2014 Sessions for Michael E. Wetzstein

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 25A


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

Amy B. Henderson, St. Mary's College of Maryland


"Is the U.S. Ready for Conversion of Shipping Fleets from Diesel to Compressed Natural Gas? A Real Options Analysis"
Hui Xian, The University of Georgia
Gregory J. Colson, The University of Georgia
Berna Karali, The University of Georgia
Michael E. Wetzstein, The University of Georgia

"Option Values and Willingness to Contract Expanded Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity"
Matthew E. Oliver, Georgia Institute of Technology
Charles F. Mason, University of Wyoming
David Finnoff, University of Wyoming

"Effectiveness of Capacity-Dependent Rooftop Solar Subsidies: Lessons from California"
Evan Rogers, North Carolina State University
Steve Sexton, North Carolina State University

"The Clean Air Act and the Low Sulfur Coal Boom"
Michael Craig, The University of Tennessee (Contact Author)


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