Sunday 4:00 - 5:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 15I Urban Growth and Regional Performance |
Session Chairs: |
Francis W. Ahking, University of Connecticut |
Papers: |
"City Growth Across the E.U." "How Urbanization Drives the Growth of Urban Economy: The Case of Shanghai" "Raising Dragons" "The Economies of the Great Lakes Region" |
Discussants: |
Thomas Lebesmuehlbacher, The University of Georgia |
Monday 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. SEA |
Session 15K Health, Marriage and Pay |
Session Chairs: |
Michael Malcolm, West Chester University of Pennsylvania |
Papers: |
"Selection Works Both Ways: BMI and Marital Formation Among Young Women" "Youth Weight-to-Height Proportionality (BMI): The Stability of Structure Across the Teen Years and Twenties" "Sleep and Productivity" "The Effects of Prenatal Testosterone on Adult Wages: Evidence from Russian RMLS Data and Measured 2D:4D Digit Ratios" |
Discussants: |
Matthew Gibson, University of California, San Diego |
Monday 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. SEA |
Session 09L Hospitals, Health Care Clinics, and Beds |
Session Chairs: |
Yi Lu, Barry University |
Papers: |
"Factors Associated with Market Entry and Exit of Primary Care Clinics in California" "Competition and Quality Choice in Hospital Markets" "Nowhere to Go: Psychiatric Bed Reductions and Ambulance Diversions" "The Regulatory Impact of the CMS CoP on Patient Selection of Transplant Centers: A Revealed Preference Approach to Measuring Congestion" |
Discussants: |
Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University |