2014 Sessions for Danielle Zanzalari

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 01L
Banks and Risk

Session Chairs:

Danielle Zanzalari, Clemson University


"Endogenous Financial Networks with Liquidity Risk"
Heung Jin Kwon, The University of Chicago (Contact Author)

"Equity Market Responses in the Banking Sector After TARP"
Danielle Zanzalari, Clemson University (Contact Author)

"Bank Risk in a Decade of Falling Interest Rates"
Yen-Ling Chang, Dakota State University
Daniel A. Talley, Dakota State University (Contact Author)

"Money Markets: Efficiency and Fragility"
Robert R. Reed, III, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Daniel L. Otto, The University of Alabama


Daniel A. Talley, Dakota State University
Heung Jin Kwon, The University of Chicago
Sebastian Roelands, Bowling Green State University
Jonathan Bauchet, Purdue University


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3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 19M
Current Economic Topics

Session Chairs:

Sebastian Roelands, Bowling Green State University


"What Determines the Voting Behavior in the United Nations Security Council?"
Michael Jetter, Universidad EAFIT (Contact Author)

"Returns from Joining Congress"
Serkan Karadas, Sewanee: The University of the South (Contact Author)
Minh Tam Tammy Schlosky, Sewanee: The University of the South

"Market Structure of the U.S. Banking Sector"
Sebastian Roelands, Bowling Green State University (Contact Author)

"Trends in Employment Agglomeration of U.S. Service Sector Industries from 1998 to 2008"
Abdullah M. Khan, Claflin University (Contact Author)


Serkan Karadas, Sewanee: The University of the South
Michael Jetter, Universidad EAFIT
Abdullah M. Khan, Claflin University
Danielle Zanzalari, Clemson University


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