: Characteristics and Market Value of Wild Horses Sold in Online Auctions"
Jill Stowe, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)


Ann Gillette, Kennesaw State University
Jill Stowe, University of Kentucky
J. Shannon Neibergs, Washington State University
Mallory K. Vestal, West Texas A&M University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 11J
Development in Africa

Session Chairs:

Kpoti Kitissou, Binghamton University


"HIV Epidemic’s Impact on Intergenerational Human Capital Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa"
Kpoti Kitissou, Binghamton University (Contact Author)
Yanan Chen, Rollins College

"Social Interactions and Malaria Preventive Behaviors in Sub-Saharan Africa"
Bénédicte Apouey, Paris School of Economics (Contact Author)
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida

"The Effect of the Distribution of Bednets on Child Health: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa"
Bénédicte Apouey, Paris School of Economics
Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Joshua Wilde, University of South Florida

"Individuals’ Preventive Behavioral Response to Changes in Malaria Risks and Government Interventions: Evidence from Six African Countries"
Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida (Contact Author)
Robyn Kibler, University of South Florida
Bénédicte Apouey, Paris School of Economics


Gabriel Picone, University of South Florida
Yi Lu, Barry University
Mary Schroeder, University of Iowa
Kpoti Kitissou, Binghamton University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 12J
Post Secondary Schooling

Session Chairs:

Andrew Ewing, King County Wastewater Treatment Division


"From the Battlefield to the Classroom: The Impact of the Post-9/11 GI Bill"
Andrew Barr, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"Non-Traditional Students at For-Profit Universities: Access and Results"
Sandra I Brebenel, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Effects of Internship on Job Performance"
Erik Strojer Madsen, Aarhus University (Contact Author)

"Student Evaluations of Teachers and the Grading Leniency Hypothesis: Evidence from a Field Experiment"
Andrew Ewing, King County Wastewater Treatment Division (Contact Author)
Paul R. Hindsley, Eckerd College

"Class Size Matters: Effects of Larger Classes on Overall Student Learning and Learning of Disadvantaged Students"
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University
Manu Raghav, DePauw University (Contact Author)


Manu Raghav, DePauw University
Andrew Barr, University of Virginia
Sandra I Brebenel, The University of Georgia
Erik Strojer Madsen, Aarhus University
Andrew Hussey, The University of Memphis


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 13J
Indian Economic Development

Session Chairs:

Vipul Bhatt, James Madison University


"Convergence in Education Infrastructure in India: Evidence from District Level Data"
Vipul Bhatt, James Madison University (Contact Author)
Suraj Jacob, James Madison University

"Institutional Determinants of Access to Credit in Indian Country"
Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl, Virginia Military Institute (Contact Author)
Peter Grajzl, Washington and Lee University
Joseph Guse, Washington and Lee University
Richard Todd, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

"Land Use Efficiency across Farmers with Different Tenure Status in Assam Plains in Northeast India"
Binoy Goswami, Dibrugarh University
Madhurjya Prasad Bezbaruah, Gauhati University (Contact Author)

"Adaptation to Climate Change: Historical Evidence from the Indian Monsoon"
Vis Taraz, Smith College (Contact Author)


Vis Taraz, Smith College
Madhurjya Prasad Bezbaruah, Gauhati University
Na Zuo, University of Kentucky
Vipul Bhatt, James Madison University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 14J
Panel Data Econometrics

Session Chairs:

Anastasia Semykina, Florida State University


"Fixed Bandwidth Asymptotics for Regression Discontinuity Designs"
Otavio Bartalotti, Tulane University (Contact Author)

"Dynamic Panel Data Models with Irregular Spacing: With Applications to Early Childhood Development"
Daniel L. Millimet, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)
Ian McDonough, Southern Methodist University

"Binary Response Panel Data Models with Sample Selection and Self Selection"
Anastasia Semykina, Florida State University (Contact Author)
Jeffrey Wooldridge, Michigan State University

"Party Politics, Governors, and Health Care Expenditure"
Nayan K. Joshi, Wayne State University (Contact Author)


Nayan K. Joshi, Wayne State University
Otavio Bartalotti, Tulane University
Tim R.L. Fry, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Andrew Artman, The University of Alabama


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 15J*
The Impact of Household Factors on Labor Market Decisions


Michael Dalton, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Session Chairs:

Patrick Coate, University of Michigan


"Household Structure and Domestic Migration"
Patrick Coate, University of Michigan
Kyle Mangum, Georgia State University

"Mitigating the Consequences of a Health Condition: The Family in the PSID"
Michael Dalton, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Dan Lafave, Colby College

"Variations on a Theme: The Cyclicality of Unemployment and the Relevance of Endogenous Home Production"
Julio Garin, The University of Georgia
Robert Lester, University of Notre Dame

"Unraveling the Truth About Self-Employed Women"
Carlianne Patrick, Georgia State University
Heather Stevens, California State University, Long Beach
Amanda Weinstein, Ohio State University


Patrick Coate, University of Michigan
Dan Lafave, Colby College
Kyle Mangum, Georgia State University
Michael Dalton, Bureau of Labor Statistics


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 16J
Elections and Corruption

Session Chairs:

Suryadipta Roy, High Point University


"The Wage-Bribery Tradeoff"
Roberto M Gonzalez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)
Klara Sabirianova Peter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Broadband Internet, Electoral Participation, and Campaign Contributions"
Ahmed Jaber, Cornell University (Contact Author)

"Ballots, Bribes and Brand-Name Political Capital"
R. Morris Coats, Nicholls State University (Contact Author)
Thomas Dalton, University of Arizona
Arthur Denzau, Sultan Qaboos University

"Do Business Procedures Corrupt? An Empirical Investigation"
Suryadipta Roy, High Point University (Contact Author)


R. Morris Coats, Nicholls State University
Roberto M Gonzalez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Markum Reed, Southern Illinois University
Ahmed Jaber, Cornell University


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 18J
Competition and Quality


"Competition and Airline Service Quality"
Brian McNamara, U.S. Department of Transportation (Contact Author)
Mei Liu, U.S. Department of Transportation
Betty Ann Krier, U.S. Department of Transportation
Kang Hua Cao, Office of Inspector General, Department of Transportation
Tyrone Jerrod Sharpe, U.S. Department of Transportation

"Privatization and Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care in Sweden"
Sofia Lundberg, Umeå University (Contact Author)
Giancarlo Spagnolo, Stockholm School of Economics
Mats Bergman, Södertörn University

"The Viability of the Black Market and the Effectiveness of Minimum Quality Standards"
Jennifer Dirmeyer, Hampden-Sydney College (Contact Author)
Justin P. Isaacs, Hampden-Sydney College


Lynn A. Hatch, United States Coast Guard Academy
Wesley Routon, Middle Tennessee State University
Brian McNamara, U.S. Department of Transportation
Sofia Lundberg, Umeå University


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 19J
The Impact of Foreclosure and Housing Policy

Session Chairs:

Kristen Broady, Fort Valley State University


"African Americans, Payday Lenders, and the Foreclosure Crisis in Mississippi"
Kristen Broady, Fort Valley State University (Contact Author)

"Substituting the Mortgage Interest Deduction for a Down-Payment Subsidy: A Policy Simulation"
Justin M. Ross, Indiana University (Contact Author)
Lindsey Bullinger, Indiana University

"The Effects of the Two-Rate Property Tax: What Can We Learn from the Pennsylvania Experience?"
Zhou Yang, Robert Morris University (Contact Author)

"Uncovering Systemic Risk: Can Bank Stress Testing Be Informative?"
Pavel Kapinos, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Contact Author)
Oscar Mitnik, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Pavel Kapinos, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Zhou Yang, Robert Morris University
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, The University of Georgia
Sarah Riley, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20J
Wage Distribution and Income Inequality

Session Chairs:

Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College


"The Contribution of Offshoring to the Convexification of the U.S. Wage Distribution"
Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Contact Author)

"Private Unions, Public Unions, and Income Inequality"
Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College (Contact Author)
Paul Fazio, Stonehill College

