2014 Sessions for Ryan Ruddy

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 08G
Pharmaceutical Drugs

Session Chairs:

Ryan Ruddy, University of Houston


"The Impact of Remittances and Net Bilateral Health Aid on Immunization and Mortality Rates in Developing Countries"
Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton (Contact Author)

"Why Trash Don’t Pass? Pharmaceutical Licensing and Safety Performance of Drugs"
Tannista Banerjee, Auburn University (Contact Author)
Arnab Nayak, Deloitte and Touche

"Off-Label Use and Welfare in the Market for Pharmaceuticals"
Jonathan W. Williams, The University of Georgia (Contact Author)
W. David Bradford, The University of Georgia
John L. Turner, The University of Georgia
Meredith Marie Paker, The University of Georgia

"Stimulating Marriage: The Effect of Viagra on Marriage Rates"
Ryan Ruddy, University of Houston (Contact Author)

"TRIPS, Has It Altered the Trading Pattern of Pharmaceutical Drugs?"
Jevay Grooms , University of Florida (Contact Author)


Jonathan W. Williams, The University of Georgia
Sophia Terrelonge, State University of New York at Binghamton
Mohammad Mainul Hoque, Iowa State University
Jevay Grooms , University of Florida
Molly Candon, The University of Georgia


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 28K
Health Care Disparities

Session Chairs:

Christopher Brunt, Georgia Southern University


"Assessing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Willingness to Pay for Improved Health—Evidence from the Aging Population"
Olufolake Odufuwa, The University of New Mexico (Contact Author)
Robert Berrens, The University of New Mexico
Robert O. Valdez, The University of New Mexico

"Racial Differences in Perception of Quality of Mental Health Services"
John Robst, University of South Florida (Contact Author)

"Medicare Part B Payment and Racial Health Disparities"
Christopher Brunt, Georgia Southern University (Contact Author)

"Horizontal Inequity in Hospital Care Utilization: Evidence from India"
Dinkar Kuchibhotla, Washington State University (Contact Author)


Dinkar Kuchibhotla, Washington State University
John Robst, University of South Florida
Yi Lu, Barry University
Ryan Ruddy, University of Houston


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