2014 Sessions for Gautam Rao

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 11D*
Empirical Behavioral Economics


Alex R. Rees-Jones, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

Session Chairs:

Alex R. Rees-Jones, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania


"Loss Aversion Motivates Tax Sheltering: Evidence from U.S. Tax Returns"
Alex R. Rees-Jones, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (Contact Author)

"Gift Exchange at Work"
Gautam Rao, Harvard University
Stefano DellaVigna, University of California, Berkeley
John A. List, The University of Chicago
Ulrike Malmendier, University of California, Berkeley

"The Size of the LGBT Population and the Magnitude of Anti-Gay Sentiments Are Substantially Underestimated"
Keith Ericson, Boston University
Katherine B. Coffman, The Ohio State University
Lucas C. Coffman, The Ohio State University

"Does Having More Time to Repay Break the Payday-Loan Rollover Cycle? Implications for Understanding Myopic Borrowers"
Justin Sydnor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Paige M. Skiba, Vanderbilt University Law School


Leigh Wedenoja, Cornell University
Michaela Pagel, University of California, Berkeley
Michael Kuhn, University of Oregon
Carolina Castilla, Colgate University


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