2014 Sessions for Robert Mason

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 16K
Market Responses to Demand Characteristics

Session Chairs:

Robert Mason, Georgia Gwinnett College


"An Evaluation of the Robustness of Spontaneous Order: An Analysis of the Deep Web"
Julia Norgaard, George Mason University (Contact Author)
R. August Hardy, George Mason University

"Pricing in the Absence of Quasiconcavity in Demand"
Robert Mason, Georgia Gwinnett College (Contact Author)

"The Kinked Demand Curve Revisited and Recriticized"
Alan Hochstein, Concordia University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Video Coverage on Football Bowl Subdivision Attendance"
Gregory A. Falls, Central Michigan University (Contact Author)
Paul A. Natke, Central Michigan University


Alan Hochstein, Concordia University
Julia Norgaard, George Mason University
Matthew Makofske, The University of Mississippi
Robert Mason, Georgia Gwinnett College


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 12L
Topics in Heterodox Economics

Session Chairs:

Scott Carter, The University of Tulsa


"Herbert Simon and Agent-Based Computational Economics"
Shu-Heng Chen, National Chengchi University (Contact Author)
Ying-Fang Kao, National Chengchi University

"Sraffa and the Reduction to Dated Quantities of Labor"
Scott Carter, The University of Tulsa (Contact Author)


Shu-Heng Chen, National Chengchi University
Robert Mason, Georgia Gwinnett College


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