Sunday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. ESA |
Session 24F Capital and Banking Experiments |
Organizers: |
Arthur L. Zillante, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
Session Chairs: |
Ann Gillette, University of Louisville |
Papers: |
"Is a Little Learning a Dangerous Thing? Ability-Complements but Not Ability-Substitutes Exacerbate Overconfidence" "Fixed Prices and Regulatory Discretion as Triggers for Contingent Capital Conversion: An Experimental Examination" "Indirect Ethics and Backdoor Bailouts" "Sovereign Debt Unanimous Agreement or Collective Action Clause: Incentives for Productivity" |
Monday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA* |
Session 01J* Banking and Financial Regulation |
Organizers: |
Edward S. Prescott, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond |
Session Chairs: |
Edward S. Prescott, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond |
Papers: |
"Did Prompt Corrective Action Fail? A Comparison of FDIC Losses on Failed Commercial Banks from 1986-1994 with 2004-2011" "The Cost Effectiveness of the Private-Sector Reorganization of Failed Banks" "Incentive Compensation, Accounting Discretion and Bank Capital" "The Failure of Stress Testing: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and OFHEO" |
Discussants: |
Larry D. Wall, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta |