2014 Sessions for Daniel K Saunders

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 24I
Game Theory Experiments


Arthur L. Zillante, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Session Chairs:

Zhengzheng Wang, Texas A&M University


"Testing Prudence, Justice, and Benevolence in Repeated Global Bargaining Games"
Ajalavat Viriyavipart, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)
John Van Huyck, Texas A&M University

"The Trouble with Trembles: Reverberating Noise in the Market Entry Game"
Daniel K Saunders, University of California, Santa Barbara (Contact Author)

"How Will Others Play This Game? Heterogeneous Beliefs and Non-Defection in Finite Games"
Dimitry Mezhvinsky, The Ohio State University (Contact Author)

"An Experimental Analysis of the Non-Constant-Sum Colonel Blotto Game"
Zhengzheng Wang, Texas A&M University (Contact Author)


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