2014 Sessions for Jinill Kim

1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 18C
Growth, Public Debt, and Financial Market Stability


Inhyuck Steve Ha, Western Carolina University

Session Chairs:

Yunsun Huh, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay


"Stock Market Co-Movements: Who's the Leader?"
Hyeongwoo Kim, Auburn University (Contact Author)
Jintae Kim, Auburn University

"Designing a Simple Loss Function for the Fed: Does the Dual Mandate Make Sense?"
Davide Debortoli, University of California, San Diego
Jinill Kim, Korea University (Contact Author)
Jesper Linde, Federal Reserve Board
Ricardo Nunes, Federal Reserve Board

"The Public Debt vs GDP Growth Conundrum: Causality, Nonlinearity and Original Sin"
Junsoo Lee, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Robert Sonora, Fort Lewis College
Josip Tica, University of Zagreb
Vladimir Arcabic, University of Zagreb

"The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program for Farmers in the U.S.: Role of Incentives in Program Participation"
Yu Na Lee, University of Minnesota,Twin Cities (Contact Author)
David R. Just, Cornell University
Nancy Chau, Cornell University

"Financial Integration, Capital Controls and the Stability of Financial Markets: The Case of Korea"
Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky (Contact Author)
Shinyoung Kim, Bank of Korea
Jangyoun Lee, Bank of Korea


Yu Na Lee, University of Minnesota,Twin Cities
Yoonbai Kim, University of Kentucky
Hyeongwoo Kim, Auburn University
Jinill Kim, Korea University
Junsoo Lee, The University of Alabama


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