"Human Capital Heterogeneity and the Urban Wage Premium"
Christopher Cunningham, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Michaela Patton, The University of Alabama
Robert R. Reed, III, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"A Real and Permanent Minimum Wage"
Peter Brummund, University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Michael Strain, American Enterprise Institute

"The Impact of Remittances on Poverty and Income Inequality in Kenya: A Quantile Regression Analysis"
James T. Bang, St. Ambrose University (Contact Author)
Aniruddha Mitra, Bard College


Peter Brummund, University of Alabama
Viviane M. Bastos, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Akbar Marvasti, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
James T. Bang, St. Ambrose University
Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 21J*
Retirement and Old Age Labor Supply


Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis

Session Chairs:

Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis


"Longevity, Life-Cycle Behavior and Pension Reform"
Victoria Prowse, Cornell University (Contact Author)
Peter Haan, DIW Berlin

"Social Security Benefits, Life Expectancy and Early Retirement"
Maria Casanova, University of California, Los Angeles
Daifeng He, The College of William & Mary
Qi Li, Peking University
Juan Pantano, Washington University in St. Louis (Contact Author)




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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 22J
Law and Economics III


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Darrick Hamilton, The New School


"Functionality Among Multiple Antitrust Enforcers"
Matthew Cutillo, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"Vacancy in Justice: Analyzing the Impact of Overburdened Judges on Sentencing Decisions"
Jason Best, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Cell Phone Bans on Driver Behavior, Accidents, and Casualties"
Cheng Cheng, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)


Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver
Carl T. Kitchens, The University of Mississippi
Mario Villarreal, Institute for Humane Studies
Darrick Hamilton, The New School


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 24J
Growth and Investment in Emerging Markets

Session Chairs:

Ayse Sapci, Vanderbilt University


"Beyond Borders: The Determinants of Bond and Equity Flows in Developing Countries"
John Dogbey, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Contact Author)

"Colonial Traces of Fractionalization: The Possibilities of Africa Moving Beyond the Walls to a Sustained Growth"
John Dogbey, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Contact Author)

"Costly Financial Intermediation and Relative Consumption Volatility"
Ayse Sapci, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)


John Dogbey, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Adriana Z. Fernandez, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Lunan Jiang, SUNY at Stony Brook


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 25J
Panel on Deirdre McCloskey and Art Carden, The Bourgeois Era


Art Carden, Samford University


Art Carden, Samford University


Steven G. Horwitz, St. Lawrence University

Claudia R. Williamson, Mississippi State University

Sarah E. Skwire, Liberty Fund


Back to top

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 26J
Macroeconomics: Theory and Evidence


David Beckworth, Western Kentucky University

Session Chairs:

David Beckworth, Western Kentucky University


"Sales and the (Mis)Measurement of Price Level Fluctuations"
Philip J. Glandon, Jr., Kenyon College (Contact Author)

"Crypto-Currencies, Network Effects, and Switching Costs"
William Luther, Kenyon College (Contact Author)

"Household Income Expectations and the Great Recession"
David Beckworth, Western Kentucky University (Contact Author)


David Beckworth, Western Kentucky University
William Luther, Kenyon College
Philip J. Glandon, Jr., Kenyon College


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 01K
Government Policy, Health Care Coverage, and Labor Supply

Session Chairs:

Melanie Cozad, Furman University


"The Impacts of a Health Insurance Mandate on Wages: Lessons from Massachusetts"
Melanie Cozad, Furman University (Contact Author)

"Growing Up and Getting Less: The Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Labor Force Participation Using an Individual Level Fixed Effects Model"
Jeremy Grant Moulton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)
Alexandra Graddy-Reed, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lauren Lanahan, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Secondary and Unintended Impacts of the 2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach"
Brett Gelso, Independent Scholar (Contact Author)
Nobuhiro Hosoe, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Clinton Pfister, Independent Scholar

"The Curious Case of Refugees: Why Did Medicaid Participation Fall Following the 1996 Welfare Reforms?"
Animesh Giri, Emory University (Contact Author)


Animesh Giri, Emory University
Brett Gelso, Independent Scholar
Jeremy Grant Moulton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
James Bailey, Temple University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 02K*
Teens and Risky Behavior


M. Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Susan L. Averett, Lafayette College

Session Chairs:

Julie L. Hotchkiss, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


"Do 'All-Age’ Bicycle Helmet Laws Work? Evidence from Canada"
Christopher Carpenter, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Do Recessions Rein in Your Teen?"
Laura M. Argys, University of Colorado-Denver
M. Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Astha Sen, Georgia State University

"Juvenile Incarceration vs. Alternative Sanctions: Effects on Youth Outcomes"
Alison Evans Cuellar, Columbia University
Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University

"Parental Involvement Laws and Youth Sexual Behavior: Evidence from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveys"
D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver
Joseph J. Sabia, San Diego State University


Hope Corman, Rider University
Resul Cesur, University of Connecticut
David E. Frisvold, University of Iowa
M. Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 04K
Public Economic Theory 2


Steven Slutsky, University of Florida
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida

Session Chairs:

Steven Slutsky, University of Florida


"Best-Shot Group Contests with Complete Information"
Stefano Barbieri, Tulane University (Contact Author)
David Malueg, University of California, Riverside
Iryna Topolyan, Mississippi State University

"Comparing Legal Remedies to Fines and Taxes for Accident Prevention"
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida (Contact Author)
Steven Slutsky, University of Florida

"Lemons and Proud of It: Informational Asymmetry and Risk Transfer Markets"
Eric Stephens, Carleton University (Contact Author)
James Thompson, The University of Waterloo


Steven Slutsky, University of Florida
John D. Wilson, Michigan State University
Katherine L. Cuff, McMaster University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 05K*
Stratification Economics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University


"Gender and Race Heterogeneity: The Impact of Limited English Peers on Native Students' Performance"
Timothy M. Diette, Washington and Lee University
Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Socio-Economic Status and Interracial Marriage: Myths and Facts"
Darrick Hamilton, The New School (Contact Author)


Art Carden, Samford University
Rodney J. Andrews, The University of Texas at Dallas
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University
Atin Basuchoudhary, Virginia Military Institute


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 06K

Session Chairs:

Todd Sorensen, University of California, Riverside


"Firm Level Monopsony and the Gender Pay Gap"
Douglas Webber, Temple University (Contact Author)

"Poverty and Monopsony: Evidence from the Indonesian Labor Market"
Peter Brummund, University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"H-1B Policies and the Elasticity of Labor Supply to the Firm"
Todd Sorensen, University of California, Riverside (Contact Author)
Briggs Depew, Louisiana State University
Peter Norlander, University of California, Los Angeles


Douglas Webber, Temple University
Peter Brummund, University of Alabama
Xing Liu, University of Arizona


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 07K*
Economic Growth


Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College

Session Chairs:

Caleb Stroup, Grinnell College


"Are Foreign and Public Investment Spending Productive in the Argentine Case? A Two-Break Unit Root and Cointegration Analysis, 1960-2011"
Miguel W. Ramirez, Trinity College (Contact Author)

"The Determinants of Capital Flows in the US: The Role of Real Variables"
Ergys Islamaj, Vassar College (Contact Author)
Trung T. Bui, Georgetown University

"Does the Distribution of Income Matter for Economic Growth? Growth Accounting, Income Distribution and Fiscal Policy"
Olivier Giovannoni, Bard College (Contact Author)


Olivier Giovannoni, Bard College
Miguel W. Ramirez, Trinity College
Ergys Islamaj, Vassar College


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 08K
Labor Market Outcomes


Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University
Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Session Chairs:

Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University


"Career Mobility, Productivity and the Occupational Choices of Teachers"
Li Feng, Texas State University (Contact Author)
Tim Sass, Florida State University

"Diabetes Diagnosis and Subsequent Exercise Participation Among Older Americans"
Leigh Ann Leung, Brown University (Contact Author)

"Explaining the Rise in U.S. Cesarean Rates, 1968-2012: The Role of Demographic and Labor Market Factors"
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University (Contact Author)

