2014 Sessions for Jillian Beaugez Carr

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 08C
Risky or Criminal Behaviors


Sarah M. Estelle, Hope College

Session Chairs:

Sarah M. Estelle, Hope College


"Measuring Changes in the Costs of Teenage Childbearing"
Daniel M. Leeds, Michigan Department of Education (Contact Author)
Emily Gray Collins, University of Michigan

"Proximate and Economic Determinants of Obesity: A Cross-National Analysis"
Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University
Nadia Doytch, Brooklyn College-CUNY
Inas Rashad Kelly, Queens College of The City University of New York (Contact Author)

"Incarceration vs. Treatment-Based Approaches to Juvenile Crime: Effects on Education"
Dhaval M. Dave, Bentley University (Contact Author)
Alison Evans Cuellar, George Mason University

"Meth, Death, and Alcohol: The Unintended Consequences of Alcohol Prohibition on Methamphetamine Use"
Jose Fernandez, University of Louisville (Contact Author)
Stephan F. Gohmann, University of Louisville
Joshua Pinkston, University of Louisville


Xu Wang, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Resul Cesur, University of Connecticut
Matthew D. Lang, Xavier University
Jillian Beaugez Carr, Texas A&M University


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 04F
Female Labor Supply

Session Chairs:

Fatma Romeh Mohamed Ali, Georgia State University


"What Happened to Rosie?"
Andrew Rettenmaier, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)
Jillian Beaugez Carr, Texas A&M University

"Empirical Evaluation of Japan’s 2003 Childcare Support Law: Effects on Full-time Female Employment"
Tomoki Kitamura, NLI Research Institute (Contact Author)
Tamie Matsuura, Social Improvement and Life Design Research Group, NLI-Research Institute
Kunio Nakashima, NLI Research Institute

"The Effects of the FMLA on Women’s Employment: A New Perspective"
Xilin Zhou, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Ex-Ante Evaluation of Parental Leave Expansion"
Shintaro Yamaguchi, McMaster University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of Female Education on Fertility: A Natural Experiment from Egypt"
Shiferaw Gurmu, Georgia State University
Fatma Romeh Mohamed Ali, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


Shintaro Yamaguchi, McMaster University
Andrew Rettenmaier, Texas A&M University
Tomoki Kitamura, NLI Research Institute
Xilin Zhou, Georgia State University
Inna Cintina, University of Hawaii, Manoa


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 21G
Migration and Policy

Session Chairs:

Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College


"The Political Economy of State-Level Immigrant Policy"
Qinping Feng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)

"Motivation Is My Human Capital: 21st Century Immigration into the US"
Fahad Gill, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Family or Work: Preference-Based Immigration and City Growth"
Jason J. Delaney, Georgia Gwinnett College (Contact Author)

"Under the Table and Dreaming: The Migratory Response of Immigrants and Natives to Differences in State Minimum Wages"
Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College (Contact Author)
Kristen Veit, Stonehill College

"Location Preferences of Retirees"
Ryan Mickey, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


Jillian Beaugez Carr, Texas A&M University
Hal Martin, Georgia State University
Wesley Routon, Georgia Gwinnett College
Ryan Mickey, Georgia State University
Qinping Feng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 11J
Crime I

Session Chairs:

Jungtaek Lee, State University of New York at Albany


"Classrooms and Street Corners: The Relationship Between Crime and Educational Outcomes"
Dongwoo Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)

"Medical Marijuana and Crimes"
Jungtaek Lee, State University of New York at Albany (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Sex Offender Registries on Recidivism: Evidence from a Natural Experiment"
Jillian Beaugez Carr, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Automated Traffic Enforcement on Crime Rates"
Sarah Marx Quintanar, University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Contact Author)


Sarah Marx Quintanar, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Dongwoo Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Austin Sell, The University of Oklahoma
Jillian Beaugez Carr, Texas A&M University


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 11K
Crime II

Session Chairs:

Vijetha Koppa, Texas A&M University


"Domestic Violence after the Passage of Smoking Bans in Bars"
Isaac Swensen, Montana State University (Contact Author)

"The Impact of State-Mandated Alternative Education Programs for Expelled and Suspended Students on Juvenile Crime"
Vladimir Fleurimond, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Housing Vouchers on Crime: Evidence from a Lottery"
Jillian Beaugez Carr, Texas A&M University
Vijetha Koppa, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)


Sarah Marx Quintanar, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Brian Hill, Salisbury University
Thomas M. Carroll, Thomas Carroll & Associates, Ltd.
David N. van der Goes, University of New Mexico


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