2014 Sessions for Carol Propper

10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15B*
Motivation in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors


Daniel B. Jones, University of South Carolina

Session Chairs:

Daniel B. Jones, University of South Carolina


"Clerics and Sermons: An Experiment on Interethnic Giving in Afghanistan"
Sera Linardi, University of Pittsburgh (Contact Author)
Luke Condra, University of Pittsburgh
Mohammad Isaqzadeh, The American University of Afghanistan

"Motivating Agents: How Much Does the Mission Matter?"
Erick Gong, Middlebury College
Jeff Carpenter, Middlebury College

"Why Adopt Nonprofit Status? Evidence from Nursing Homes"
Daniel B. Jones, University of South Carolina (Contact Author)
Carol Propper, University of Bristol
Sarah Smith, University of Bristol


Erick Gong, Middlebury College
Daniel B. Jones, University of South Carolina
Sera Linardi, University of Pittsburgh


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