"The Doctor Will Be with You...Shortly?: The Effect of Insurance Coverage on ED Wait Time"
Lindsey Woodworth, University of Florida (Contact Author)


Sarah Hamersma, Syracuse University
Darren Grant, Sam Houston State University
Anca M. Cotet, Seton Hall University
Lynn MacDonald, St. Cloud State University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 09K
Economic Analysis of the State


Matt E. Ryan, Duquesne University

Session Chairs:

Matt E. Ryan, Duquesne University


"Frisky Business: Police Behavior and Legal Outcomes"
Matt E. Ryan, Duquesne University (Contact Author)

"State Regulatory Review: A 50 State Analysis of Effectiveness"
John A. Dove, Troy University (Contact Author)
Russell S. Sobel, The Citadel

"Public Sector Unions and Government Policy: The Effects of Political Contributions and Collective Bargaining Rights Reexamined"
George R. Crowley, Troy University (Contact Author)
Scott A. Beaulier, Troy University

"When Governments Compete: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
Adam Hoffer, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Contact Author)


Matt E. Ryan, Duquesne University
John A. Dove, Troy University
Adam Hoffer, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
George R. Crowley, Troy University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 10K
Institutional Entrepreneurship


Diana W. Thomas, Utah State University

Session Chairs:

Diana W. Thomas, Utah State University


"Disenfranchisement and Credible Threats: Voting Rights in the Antebellum United States"
Jeremy Horpedahl, Buena Vista University (Contact Author)

"Political Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change in the French Academy of Sciences: Transition from Prize to Grant"
Leo Krasnozhon, Loyola University New Orelans (Contact Author)

"Impossibility of a Political Interest Rate"
Michael David Thomas, Utah State University (Contact Author)

"Political Entrepreneurship and the Cycling Problem"
Diana W. Thomas, Utah State University (Contact Author)


Michael David Thomas, Utah State University
Jeremy Horpedahl, Buena Vista University
Diana W. Thomas, Utah State University
Leo Krasnozhon, Loyola University New Orelans


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 11K
Housing and Monetary Policy


Emily Marshall, University of Kentucky

Session Chairs:

Emily Marshall, University of Kentucky


"Housing and Monetary Policy"
Robert R. Reed, III, The University of Alabama
Ejindu Ume, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"Real Effects of Monetary Policy through Security Repurchase Agreements"
Robert R. Reed, III, The University of Alabama
David C. Mills, Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors
Daniel L. Otto, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)

"Optimal Monetary Policy and Mortgage Structure"
Emily Marshall, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)


Julio Garin, The University of Georgia
Uluc Aysun, University of Central Florida
Ejindu Ume, The University of Alabama


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 12K
Schooling and Student Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Sa An Bui, Cornell University


"Does Joining the Regular Program Generate Peer Effects?"
Sa An Bui, Cornell University (Contact Author)

"Dynamics of the Black-White Gap in Academic Achievement"
Ian McDonough, Southern Methodist University (Contact Author)

"Mothers’ Involuntary Job Loss and Children’s Academic Achievement"
S. Elif Filiz, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)

"Public Education Financing Systems, Earnings Inequality, and Intergenerational Mobility"
Christopher Herrington, University of South Alabama (Contact Author)


Christopher Herrington, University of South Alabama
Nekeisha Spencer, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton
Ian McDonough, Southern Methodist University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 13K*
Immigration in the United States


Stephen Trejo, University of Texas at Austin

Session Chairs:

Stephen Trejo, University of Texas at Austin


"Converging to American: Healthy Immigrant Effect in Children of Immigrants"
Monica Garcia-Perez, St. Cloud State University (Contact Author)

"Did the 1996 Welfare Reform Affect the Labor Supply of Older Immigrants?"
Linda Bailey, College of Staten Island, CUNY
Paula M. Kazi, Bucknell University

"The Quality of Time Spent with Children among Mexican Immigrants"
Daniel Kidane, Texas Tech University
Andres J. Vargas, Texas Tech University

"Immigration and Redistribution"
Henning Bohn, University of California, Santa Barbara
Armando Lopez-Velasco, Texas Tech University


Fernando Antonio Lozano, Pomona College
Stephen Trejo, University of Texas at Austin


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 14K
Applied Macroeconometrics

Session Chairs:

Zhongwen Liang, University at Albany, SUNY


"A Hybrid Perturbation-Projection Method for Solving DSGE Asset Pricing Models"
Yuanyuan Chen, Marshall University (Contact Author)
Stuart J. Fowler, Middle Tennessee State University

"Modeling and Forecasting US Electricity Consumption"
Mark Hutson, Booz Allen Hamilton (Contact Author)
Frederick Joutz, George Washington University

"Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: New Results Using a New Method"
Jair N. Ojeda, Central Bank of Colombia (Contact Author)
Jose Gomez-Gonzalez, Central Bank of Colombia

"Testing Cointegration Relationship in a Semiparametric Varying Coefficient Model"
Jingping Gu, University of Arkansas
Zhongwen Liang, University at Albany, SUNY (Contact Author)


Jair N. Ojeda, Central Bank of Colombia
Mark Hutson, Booz Allen Hamilton
Zhongwen Liang, University at Albany, SUNY
Na Kyeong Lee, University of Colorado-Boulder


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15K
Macroeconomic Development

Session Chairs:

Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton


"Cross-Country Convergence in Income Inequality"
Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Spillovers and Export Competitiveness of OECD Economies: Does China’s R&D Activity Play a Role?"
Wun-Ji Jiang, National Taiwan University
Yir-Hueih Luh, National Taiwan University (Contact Author)
Szu-Chi Huang, National Taiwan University

"Endogenous Economic Institutions and Persistent Income Differences"
Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Public Debt on Growth in Multiple Regimes"
Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota (Contact Author)
Andros Kourtellos, University of Cyprus
Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph


Chih Ming Tan, University of North Dakota
Shatakshee Dhongde, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yir-Hueih Luh, National Taiwan University
Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 16K
Educational Outcomes

Session Chairs:

John M. McAdams, Federal Trade Commission


"The Effect of the Minimum Wage on School Attendance and Truancy"
John M. McAdams, Federal Trade Commission (Contact Author)

"High Today Versus Lows Tomorrow: How Substance Use Affects Education and Career Paths"
Catherine Alford, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"Effects of Extracurricular Participation on the Educational Outcomes of Students by 'At-Risk' Status"
Laura Crispin, Saint Joseph's University (Contact Author)

"Assisted Reproductive Technology and Women’s Choice to Pursue Professional Degrees"
Giulia La Mattina, University of South Florida
Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Contact Author)


Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Michaela Patton, The University of Alabama
Giulia La Mattina, University of South Florida
Catherine Alford, University of Virginia


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 17K
Firm Size and Organization

Session Chairs:

Seung-Hyun Hong, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


"A Comparison of Franchised and Independent Real Estate Brokerage Firms"
Stephen Locke, University of California, Los Angeles (Contact Author)

"In-House Transactions in the Real Estate Brokerage Market: Matching Outcome or Strategic Promotion?"
Seung-Hyun Hong, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)

"Predicting Success at the Euro Tournaments: The (Non)Importance of Performance at the Qualifying Games"
Ricardo Santos, Trinity University (Contact Author)


Ricardo Santos, Trinity University
Stephen Locke, University of California, Los Angeles
Suryadipta Roy, High Point University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 18K
Occupation and Job Search

Session Chairs:

Yoo Bin Kim, State University of New York at Stony Brook


"Estimating the Duration Dependence of Occupational Spells with Unobserved Heterogeneity"
Mark Klee, U.S. Census Bureau (Contact Author)

"Internet Use and Job Matching: An Empirical Study"
Anila Prakash, University of Arizona (Contact Author)

"Optimal Unemployment Insurance when Search Takes Effort and Money"
Jeremy Schwartz, Loyola University Maryland (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Impact of Taxation and Transfer on Search Dynamics"
Yoo Bin Kim, State University of New York at Stony Brook (Contact Author)


