2014 Sessions for Qinping Feng

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 21G
Migration and Policy

Session Chairs:

Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College


"The Political Economy of State-Level Immigrant Policy"
Qinping Feng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Contact Author)

"Motivation Is My Human Capital: 21st Century Immigration into the US"
Fahad Gill, Middle Tennessee State University (Contact Author)

"Family or Work: Preference-Based Immigration and City Growth"
Jason J. Delaney, Georgia Gwinnett College (Contact Author)

"Under the Table and Dreaming: The Migratory Response of Immigrants and Natives to Differences in State Minimum Wages"
Sean E. Mulholland, Stonehill College (Contact Author)
Kristen Veit, Stonehill College

"Location Preferences of Retirees"
Ryan Mickey, Georgia State University (Contact Author)


Jillian Beaugez Carr, Texas A&M University
Hal Martin, Georgia State University
Wesley Routon, Georgia Gwinnett College
Ryan Mickey, Georgia State University
Qinping Feng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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