2014 Sessions for Shagata Mukherjee

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 24L
Experiments Examining the Effect of Gender and Personality


Arthur L. Zillante, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Session Chairs:

Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston


"Competitiveness and the Gender Wage Gap"
Andrew McGee, Simon Fraser University (Contact Author)
Peter McGee, National University of Singapore
Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore

"Gender and Group Liability in Microfinance Experiment"
Shagata Mukherjee, Georgia State University (Contact Author)

"Leader Transparency in a Sequential Leader/Follower Game"
Philip Grossman, Monash University (Contact Author)
Mana Komai, St. Cloud State University

"Personality and Performance Across Classic Experiments"
Calvin Blackwell, College of Charleston (Contact Author)


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