Jeremy Schwartz, Loyola University Maryland
Mark Klee, U.S. Census Bureau
Anila Prakash, University of Arizona
Yi Zhang, Stony Brook University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 19K
Food Policies/Programs and Health

Session Chairs:

Rebekah Shrader, Washington State University


"High Fructose Corn Syrup: Positive Versus Negative Information Shocks"
Rebekah Shrader, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"SNAP Participation and Healthcare Utilization"
Christian Gregory, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Contact Author)
Geetha Waehrer, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
Partha Deb, Hunter College

"Optimal Taxation of Junk Food"
Harry Tsang, University of North Dakota (Contact Author)
Firouz Gahvari, University of Illinois

"Incentivizing Obesity? National Trade Policy and Health"
Jay Walker, Niagara University (Contact Author)
Kristine Principe, Niagara University


Susan Chen, The University of Alabama
Maria Arbatskaya, Emory University
Subhasree Basu Roy, Georgia State University
Rebekah Shrader, Washington State University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 20K
Labor Market Issues

Session Chairs:

Akbar Marvasti, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


"More Battles Among Licensed Occupations: Estimating the Effects of Scope of Practice and Direct Access on the Chiropractic, Physical Therapist, and Physician Labor Market"
Edward Timmons, Saint Francis University (Contact Author)
Jason M. Hockenberry, Emory University
Christine Piette Durrance, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"The Enigma of Race in Brazil: A Forensic Study of RAIS and PNAD Data"
Jason M. Rivera, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)
Ian M. Schmutte, The University of Georgia
Christopher M. Cornwell, The University of Georgia

"The Effect of Changes in Maternity Leave Policy on Labor Market Outcomes for Females in Brazil"
Viviane M. Bastos, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Contact Author)

"An Analysis of Fatal Commercial Fishing Accidents"
Akbar Marvasti, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Contact Author)


John J. Perry, Centre College
Akbar Marvasti, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Zhonghui Liu, State University of New York at Binghamton


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 21K*
Government Policy and the Macroeconomy


Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Session Chairs:

Alexander Richter, Auburn University


"The Consequences of Uncertain Debt Targets"
Nathaniel Throckmorton, DePauw University (Contact Author)
Alexander Richter, Auburn University

"Global Dynamics at the Zero-Lower Bound"
William T. Gavin, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Benjamin D. Keen, The University of Oklahoma
Alexander Richter, Auburn University (Contact Author)
Nathaniel Throckmorton, DePauw University

"Identifying Regime Changes in Adaptive Expectations and Its Macroeconomic Consequences"
James Murray, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Contact Author)

"The Long-Run Macroeconomic Implications of Fuel Subsidies"
Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Contact Author)


Michael Plante, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
James Murray, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Alexander Richter, Auburn University
Nathaniel Throckmorton, DePauw University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 22K
Financial Market Fluctuations

Session Chairs:

Adriana Z. Fernandez, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


"Financial Volatility and U.S. Real Business Cycles"
Adriana Z. Fernandez, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Contact Author)

"Oil Price Shocks and the U.S. Stock Market: Do Sign and Size Matter?"
Zeina Alsalman, Wayne State University (Contact Author)
Ana Maria Herrera, Wayne State University

"Systemic Risk of Commercial Banks: A Markov-Switching Stress-testing Approach"
Xiaochun Liu, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Cash-in-Advance Constraint on R&D in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with an Endogenous Market Structure"
Lei Ji, Sciences PO OFCE Center, and SKEMA Business School (Contact Author)
Chienyu Huang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Juin-jen Chang, SINICA, Taipei


Xiaochun Liu, Emory University
Serkan Karadas, West Virginia University
Lei Ji, Sciences PO OFCE Center, and SKEMA Business School
Zeina Alsalman, Wayne State University


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 24K
Exports and Firm Boundaries

Session Chairs:

Derrick Jenniges, University of Kentucky


"Product Quality Proliferation and Differentiation in Export Markets"
Maia Linask, University of Richmond (Contact Author)

"Import Competition, International Linkages, and Political Influence: Evidence from Firm-Level Data"
Mahmut Yasar, The University of Texas at Arlington (Contact Author)

"Should We Disaggregate? Empirical Evidence using Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions"
Derrick Jenniges, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)

"Strategic Responses to Used Goods Markets: Airbus and Boeing Since 1997"
Myongjin Kim, University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)


Mahmut Yasar, The University of Texas at Arlington
Maia Linask, University of Richmond
Kosin Isariyawongse, Edinboro University
Derrick Jenniges, University of Kentucky


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 25K
Sports Economics Topics

Session Chairs:

Shane Sanders, Western Illinois University


"Is Funding the Key to Success in NCAA Women’s Soccer Programs?"
Jadrian Wooten, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"Relative Home-Court Advantage"
Kelly Carter, Morgan State University (Contact Author)

"Asymmetric Performance Enhancement, Contest Welfare, and Fairness"
Damian Damianov, The University of Texas-Pan American
Shane Sanders, Western Illinois University (Contact Author)

"NFL Games and City Crime"
David Kalist, Shippensburg University (Contact Author)
Daniel Y. Lee, Shippensburg University


Jadrian Wooten, Washington State University
Kelly Carter, Morgan State University
Malcolm Kass, The University of Texas at Dallas
Liza B. Pena, University of South Florida


Back to top

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 26K*
Natural Hazards I


Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston

Session Chairs:

Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston


"Investigating a Worst-Case Tornado"
Daniel Sutter, Troy University
Kevin M. Simmons, Austin College

"Natural Hazards and Ethnic Tensions"
Monica P. Escaleras, Florida Atlantic University
Charles A. Register, Florida Atlantic University

"Do Tornado Damages Follow a Pareto Distribution"
Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston (Contact Author)




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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 01L*
Obesity and Public Policy


Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University
Jennifer Bennett Shinall, Vanderbilt University

Session Chairs:

Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University


"Why Obese Workers Earn Less: Occupational Sorting and Its Implications for the Legal System"
Jennifer Bennett Shinall, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of the School Breakfast Program on Childhood Obesity"
David E. Frisvold, University of Iowa (Contact Author)

"Do Restaurant Calorie Posting Requirements Reduce Obesity?"
Charles Courtemanche, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Obesity and Control: A Complicated Relationship"
Florence Neymotin, Nova Southeastern University (Contact Author)


Christopher Carpenter, Vanderbilt University
Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 02L*
Gender and Policy in Labor Market


Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas

Session Chairs:

Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas


"Wage Growth and Job Mobility in the Early Career: Testing a Statistical Discrimination Model of the Gender Wage Gap"
Philippe Belley, Kansas State University
Nathalie Havet, Université Lyon II, GATE Lyon-Saint-Etienne
Guy Lacroix, Université Laval

"Labor Market Outcomes of the Equal Rights Amendment for Married Women"
Jennifer Boden, The University of Kansas
Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas

"Immigration and Occupational Licensing"
Serena H. Huang, University of Kansas
Jennifer Boden, The University of Kansas
Donna K. Ginther, The University of Kansas

"Even One Is Too Much: The Economic Consequences of Being a Smoker"
M. Melinda Pitts, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


Amanda Ross, West Virginia University
Margaret Blume-Kohout, New Mexico Consortium


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 04L


Deborah Fletcher, Miami University

Session Chairs:

Steven Slutsky, University of Florida


"Travel Distance, 'Civic Duty', and Voter Participation"
Dennis Coates, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Contact Author)
Tim Pawlowski, University of Tuebingen

"The Effect of Political Advertising in the Presence of Swing Voters"
Deborah Fletcher, Miami University (Contact Author)
Steven Slutsky, University of Florida

"Explaining Variation in the Competitiveness of U.S. Senate Elections, 1922-2004"
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida (Contact Author)
Stanley Winer, Carleton University
Bernard Grofman, University of California, Irvine


Deborah Fletcher, Miami University
Lawrence W. Kenny, University of Florida
Dennis Coates, University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 06L*
Social Choice Theory and Applications


Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University

Session Chairs:

Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University


"Centripetal and Centrifugal Electoral Incentives in Multidimensional Policy Space"
Robi Ragan, San Jose State University (Contact Author)

