2014 Sessions for Marietou Ouayogode

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 03C
Labor and Public Policy

Session Chairs:

Hizkia Tasik, Georgia State University


"Labor Supply Response to Price Level Shocks"
Joy Buchanan, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Daniel Houser, George Mason University

"The Heterogeneous Effect of Married Women's Property Laws"
Maryam Naghsh Nejad, Institute for the Study of Labor (Contact Author)

"Unintended Effects of the CMS Final Rule on Transplantation: A Patient Welfare Question"
Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Using Time and Essential Components to Mitigate Information Asymmetry Within the Welfare Benefit Programs"
Hizkia Tasik, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Wage-Oriented Unionization, Market Structure and Economic Growth"
Lei Ji, SciencesPo OFCE
Chienyu Huang, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Juin-Jen Chang, SINICA, (Contact Author)


Joy Buchanan, George Mason University
Maryam Naghsh Nejad, Institute for the Study of Labor
Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University
Lorenzo Almada, Columbia University


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 09L
Hospitals, Health Care Clinics, and Beds

Session Chairs:

Yi Lu, Barry University


"Factors Associated with Market Entry and Exit of Primary Care Clinics in California"
Suhui Li, The George Washington University (Contact Author)
Avi Dor, The George Washington University
Jesse Pines, The George Washington University
Mark Zocchi, The George Washington University
Renee Hsia, University of California, San Francisco

"Competition and Quality Choice in Hospital Markets"
Kevin Pflum, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Matthew Lewis, Clemson University

"Nowhere to Go: Psychiatric Bed Reductions and Ambulance Diversions"
Matthew D. Lang, Xavier University (Contact Author)

"The Regulatory Impact of the CMS CoP on Patient Selection of Transplant Centers: A Revealed Preference Approach to Measuring Congestion"
Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Kurt Schnier, University of California, Merced


Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University
Suhui Li, The George Washington University
Kevin Pflum, The University of Alabama
John V. Nye, George Mason University


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