2014 Sessions for Eric Zivot

8:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Session 20J
Price Volatility, Persistence, and Forecasting

Session Chairs:

Syed Galib Sultan, University of Washington Seattle


"Assessing the Cause of Price Volatility"
Rob Tischer, University of New Hampshire (Contact Author)

"Crude Oil Price Volatility and Asymmetric Gasoline Price Responses"
Sajjadur Rahman, Texas A&M University-San Antonio (Contact Author)

"Did Speculation Cause Greater Volatility in Oil Prices?"
Mahboobeh Asghari, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"Out-of-Sample Forecast Model Averaging with Parameter Instability"
Anwen Yin, Iowa State University (Contact Author)

"Price Discovery Beta—An Order Invariant Measure of Price Discovery with Application to Exchange-Traded Funds"
Syed Galib Sultan, University of Washington Seattle (Contact Author)
Eric Zivot, University of Washington Seattle


Anwen Yin, Iowa State University
Rob Tischer, University of New Hampshire
Sajjadur Rahman, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Mahboobeh Asghari, University of Houston
Syed Galib Sultan, University of Washington Seattle


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