"A Model of Two-Party Representative Democracy: Endogenous Party Formation"
Hideo Konishi, Boston College (Contact Author)

"Median Voter Theorem for an Economy with Public and Monopolistically Competitive Private Schools"
Muharrem Yesilirmak, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (Contact Author)

"State Bloc Versus Individual Delegate Voting at the Constitutional Convention: Did It Make a Difference?"
Paul D. Carlsen, South Carolina Department of Commerce
Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University


Andrei Gomberg, CIE-ITAM
Robi Ragan, San Jose State University
Bryan C. McCannon, Saint Bonaventure University
T. Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 07L*
Inflation and Monetary Policy


Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College

Session Chairs:

Edward N. Gamber, Lafayette College


"Escape from the ZLB"
Charles L. Weise, Gettysburg College (Contact Author)

"The Effect of the Single Maker and the Single Currency on the Convergence of Prices in the European Union"
Olena Ogrokhina, Lafayette College (Contact Author)

"The Distribution of Inflation Forecast Errors"
Julie K. Smith, Lafayette College (Contact Author)
Edward N. Gamber, Lafayette College


Edward N. Gamber, Lafayette College
Charles L. Weise, Gettysburg College
Pierangelo De Pace, Pomona College


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 08L*
Topics in Special Welfare and Policy Evaluation


Limor Golan, Washington University in St. Louis

Session Chairs:

Elena Pastorino, University of Minnesota


"Cognitive Skill Gaps in India: Can (Late) Nutrition Still Ameliorate Them?

Maria E Canon, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (Contact Author)

"Non Linear Pricing of Food in Village Economies"
Elena Pastorino, University of Minnesota (Contact Author)
Orazio Attanasio, University College London

"Skill/Task Requirements of Jobs and Economic Independence of Welfare Recipients"
Orgul D. Ozturk, University of South Carolina
Hau Chyi, Xiamen University


Carl Sanders, Washington University in St. Louis
Victoria Prowse, Cornell University
Kevin Thom, New York University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 09L
International Trade and Economic Integration

Session Chairs:

Inma Martínez-Zarzoso, University of Goettingen


"EU-Accession Effects on Trade in Intermediate and Final Goods: The Extensive Margin Matters"
Martina Vidovic, Rollins College (Contact Author)
Anca Monika Voicu, Rollins College

"Political Determinants of International Trade in Arms: How Is Trade in Arms Different?"
Florian Johannsen, University of Goettingen (Contact Author)
Inma Martínez-Zarzoso, University of Goettingen

"Does Aid Promote Donor Exports? Commercial Interest Versus Instrumental Philanthropy"
Felicitas Nowak-Lehman, University of Goettingen (Contact Author)
Stephan Klasen, University of Goettingen

"Trade in Intermediate Goods and EuroMed Production Networks"
Inma Martínez-Zarzoso, University of Goettingen (Contact Author)
Laura Marquez-Ramos, University Jaume I


Felicitas Nowak-Lehman, University of Goettingen
Martina Vidovic, Rollins College
Florian Johannsen, University of Goettingen
Anca Monika Voicu, Rollins College


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 11L
Hospitals and Physicians

Session Chairs:

Richard A. Hofler, University of Central Florida


"Benchmarking Patient Safety and Quality in U.S. Hospitals: The Stochastic Frontier Approach"
Richard A. Hofler, University of Central Florida (Contact Author)
Lynn Unruh, University of Central Florida

"Does Reputation Matter? Patient-Created Reviews and Drivers of Demand for Physician Services on ZocDoc.com"
Sonal Vats, Boston University (Contact Author)
Michael Luca, Harvard Business School

"Hospital Systems and Bargaining Power: Evidence from Out-Of-Market Acquisitions"
Kevin Pflum, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Matthew Lewis, Ohio State University

"Medicare Part B Intensity Offset"
Christopher Brunt, Georgia Southern University (Contact Author)


Christopher Brunt, Georgia Southern University
Kevin Pflum, The University of Alabama
Sonal Vats, Boston University
Jay Walker, Niagara University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 12L
Private and Charter Schools

Session Chairs:

Leslee Brooke Conaway, Georgia College & State University


"Georgia's Charter Amendment"
Leslee Brooke Conaway, Georgia College & State University (Contact Author)
Ben Scafidi, Georgia College & State University
Frank Stephenson, Berry College

"Teacher Attrition in Charter and Public Schools"
Lauren Calimeris, St. John Fisher College (Contact Author)

"Long-Run Effects of Catholic Schooling on Wages"
Nikhil Jha, University of Melbourne (Contact Author)
Cain Polidano, University of Melbourne

"Holding Deficient Schools Accountable: A Comparison of Charter and Traditional District Campuses"
Scott Milliman, James Madison University (Contact Author)
Robert Maranto, University of Arkansas


Scott Milliman, James Madison University
Sa An Bui, Cornell University
Lauren Calimeris, St. John Fisher College
S. Elif Filiz, Louisiana State University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 13L
Growth and Development

Session Chairs:

Daniel L. Bennett, Florida State University


"A Comparison of Confucian Influence on North and South Korean Economic Policies"
J. Barkley Rosser, James Madison University (Contact Author)
Marina Rosser, James Madison University

"Colonizer Identity and Settlement: A Unified Institutional View of Comparative Economic Development"
Daniel L. Bennett, Florida State University (Contact Author)

"Internal Conflict and Economic Growth: The Case for a Finer Distinction of the Roots of Violence"
Arnab Biswas, University of Wisconsin-Stout (Contact Author)
Aniruddha Mitra, Bard College


Anindya Biswas, Spring Hill College
Christos Pargianas, University of Scranton
Paul R. Zimmerman, Federal Trade Commission


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 14L
Econometric Theory

Session Chairs:

Na Kyeong Lee, University of Colorado-Boulder


"An Efficient Decomposition of the Expectation of the Maximum with Normally Distributed Errors"
Jonathan Eggleston, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"A Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model with Markov-Switching"
Jared Levant, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Jun Ma, University of Alabama

"Kernel Density Estimation for Polarization Measure"
Na Kyeong Lee, University of Colorado-Boulder (Contact Author)

"Maximization by Parts in Conditionally Parametric Models"
David Frazier, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)


David Frazier, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jonathan Eggleston, University of Virginia
Jared Levant, The University of Alabama
Na Kyeong Lee, University of Colorado-Boulder


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 15L
Experiments in the Classroom and Laboratory

Session Chairs:

Guanlin Gao, Georgia State University


"Do Monetary Incentives Matter in Classroom Experiments: Effects on Game Performance and Exam Scores"
Jill Kearns Hayter, East Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Classroom Experiments in Uncertainty: Disposition Effects and Noisy Signals"
Paul Chambers, University of Central Missouri (Contact Author)
Catherine M. Chambers, University of Central Missouri
John R. Crooker, University of Central Missouri

"Communication in Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games"
Guanlin Gao, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


Paul Chambers, University of Central Missouri
Ian McDonough, Southern Methodist University
Jill Kearns Hayter, East Tennessee State University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 16L

Session Chairs:

Michael Malcolm, West Chester University of Pennsylvania


"The Modern Marriage Market"
Molly Candon, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Skilled-Biased Technological Change, Male Wage Gap and Female Marital Decision"
Xue Li, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)

"Male Income Inequality and Female Marital Decision in China"
Xue Li, Louisiana State University (Contact Author)

"Are Pornography and Marriage Substitutes for Young Men?"
Michael Malcolm, West Chester University of Pennsylvania (Contact Author)


Christy Spivey, The University of Texas at Arlington
Molly Candon, The University of Georgia
Xue Li, Louisiana State University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 17L
Mergers and Exclusivity Arrangements

Session Chairs:

David E. Mills, University of Virginia


"Endogenous Product Characteristics in an Analysis of Merger Effects: A Study of the U.S. Airline Industry"
Jinkook Lee, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)

"Merger Outcomes: An Analysis of the Predictive Power of Event Studies and of Market Structure"
John Kwoka, Northeastern University
Chengyan Gu, Northeastern University (Contact Author)

