2014 Sessions for Subhasree Basu Roy

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 09G
Health Outcomes of Older Americans

Session Chairs:

Subhasree Basu Roy, Missouri State University


"Effect of the Great Recession on Health and Health Behavior of Older Americans"
Subhasree Basu Roy, Missouri State University (Contact Author)

"The Evolution of Health and Older Age"
Drew Barker, University of West Georgia
William J. Smith, University of West Georgia (Contact Author)

"The Effects of Interviews on Memory Ability Among Older Americans"
Huan Ni, Kennesaw State University (Contact Author)

"Health Insurance Premiums and the Medical Care Utilization of the Elderly"
Yuping Tsai, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Contact Author)


Yuping Tsai, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Huan Ni, Kennesaw State University
Svetlana N. Beilfuss, Eastern Michigan University
Urbain Thierry Yogo, CERDI-Université d'Auvergne-France
Fafanyo Asiseh, North Carolina A&T State University


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4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 17I

Session Chairs:

Jorge Ibarra-Salazar, Tecnologico de Monterrey


"Female Empowerment and Its Implications for Women’s Nutritional Status in India"
Divya Balasubramaniam, Saint Joseph's University (Contact Author)

"Intrahousehold Bargaining Power and Its Impact on the Use of Contraceptives: Learning from Tajikistan Demographic and Health Survey"
Zarrina Juraqulova, Washington State University (Contact Author)

"Improving Maternal Health with Incentives to Mothers vs. Health Workers: Evidence from India"
Sisir Debnath, Indian School of Business (Contact Author)

"Equalization Transfers and Financial Dependence of Mexican States"
Jorge Ibarra-Salazar, Tecnologico de Monterrey (Contact Author)
Raymundo Rodriguez - Guajardo, Tecnologico de Monterrey


Zarrina Juraqulova, Washington State University
Subhasree Basu Roy, Missouri State University
Srimoyee Bose, West Virginia University
Bo Zhao, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston


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