2014 Sessions for John V. Nye

4:00 - 5:45 p.m.
Session 15I
Urban Growth and Regional Performance

Session Chairs:

Francis W. Ahking, University of Connecticut


"City Growth Across the E.U."
Gina Pieters, Trinity University (Contact Author)
Scott Petty, University of Minnesota

"How Urbanization Drives the Growth of Urban Economy: The Case of Shanghai"
Haobin Fan, Clemson University (Contact Author)

"Raising Dragons"
John V. Nye, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Melanie Meng Xue, George Mason University

"The Economies of the Great Lakes Region"
Francis W. Ahking, University of Connecticut (Contact Author)


Thomas Lebesmuehlbacher, The University of Georgia
Gina Pieters, Trinity University
Melanie Meng Xue, George Mason University
David N. van der Goes, University of New Mexico


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10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Session 15K
Health, Marriage and Pay

Session Chairs:

Michael Malcolm, West Chester University of Pennsylvania


"Selection Works Both Ways: BMI and Marital Formation Among Young Women"
Michael Malcolm, West Chester University of Pennsylvania (Contact Author)
Ilker Kaya, American University of Sharjah

"Youth Weight-to-Height Proportionality (BMI): The Stability of Structure Across the Teen Years and Twenties"
Molly Jacobs, The George Washington University (Contact Author)

"Sleep and Productivity"
Matthew Gibson, University of California, San Diego (Contact Author)
Jeffrey Shrader, University of California, San Diego

"The Effects of Prenatal Testosterone on Adult Wages: Evidence from Russian RMLS Data and Measured 2D:4D Digit Ratios"
John V. Nye, George Mason University (Contact Author)
Maria Yudkevich, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ekaterina Orel, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ekaterina Kochergina, National Research University Higher School of Economics


Matthew Gibson, University of California, San Diego
Mehrnoush Motamedi, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Molly Jacobs, The George Washington University
Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Beloit College


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1:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Session 09L
Hospitals, Health Care Clinics, and Beds

Session Chairs:

Yi Lu, Barry University


"Factors Associated with Market Entry and Exit of Primary Care Clinics in California"
Suhui Li, The George Washington University (Contact Author)
Avi Dor, The George Washington University
Jesse Pines, The George Washington University
Mark Zocchi, The George Washington University
Renee Hsia, University of California, San Francisco

"Competition and Quality Choice in Hospital Markets"
Kevin Pflum, The University of Alabama (Contact Author)
Matthew Lewis, Clemson University

"Nowhere to Go: Psychiatric Bed Reductions and Ambulance Diversions"
Matthew D. Lang, Xavier University (Contact Author)

"The Regulatory Impact of the CMS CoP on Patient Selection of Transplant Centers: A Revealed Preference Approach to Measuring Congestion"
Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University (Contact Author)
Kurt Schnier, University of California, Merced


Marietou Ouayogode, Georgia State University
Suhui Li, The George Washington University
Kevin Pflum, The University of Alabama
John V. Nye, George Mason University


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