"Internal Capital Markets and Strategic Incentives for Conglomerate Mergers"
Sue H. Mialon, Emory University
YuHua Chen, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Input Joint Ventures in a Differentiated Bertrand Oligopoly"
Aleksandr Yankelevich, Federal Communications Commission (Contact Author)
Nicholas Aguelakakis, Washington University in St. Louis

"Buyer-Induced Exclusivity Arrangements"
David E. Mills, University of Virginia (Contact Author)


Aleksandr Yankelevich, Federal Communications Commission
Jinkook Lee, Texas A&M University
Chengyan Gu, Northeastern University
Ran Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Klaus G. Becker, Texas Tech University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 18L
Wages, Race, and Job Satisfaction

Session Chairs:

Ceren Ertan Yoruk, Sage College of Albany


"The Relationship Between Wages and Time of Entry in Labor Market - Evidence from US"
T.M. Tonmoy Islam, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (Contact Author)

"Public Sector Employment and Earnings of Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan"
Douglas A. Fox, ERS Group (Contact Author)
Anna Nesterenko, ERS Group

"Estimating the Effect of Personality Traits on Black-White Gap"
Rifat Ozan Senturk, The University of Texas at Austin (Contact Author)

"Job Satisfaction of Young Employees: Do Supervisors' Race, Gender, and Age Matter?"
Ceren Ertan Yoruk, Sage College of Albany (Contact Author)

"The Impact of the ‘Great Recession’ on Time Use: A Comparative Analysis among Demographic Groups"
Daniel Kidane, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)


Daniel Kidane, Texas Tech University
T.M. Tonmoy Islam, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Douglas A. Fox, ERS Group
Rifat Ozan Senturk, The University of Texas at Austin
Hina Sahni, Northern Illinois University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 19L

Session Chairs:

Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton


"The Impact of Remittances on Education in Developing Countries"
Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Demand for Health in China"
Riha Vaidya, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Contact Author)

"Are Hurricanes Failure Warnings? Evidence from Caribbean Secondary School Examinations"
Nekeisha Spencer, Binghamton University, State University of New York (Contact Author)
Solomon Polachek, State University of New York at Binghamton
Eric Strobl, Ecole Polytechnique

"Examining the Impacts of Different Anti-Malaria Campaigns: Are Some Organizations More Effective than Others?"
Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"Measuring Impoverishment: An Overlooked Dimension of Fiscal Incidence"
Sean Higgins, Tulane University
Nora Lustig, Tulane University (Contact Author)


Stacey Gelsheimer, University of South Florida
John M. McAdams, Federal Trade Commission
Harry Tsang, University of North Dakota
Zachary Gochenour, George Mason University
Tin-Chun Lin, Indiana University Northwest


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 20L
The Relationship Among and Between Firms and Workers

Session Chairs:

Ricardo Santos, Trinity University


"Health Insurance and the Macro Economy: A Neoclassical Approach"
Mark Kelly, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)

"Do Unions Increase Labor’s Shares? Evidence from US Industry-Level Data"
Andrew T. Young, West Virginia University (Contact Author)
Hernando Zuleta, Universidad de los Andes

"Entry and Competition in Takeover Auctions"
Matthew Gentry, London School of Economics
Caleb Stroup, Grinnell College (Contact Author)

"Labor Supply, Endogenous Wage Dynamics and Tax Policy"
Arpad Abraham, European University Institute
Jay H. Hong, University of Rochester
Ricardo Santos, Trinity University (Contact Author)


Andrew T. Young, West Virginia University
Mark Kelly, The University of Georgia
Ricardo Santos, Trinity University
Michael Montgomery, University of Maine


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 21L
Political Economy and Public Finance


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida


"Economic Performance, Political Connections, and Leadership Transitions in China"
Cheng Li, University of Miami (Contact Author)

"Social Network Influence on Electoral Outcomes"
Markum Reed, Southern Illinois University (Contact Author)

"Informed Trading at Capitol Hill: Evidence from Congressional Trading over the 2004 – 2010 Period"
Serkan Karadas, West Virginia University (Contact Author)

"Revenue Efficiency of Sub-National VAT: India as a Case Study"
Astha Sen, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


R. Mark Isaac, Florida State University
Jonathan H. Hamilton, University of Florida
Christopher R. Bollinger, University of Kentucky
Alexandre Padilla, Metropolitan State University of Denver


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 22L
Money and Monetary Policy

Session Chairs:

Justin S. Merrill, freebanking.org


"On the Emergence of Money and Middlemen"
Vipin P. Veetil, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Craig Brown, George Mason University
Paul Cummin, George Mason University

"A Monetary Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Policy"
Justin S. Merrill, freebanking.org (Contact Author)

"A Model of Monetary Policy Shocks for Crises and Normal Conditions"
John W. Keating, The University of Kansas
Logan Kelly, Bryant University
Victor Valcarcel, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)

"The Centennial of Hawtrey's Good and Bad Trade"
David Glasner, Federal Trade Commission (Contact Author)


David Glasner, Federal Trade Commission
Victor Valcarcel, Texas Tech University
Yuanyuan Chen, Marshall University
Menelik S. Geremew, Kalamazoo College


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 24L
Multilateral Trade Policy

Session Chairs:

Alejandro E. Dellachiesa, Bates College


"Potential Pareto-Improving Move towards Most Favored Nation Tari"
Peri A. Silva, Jr., Kansas State University (Contact Author)
Sajal Lahiri, Southern Illinois University

"Institutional Heterogeneity in GATT Interventions: A Panel Data Analysis"
Suryadipta Roy, High Point University (Contact Author)

"Trade Negotiations and Non-Homothetic Preferences"
Gabriel Domingo, University of California, Davis (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Energy Consumption, Output and Trade on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Mercosur Member States: A Panel Cointegration Analysis"
Alejandro E. Dellachiesa, Bates College (Contact Author)
“Edward” Yu Tun-Hsiang, The University of Tennessee


W. Charles Sawyer, Texas Christian University
Gabriel Domingo, University of California, Davis
Jayjit Roy, Appalachian State University
Peri A. Silva, Jr., Kansas State University


Back to top

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 25L
Conflict and Gender


Prakarsh Singh, Amherst College
Olga Shemyakina, Georgia Institute of Technology

Session Chairs:

Prakarsh Singh, Amherst College


"Gender-Differential Effects of Conflict on Education: The Case of the 1981-1993 Punjab Insurgency"
Prakarsh Singh, Amherst College (Contact Author)
Olga Shemyakina, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Terrorism and the Labor Force: Evidence of an Effect on Female Labor Force Participation and the Labor Gender Gap"
Claude Berrebi, RAND (Contact Author)
Jordan Ostwald, RAND

"Armed Conflict and Domestic Violence: Evidence from Rwanda"
Giulia La Mattina, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"For Better or for Worse: The Long-Term Effects of Postwar Reconstruction on Family Formation"
Melanie Khamis, Wesleyan University (Contact Author)


Naci Mocan, Louisiana State University
Subha Mani, Fordham University
Jorge Aguero, University of Connecticut
Sarah Pearlman, Vassar College


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 26L*
Natural Hazards II


Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston

Session Chairs:

Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston


"Survival Analysis of Hurricane Katrina Returnees"
David T. Mitchell, University of Central Arkansas
Jennifer Wang, University of Central Arkansas

"Market Responses to Hurricane Mitigation Measures in Florida"
Muhammad Bakhtear Talukdar, Florida International University
Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University

"Earthquakes and Power Laws"
Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston (Contact Author)




Back to top

2:45 - 3:00 p.m.
Session No session number set-S6
Complimentary Beverages

Back to top

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 01M*
Baseball and Football: Competition and Accountability


Craig A. Depken, II, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Arthur Snow, The University of Georgia

Session Chairs:

Arthur Snow, The University of Georgia


"Income Distribution and Industrial Relations in Major League Baseball"
Nicholas Jolly, Marquette University (Contact Author)
James Richard Hill, Central Michigan University

