2014 Sessions for Mike Matheis

3:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Session 26M
Environmental Economics


Arthur H. Goldsmith, Washington and Lee University

Session Chairs:

Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Salisbury University


"Probabilistic Stabilization Targets"
Luke Fitzpatrick, University of Miami (Contact Author)

"The Effect of Water Supply Shocks on the Electricity Mix: Implications for Climate Change"
Jonathan Eyer, North Carolina State University (Contact Author)
Casey J. Wichman, University of Maryland

"Perverse Incentives and Safe Harbors of the Endangered Species Act: Evidence from Timber Harvests near Woodpeckers"
Jacob P. Byl, Vanderbilt University (Contact Author)

"Local Economic Impacts of Coal Mining in the U.S. 1870-1970"
Mike Matheis, The University of Arizona (Contact Author)


James F. Casey, Washington and Lee University
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University
Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Salisbury University
J. Wesley Burnett, College of Charleston


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