2014 Sessions for M. Garrett Roth

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 28C
Freedom, Politics and Culture


Benjamin Powell, Texas Tech University

Session Chairs:

Nikolai G. Wenzel, Florida Gulf Coast University


"The Free Society and the State Safety Net: Tensions in F.A. Hayek’s Political Economy"
Nikolai G. Wenzel, Florida Gulf Coast University (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Economic Freedom on Civil Liberties in the Short Run"
Robert Szarka, University of Connecticut (Contact Author)

"Political Candidates as Entrepreneurs: A Kirznerian Perspective"
M. Garrett Roth, Gannon University (Contact Author)

"The Market: Civilizing or Disciplinary Force?"
Erwin Dekker, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Contact Author)


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 03F*
Federal Fiscal Policy


John Merrifield, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Session Chairs:

John Merrifield, The University of Texas at San Antonio


"An Assessment of National Fiscal Rules in OECD Countries"
Barry Poulson, University of Colorado
John Merrifield, The University of Texas at San Antonio

"Plausible Federal Fiscal Restraint and Tools for Reaching It"
John Merrifield, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Barry Poulson, University of Colorado

"Are Income Taxes Destined to Rise? The Fiscal Imbalance and Future Tax Policy"
Jason L. Saving, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Contact Author)
Alan Viard, AEI

"The Madness and the Ecstacy: Public Preferences and Fiscal Policy"
M. Garrett Roth, Gannon University (Contact Author)


Jason L. Saving, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
John Garen, University of Kentucky
Daniel Sutter, Troy University
Elena Andreyeva, Georgia State University


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 07I
Births, Abortion and Contraception

Session Chairs:

Mehrnoush Motamedi, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


"Birth Interval and Children’s Outcome"
Mehrnoush Motamedi, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Contact Author)

"Birth Spacing and Outcomes in Adolescence, Young Adulthood, and Adulthood"
Nga Nguyen, The State University of New York at Oswego (Contact Author)

"Do Teenage Births Really Reduce Life Prospects? Evidence from Danish Register Data"
Mette Verner, KORA, Danish Institute for Local and Regional Government Research (Contact Author)

"Does Access to Emergency Contraception Affect Unintended Pregnancy Rates? Evaluation of Empirical Strategies Using Sexually Transmitted Diseases Data"
Inna Cintina, University of Hawaii, Manoa (Contact Author)
Petru S Stoianovici, Charles River Associates

"Does Access to Contraception Affect Timing of Abortions?"
Inna Cintina, University of Hawaii, Manoa (Contact Author)
Petru S Stoianovici, Charles River Associates


Susan M. Bell, Seminole State College of Florida
Fatma Romeh Mohamed Ali, Georgia State University
M. Garrett Roth, Gannon University
Xilin Zhou, Georgia State University
Ilya Prakhov, National Research University Higher School of Economics


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