"Outcome Based Accountability: Theory and Evidence"
Joseph Price, Brigham Young University (Contact Author)
Brennan C. Platt, Brigham Young University
Lars Lefgren, Brigham Young University

"Measuring Competitive Balance Using Playoff Droughts"
Gregory A. Trandel, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)


Michael S. Kofoed, The University of Georgia
Jason M. Rivera, The University of Georgia
Ruben Jacobo-Rubio, The University of Georgia


Back to top

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 02M*
The Domestic Effects of High Skill Immigration


Sarah Turner, University of Virginia

Session Chairs:

Sarah Turner, University of Virginia


"The Influx of Foreign Undergraduates and the Effect on Domestic Students"
Kelli Bird, University of Virginia
Sarah Turner, University of Virginia

"Does Immigration Affect Whether U.S. Natives Major in a STEM Field?"
Pia M. Orrenius, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Madeline Zavodny, Agnes Scott College

"Recruitment of Foreigners in the Market for Computer Scientists in the US"
John Bound, University of Michigan
Breno Braga, University of Michigan
Joseph M. Golden, University of Michigan




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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 03M*
Using Experimental Methods in Evaluation


Burt S. Barnow, The George Washington University

Session Chairs:

Burt S. Barnow, The George Washington University


"Do Impact Estimates Depend on the Source of the Data Used to Measure Them? Evidence from Social Experiments"
Burt S. Barnow, The George Washington University
David Greenberg, University of Maryland Baltimore County

"On the Feasibility of Extending Social Experiments to Wider Applications"
Stephen H. Bell, Abt Associates
Laura R. Peck, Abt Associates

"Towards Better Training Evaluations"
Jacob Klerman, Abt Associates (Contact Author)

"Is Contracting Out Intensive Placement Services More Effective than Provision by the PES? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment"
Gerhard Krug, Institute for Employment Research
Gesine Stephan, Institute for Employment Research




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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 04M
Labor Economics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University


"Why is BMI Negatively Correlated with Wages? New Evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Network"
Matthew Trombley, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Contact Author)

"Wage Gaps, Migration, and Development: A View from Both Sides of the Border"
Michael Good, Florida International University (Contact Author)

"From Refuge to Riches? An Analysis of Refugees’ Earnings Assimilation in the United States"
Animesh Giri, Emory University (Contact Author)

"Industrialization and Women’s Labor Time in South Africa"
Leanne Roncolato, American University (Contact Author)


David E. Frisvold, University of Iowa
Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University
James T. Bang, St. Ambrose University
Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 05M*
Migration and Human Capital


George-Levi Gayle, Washington University in St. Louis

Session Chairs:

Carl Sanders, Washington University in St. Louis


"A Dynamic Structural Model of Labor Supply and Educational Attainment"
Wayne Gayle, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"The Great Migration and Wages in the Northern United States"
John Gardner, Carnegie Mellon University (Contact Author)

"The Native-Immigrant Wage Gap in the United States"
Carl Sanders, Washington University in St. Louis (Contact Author)




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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 06M*
Comparison of Voting Procedures


Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University

Session Chairs:

Robi Ragan, San Jose State University


"Proportional Lotteries"
Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University (Contact Author)

"Revealed Votes"
Andrei Gomberg, CIE-ITAM (Contact Author)

"Quasi-Empirical Evaluation of Voting Rules"
T. Nicolaus Tideman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
James Green-Armytage, Virginia Tech
Rafael Cosman, Stanford

"Development of a Probabilistic Model of Cumulative Voting"
Duane Cooper, Morehouse College (Contact Author)


Duane Cooper, Morehouse College
Hideo Konishi, Boston College
Muharrem Yesilirmak, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy
Robi Ragan, San Jose State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 07M*
Gender and Discrimination


Limor Golan, Washington University in St. Louis

Session Chairs:

Luca Flabbi, IDB, Georgetown University


"Testing for Statistical Discrimination with Asymmetric Employer Learning"
Suqin Ge, Virginia Tech
Beibei Zhu, Virginia Tech

"Do Female Executives Make a Difference? The Impact of Female Leadership on Firm Performance and Corporate Policies"
Luca Flabbi, IDB, Georgetown University (Contact Author)
Mario Macis, John Hopkins University
Fabiano Schivardi, Luiss University

"Occupational Complexity, Experience, and the Gender Wage Gap"
Elise Keller, Durham University Business School (Contact Author)

"Dynamic Effect of Parental Leave Policies on Female Labor Market Outcomes"
Shintaro Yamaguchi, McMaster University (Contact Author)




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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 08M*
Understanding Informal Financing


Lixin Colin Xu, World Bank

Session Chairs:

Lixin Colin Xu, World Bank


"Understanding Informal Financing"
Franklin Allen, Wharton School
Meijun Qian, National University of Singapore
Jing Xie, National University of Singapore

"Business Environment, Economic Agglomeration and Job Creation around the World"
George R.G. Clarke, Texas A&M International University
Yue Li, World Bank
Lixin Colin Xu, World Bank

"Aid and Growth: Using the IDA Income Threshold as an Instrument"
Stephen Knack, World Bank
Ben Zou, Maryland University
Lixin Colin Xu, World Bank




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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 09M
Economics of the Law


Bryan C. McCannon, Saint Bonaventure University
Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl, Virginia Military Institute

Session Chairs:

Bryan C. McCannon, Saint Bonaventure University


"Elections and the Courtroom"
Bryan C. McCannon, Saint Bonaventure University (Contact Author)

"The Overwhelming Case for Household Analysis of Institutions and the Rediscovered Importance of Contracts"
Alan Green, Stetson University (Contact Author)

"Understanding Modes of Civil Case Disposition: Evidence from Slovenian Courts"
Peter Grajzl, Washington and Lee University
Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl, Virginia Military Institute (Contact Author)
Katarina Zajc, University of Ljubljana

"Trust and Contracts: An Experimental Study"
Evsen Turkay, Vassar College (Contact Author)
Benjamin Ho, Vassar College


Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl, Virginia Military Institute
Alan Green, Stetson University
Bryan C. McCannon, Saint Bonaventure University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 10M
Growth and International Capital Flows


Daren A. Conrad, The University of the West Indies

Session Chairs:

Daren A. Conrad, The University of the West Indies





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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 11M
Substance Abuse and Other Risky Behaviors

Session Chairs:

Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut


"The Effect of the Sunday Alcohol Laws on Alcohol Consumption and Crime"
Baris K. Yoruk, The State University of New York at Albany (Contact Author)

"Substance-Abuse Treatment and Mortality"
Isaac Swensen, Montana State University (Contact Author)

"Seatbelt Use Following Stricter Drunk Driving Regulations"
Scott Adams, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut (Contact Author)
Nathan Tefft, University of Washington


Isaac Swensen, Montana State University
Gisella Kagy, University of Colorado at Boulder
Chad Cotti, University of Connecticut
Kpoti Kitissou, Binghamton University
Baris K. Yoruk, The State University of New York at Albany


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 12M
Pre and Elementary Schooling

Session Chairs:

Andrew Hussey, The University of Memphis


"Estimating the Impact of an Early Intervention Program on Student Academic Performance and Retention"
Douglas Campbell, The University of Memphis
Andrew Hussey, The University of Memphis (Contact Author)

"Estimating the Production and Efficiency of Elementary Schools in Virginia: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis"
David J. Lehr, University of Pennsylvania
David L. Lehr, Longwood University (Contact Author)
Melanie Marks, Longwood University

"An Analysis of Different Methods for Incorporating Co-Teachers into Value-Added Models"
Jenny Gnagey, Ohio State University (Contact Author)


David L. Lehr, Longwood University
Jenny Gnagey, Ohio State University
Andrew Hussey, The University of Memphis


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 13M
Applied Microeconometrics

Session Chairs:

Yan Li, The University of Mississippi


"Handling Endogeneity in Stochastic Frontier Analysis"
Mustafa U. Karakaplan, Oregon State University
Levent Kutlu, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"Variational Inference for a Strategic Model of Social Interactions"
Angelo Mele, Johns Hopkins University (Contact Author)

