2014 Sessions for Kevin Williams

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 08B
Education and Health


Lisa Schulkind, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Session Chairs:

Lisa Schulkind, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte


"The Timing of Teenage Births and the Economic Returns to Education"
Lisa Schulkind, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Contact Author)
Danielle Sandler, US Census Bureau

"Does Closing Schools Close Doors? The Effect of High School Closures on Achievement and Attainment"
Matthew Larsen, Tulane University (Contact Author)

"The Causal Effect of the School Day Schedule on the Academic Achievement of Adolescents"
Teny Shapiro, Santa Clara University (Contact Author)
Kevin Williams, University of California, Davis


Jeremy Grant Moulton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Paul Gaggl, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Andrew Goodman-Bacon, University of California Berkley


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