2014 Sessions for Ryan Williams

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 18G
Racial Inequality in Health, Wages, and Location


Steven Payson, AIRLEAP


"The LEP Earnings Penalty and Gender Differences Among Foreign-Born Latino Immigrants in the United States"
Ying Zhen, Wesleyan College (Contact Author)

"Measuring Access to Healthful, Affordable Food in American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Areas"
Phil Kaufman, USDA, Economic Research Service (retired) (Contact Author)
Chris Dicken, USDA, Economic Research Service
Ryan Williams, USDA, Economic Research Service

"Why Are the Location Choices of Hispanics Different? Theory and Evidence"
Daniel A. Broxterman, The George Washington University (Contact Author)


Nicole Nestoriak, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Steven Payson, AIRLEAP
Anita Cassard, University of Phoenix


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