"Bounding the Long Run Effect of Food Insecurity on Child Health when Food Insecurity Is Endogenous and Mismeasured"
Manan Roy, IMPAQ International, LLC (Contact Author)
Daniel L. Millimet, Southern Methodist University

"What We Have Missed on Charitable Contributions Analysis Using Tobits"
Yan Li, The University of Mississippi (Contact Author)


Manan Roy, IMPAQ International, LLC
Zhongwen Liang, University at Albany, SUNY
Linyue Yu, Beijing Jiaotong University
Angelo Mele, Johns Hopkins University
Robyn Kibler, University of South Florida


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 14M
Game Theory

Session Chairs:

Tarun Sabarwal, The University of Kansas


"Games with Strategic Heterogeneity"
Tarun Sabarwal, The University of Kansas (Contact Author)
Andrew Monaco, Colgate University

"Representation in Multi-Issue Delegated Bargaining"
Shourjo Chakravorty, University of Florida (Contact Author)

"Information-Based Favoritism"
Jeremy Sandford, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Chun-Hui Miao, University of South Carolina


Shourjo Chakravorty, University of Florida
Jeremy Sandford, University of Kentucky
Jingwen Qu, Georgia Institute of Technology


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 15M
Experimental Economics

Session Chairs:

Younjun Kim, Iowa State University


"Bias in Time Preference Elicitation Method with Multiple Price List Format"
Younjun Kim, Iowa State University (Contact Author)
Tanya Rosenblat, Iowa State University

"Competition and Cooperation across Genders and Castes in India: An Experimental Study"
Urmimala Sen, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


Urmimala Sen, Georgia State University
Guanlin Gao, Georgia State University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 16M
Immigrant Outcomes

Session Chairs:

Marigee Bacolod, Naval Postgraduate School


"Immigrant Assimilation, Wages, and Skills"
Marigee Bacolod, Naval Postgraduate School (Contact Author)
Bernardo Blum, University of Toronto
Marcos Rangel, Princeton University

"Immigrant Assets in the United States"
Paula M. Kazi, Bucknell University (Contact Author)

"Private-Sector Work Training and the Earnings of High- and Low-Skill Immigrant Workers in the U.S."
Youngok Lim, University of California Merced (Contact Author)

"Self-Identification and Adult Wellbeing Outcomes of American Immigrant Children"
Deniz Gevrek, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (Contact Author)

"Pecuniary and Nonpecuniary Benefits of Education at the Intensive Margin: Academic Performance in Middle and High School and Adult Outcomes among American Immigrants"
Deniz Gevrek, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (Contact Author)
Z. Eylem Gevrek, University of Konstanz
Cahit Guven, Deakin University


Youngok Lim, University of California Merced
Deniz Gevrek, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Paula M. Kazi, Bucknell University
Kristen Broady, Fort Valley State University
Marigee Bacolod, Naval Postgraduate School


Back to top

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 18M

Session Chairs:

Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


"What Money Can Buy: Family Income and Childhood Obesity"
Young Jo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)

"Efficient Self-Protection and Progress in Curing-Technology"
Gilad Sorek, Auburn University (Contact Author)

"Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Assessments of Physical Activity and Dietary Intervention Efforts and Implications for Labor Market Outcomes"
Michael Bonnal, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Contact Author)

"Evaluating the Effect of Maternal Labor Supply on School-Aged Children’s Weight Status"
Xilin Zhou, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


Xilin Zhou, Georgia State University
Anastasia Semykina, Florida State University
Young Jo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gilad Sorek, Auburn University
Christopher Brunt, Georgia Southern University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 19M
Schooling and Labor Markets

Session Chairs:

Julie Trivitt, University of Arkansas


"Compulsory Schooling Laws and Early Labor Market Outcomes"
Huzeyfe Torun, University of Virginia (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Local Labor Market Wage Differentials on College Enrollment"
Naci Mocan, Louisiana State University
Gregory B. Upton, Jr., Louisiana State University (Contact Author)

"What You Didn't Say: Survey Non-Response as a Non-Cognitive Measure"
Julie Trivitt, University of Arkansas (Contact Author)
Collin Hitt, University of Arkansas

"Do Preemies Catch Up? The Impact of Pre-Term Births on Adult Outcomes"
John M. Nunley, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (Contact Author)


John M. Nunley, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Huzeyfe Torun, University of Virginia
Gregory B. Upton, Jr., Louisiana State University
Andrew T. Young, West Virginia University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 20M
Environmental Economics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Joseph Guse, Washington and Lee University


"Testing the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Evidence from the European Union Emission Trading Scheme"
Mingge Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Nearby Shale Gas Development on Property Values: Explaining Cross-County Differences"
Caroline Cecot, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Visitor’s Economic Value of Cape Hatteras National Seashore"
Craig E. Landry, East Carolina University (Contact Author)
Alyson Renee Lewis, East Carolina University
Hans Vogelsong, East Carolina University


W. Kip Viscusi, Vanderbilt University Law School
Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Salisbury University
Joseph Guse, Washington and Lee University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 21M
Industrial Organization


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Gary Ferrier, University of Arkansas


"Bayesian Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Models with Heterogeneous Spatio-Temporal Parameters: A Study of Economic Growth of Counties in the State of Missouri"
Tetyana Z. Beregovska, University of Missouri (Contact Author)

"Demand for Telephone Services and the Welfare Effect of Smartphones"
Wesley Routon, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Entry Deterrence and Strategic Alliances: Evidence from a Dynamic Structural Econometric Model"
Xin Xie, Kansas State University (Contact Author)

"Collusion and Product Differentiation: Market Segmentation across Product Space"
Xu Xu, Mississippi State University (Contact Author)
Kalyn T. Coatney, Mississippi State University


Gary Ferrier, University of Arkansas
Catherine C. Eckel, Texas A&M University
Reagan Anne Baughman, University of New Hampshire
Edward J. Lopez, Western Carolina University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 22M
Applied Macroeconomics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Giandomenico Sarolli, Drew University


"Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in Turkey: A Markov Switching Approach"
Semih Emre Cekin, Texas Tech University (Contact Author)

"Trends and Cycles in U.S. Output and the Labor Market"
Amy Y. Guisinger, The George Washington University (Contact Author)
Tara Sinclair, The George Washington University

"Post Crisis Recovery and De-Facto Exchange Rate Regime"
Ross J. Hallren, University of Oklahoma (Contact Author)

"Foreign Aid Volatility and Real Business Cycles in a Developing Open Economy"
Ahiteme Houndonougbo, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)


Giandomenico Sarolli, Drew University
Tsvetanka Karagyozova, Lawrence University
Caleb Stroup, Grinnell College
Thomas L. Hogan, Troy University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 25M
Issues in Economic Development: Evidence from India and Philippines


Nishith Prakash, University of Connecticut

Session Chairs:

Mehtabul Azam, Oklahoma State University


"Defining Teacher Quality in India"
Mehtabul Azam, Oklahoma State University (Contact Author)
Geeta Kingdon, University of London

"The Impact of Indian Job Guarantee Scheme on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment"
Mehtabul Azam, Oklahoma State University

"Election Fraud and Post-Election Conflict: Evidence from the Philippines"
Benjamin Crost, University of Colorado Denver (Contact Author)
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver
Hani Mansour, University of Colorado-Denver
Joe Felter, Stanford University


Mehtabul Azam, Oklahoma State University
Benjamin Crost, University of Colorado Denver
Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado Denver


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 26M*
Research on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program


Christopher A. Swann, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Session Chairs:

Christopher A. Swann, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro


"SNAP Receipt among the Non-Poor: Issues of Measurement in the ACS"
Constance Newman, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Erik Scherpf, U.S. Department of Agriculture

"The Effect of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation on Food Security: A Control Function Approach"
Matthew Rabbitt, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Contact Author)

"Program Participation Patterns and Food Insecurity for SNAP Recipients"
Christopher A. Swann, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Contact Author)


Christian Gregory, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Erik Scherpf, U.S. Department of Agriculture
David C. Ribar, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro


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