2014 Sessions for Neda Jahedmotlagh

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 25J
Energy and Environment


John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University

Session Chairs:

Jingjing Wang, The University of New Mexico


"Cleansing the Air at the Expenses of Waterways? Empirical Evidence from the Toxic Releases of the Power Plants in the U.S."
Xiang Bi, University of Florida (Contact Author)

"Environmental Regulation and the Changing Composition of the U.S. Electric Generating Industry"
Elaine F. Frey, California State University, Long Beach
Neda Jahedmotlagh, California State University, Long Beach

"The Environmental Effects of Electricity Congestion"
Erik P. Johnson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Juan Moreno-Cruz, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Climate Change Adaptation and International Environmental Agreements with Heterogeneous Agents"
Hongxiu Li, University of Waterloo
Horatiu A. Rus, University of Waterloo


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