Saturday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 09C The Economics of Autism |
Organizers: |
Molly Candon, The University of Georgia |
Session Chairs: |
Molly Candon, The University of Georgia |
Papers: |
"Who Isn’t Vaccinating Their Children? Examining the Demographics, Policies, and Shocks to Vaccination Rates in the United States over Time" "The STEM Effect: Assortative Mating, the Intergenerational Transmission of Genetics, and Autism Spectrum Disorders" "Estimating the True Incidence of Autism" |
Discussants: |
Mark Kelly, The University of Georgia |
Monday 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 09J Current Economic Issues in Health and Housing |
Session Chairs: |
Mark Kelly, The University of Georgia |
Papers: |
"Health Insurance and Aggregate Social Welfare" "The Effect of the Housing Market Decline and Unemployment on Net Worth and Spending of American Households During the Great Recession" "Housing Markets, Regulations and Monetary Policy" "Environmental Taxation, Health and the Life-Cycle" |
Discussants: |
Gilad Sorek, Auburn University |
Monday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 28L The Affordable Care Act |
Session Chairs: |
Gilad Sorek, Auburn University |
Papers: |
"Did the ACA Expansion of Dependent Coverage for Young Adults Reduce Avoidable Hospitalizations?" "An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Affordable Care Act and Abortion Rates" "How the Affordable Care Act Contributes to Risky Sexual Behavior" "Aging Out of Dependent Coverage—Health Care Usage of Adult Children in Their Last Year Under Parents’ Health Insurance" "Efficient Health Insurance Mandates in a Model with Consumer Bankruptcy" |
Discussants: |
Weiwei Chen, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |